07-08-35 Regular
July 8, 1935
The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P~M. with
the Mayor and Counoilmen Gwynn, J"ohnstllln and J"lllnes pll1esent.
Mr. Feete was absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting of June 24th, were
rea~, ,and by motion regularly make, seoonded and oarried
approved. , ~~. Hand who was present stated the prioe of
$17.50 for publioity booklets as stated in the minutes did not
inolude additional or new outs, whioh would be anQextra oost.
A letter and questionnaire from the Engineering Experi~
ment Station, Gainesville, with referenoe to beaoh and shore
erosion oontrol was by motion of Mr. Jones referred to the
Beaoh and :J?ark Oommi ttee for reply. The motion was seoonded byl
Mr. Hill and unanimously carried.
A letter from Carl Meeks with further referenoe to
getting and adjustment of the 1934 taxes on the A;lterep Hotel
was reoei ved, and it was moved by Mr. Hi,ll that the Olerk be
instruoted to write Mr. Meeks stating that nothing oould be
done in the way of adjusting ourrent year's taxes. The motion
was seoonded by Mr. Jones and unanimously oarried.
A letter was read from Mr~S. 0.. Kearley; repres~hting
the Bondholders Commi't$ee raiSing objeotipn to the proposfild
setting up of a MUn+oipal Tax Adjustment Board in this ~ltY;
and threatening injunotion prooeedinga<dli! suoh a Board..jtttempted
to function. The letter was reoeived and ordered plaoed on file
Communioations were read from the W. $. EngineerOffioe
demanding that the City's water main be lowered the fUl:).
fifteen feet required in their perml t to the City.: This ,~1;ter'
was disoussed at length and it WillS finally moved, biMI''' Jones
that the City Clerk, in oonjunotion with the City Attorney, be
instruoted to write to the Clark Dredging" Company a.nd asoertain
as to when they intend to oemplete their contra,ot t,op:1aOe said\
main at the required depth. 'Mr. Hill seconded llhe motion whiohFi
was unanimously oarried. '
The Mayl1>r brought up the rnaY1;er of.' employing an extra
man as plumbing and building inl3peo!\lol',.. ,s,ta,ting,that.therei>'"
was more work in Mr. Baker's department than he was able to take
oare of, and oonsequently a great deal of pluinbingwasbeing d~Il
with'mt!! either permits or inspeotion. It ,was moved by Mr. Hi~'ttl'.
seolimded by Mr. .Tones a:p.di unanimously carried, that the ",chair!r.7
pppoint a oommittee to investigate and deo.ide ast0,thefeasibili
of employing a man, fl)r, this \',Urk. .A.cot>r!l;j,IlglyvOounOilmen Gwynn
Hill and.Tl>n~Swereappointed on thi~ittee.
JUiliW 8, 1935
A request from colored people of West Palm Beaoh to
hold a pionio on Delray Beaoh was read and it was moved by
Mr. Hill that the Clerk write, refusing said permit for the
reason that no place on the City's Beach issallotted to
negroes. Mr. Jones seoonded the Motion, whioh oarried
It was moved by 1{U'. Hill that Mr. Baker be authorized
to purohase neoessary ooke for the filtration plant. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Gwynn, and unanimously oarried.
Mr. Jones reported that the sewer repair job had
been oompleted on N. W. First Avenue between First and Seoond
Streets and the men were now working South of Atlantio Avenue.
The Mayor reported also, that he had been suooessful in getting
an additional 3800 hours on this projeot.
The olerk reported the neoessity of employing a full
time typist for approximately a mohth to type the 1935 "ta.:!(
roll; aloe the need of an extra girl during the absehoe of
Miss Priest on a week's vaoation, and it was regularly moved by
Mr. GwyIin that the Glerk be empowered to employ this nt!oessary
help for the times stated. Rr. Hill seoonded the moyfen Vihieh
oarried unanimously. '
The Clerk stated Mr. Kearley had given verbal oonsent
to the extensi(:ln of the ordinanoe permitting delinquent t,,-x '"
payments to be maMe with bonds but that the amended 0rdina~oe had
not yet been drawn, whereupon it was moved by Mr. Gwynn that the.
Clerk be instruoted to prooeed to accept suoh bond payments .
until said ordinanoe is d'rawn and regularly adopted by the
60unoil. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, 'Rhich on roll oall
carried unanimously. '
'~11!r;,.,lJ[lDhnst(i)n reperted that Aaron Smook had beendetllployed
to paint the name on the MunioipalP'Qol, ,ayment for same to be,
taken out in water bills.
A letter from the Automobile Tourists Assooiation with
fur "the l' referenoe to holding winter conve:ition at BrinyBJ,'eeze
~ourist Camp wa~ referred to q~cilman Jones for reply and
whatever aotion he lleemed neoessary. .', '
It was regUlarly moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded Mr~
Gwynn that Counoil Adjourn.
M QJL .W.. ..Q~,"
" CityOlerk-.71 ..'
Preside~e' CounOil. /