07-22-35 Regular
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July 22nd, 1935
The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. wi1il
the Mayor and the following members of the Counoil present:
Mr. Gwynn, Mr. Johnston and Mr. Jonees. Mr. Hill and Mr. Foote
were abset.
The minutes of the last meeting held July 8th were
read and approved by motion regularly made and oarried.
The Clerk read a letter from D.J. MOr1'ison requeting
that sewer line be extended North from Third Street tQrough
Blook 105 to Fourth Street. This was ordel'edfiled, to be
considered later together with other sewer extensions"
It was moved by Mr. Jones, seoonded by Mr. GwYnn and
unan1moUsly oarr1ed that the Clerk sendsSIIlplee ofooke remo:ved
from the filter at the Water Plant to the M:!!3lll1 Coal and Oil
Company to ascertain as to whether it was saleable and what
prioe they would pay for same.
Bym.otion of Mr. Gwynn it was moved ,that the, foud."
ing assessments for 1934 personal tax be oan<l~lled, for the
reasons herein stated. "
Hall Reel)y company:
past four years, and
This Company out 'of existenoe for
no property ass essable under t'his
American AgrioulturalChenical AssooiatJon: This was an
ill egal ass essmen t, no p.ersona1 property of this Company
being located in t!).e city of Delray Beaoh since 1932.
I.J. Sinks, De;Lray Bailders Assn. : This Company out o,f
existence sinoe 1926 and no personal propertYion whic
to levy.
Ketler Sweet S!).oppe:
s1de the City limits.
This equipment and stook moved' out~ "
Nothing left to levy, on., '''q'"", ,'" '"'I'''''''':':'''''''''''''''
,The Clerk was, ordered to proceed with the oollection,ibf all
other unpaid 1934 personal tll,Xes. She stated. in sQ!IlI:l,:inatanoes,
it apparentlY would be necessary to levy and issue warrant for
oollection, and the City Attorney agreed to proceed in this<
manner, where neoessary, without extra attorney feea for his
A request from the Bui.ldi:og InspeCtor
asking'~ii~~ ,the
.. :, -;--' ,'.. .::~~~1~*l,t(:,i~'t;;J;\:<~: <;
July 22nd, 1935 (oonttd.)
Counoil gran t him permi ssion to oharge for building ue:mni ts
aooording to the soale set forth in the West Palm Beaoh
Building Ordinanoe until such time as the new Building oode is
adopted, was by motion regularly made; seoonded and carri ed,
granted. ,.,
Counoilman Jones reported he lE:d talked to Ward B.
Miller wi th further referenoe to the oonvention of the Trail-
ers Assooiation. Mr. Miller, he said, was building a oommunity
hall for the use of the oampers and a sked that the City of Delre. y
Beaoh furnish an orohestra. This, Mr. Jones had informed Mr.
Miller, the City was unable to do.
The Clerk reported that she had not oommunio ated with
the Clark Dredging Company yet in regard to lowering of the
water main.
The City,Attorney stated he had drawn an ammended
ordinanoe providing for payment of delin~uen t taxes with bonds
and had submitted same to the Bondholder s Comm1ttee, but so
far, had not received their approval ~~, same.
There was oonsiderable disoussion in regard to Work-
men's Compensation Insuranoe. Mr. Byrd agreed to get in
touoh with .Mr. Dorsey with further referenoe to this matter, tq
determine whether it would be advisable for the City to take out
an inmrance polioy or to beoome a self insurer of its snployees
Mr. Byrd stated the K1wanis were advooating an F.E.B.A
project for playgrounds and parks to be worked out in oO,n-
junction with other work the 01 ty is doing. In this conneotion
it was moved by Mr. Jones tha t the C1 ty A tt orney 'be instruoted
to prooeed with the aoquiring of deeds to the following pro-
perty for moh purposes.
Lots 7 to 16 incl.
si of
All of
Blook 44
Blook 51
Blook 52
The motion was seoonded by Mr. Gwynn; and unaniously oarried.
A long disoussion ensued regarding extensi on of sewer
line in Ward I and other parts of the City, the cos1;Of"sam'e,';
eto. It was stated, that:~fie present F.E.B"A. labor; exten-
sions of the system oould be made at this time for praotlcally
the oost of material only j and it was suggested by counoilman
Johnston that groups of property owners in Blooksdesiringse!er
extens:lfen, get toget~;1' and pay the oost of the pipe,thEl'city
to fu1"n1.sh labor for,the laying of same. He requested the
JIIdltoJ:'t€) insert suoh a notifioation to property owners in the
:PEl1,ra;~'Beaoh News . "',
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July 22nd, 1935 (Cont'd)
In regard to the appointment of a plumbing inspeotor,
Mr. Gwynn stated it was the opinion of the COllllllittee that suoh
an appointment shOl.l,ldbe,made,o He was llQ,t.preparedtoadvise,..""
the Counoil, however, but agreed to meet wi th other members of
the Committee the following day and be prepared to made reoom-
mendation to the Counoil at its next meeting.
It was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that the
Fire Chief be authorized to purchase three batteries and a set
of spark plugs for the Fire Truoks.
It was regularly moved. seoonded and oarried tha t bills
numbered 752 to 7e3, having been O. K'D by the Fin~oe Com.
mittee be returned to the Counoil and ordered paid.
There being no further business it was regularly moved
seoonded.and carried that Counoil adjorn.
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ct<ty Gler..:
President t ~ uno prc{Temf