08-06-35 :,it- ~? ~ ""''''';'''''.^~K'~''':''''_''''-''''''''''''''''''''''"'~''~''''~''; 488 COUNCIL CHAMBER Augu!lt 6. 1935 ~ Counoil _Cl p118sl1ant tea neUoe duly publ~shed. and in accordanee with the ()rd~ees and oharter .t the OU,.., as a Board 01' EquaUzation, at 9;30 A.M. fte _.r ",ana CqnCil.DleD G'QDn, Hill, ;robsloon and ;rones were present. "olU1oilman '.ote was out or 1Ilno1O-'--- lIrs. Grant and lIr. "fenbro.k appeared t. asoertain the asses8Dl8:nts plnod en their rupeo"UVCl properties but had .0 oemplaints to make. Mr. A:. Hetman entend a complaint with nga1"l.\ to aSS88s- ment on h1a vacant l.ts' on the Federal Highway, asking a redu!)t1on .. lets 22 to 28 in :Block 113. Itbei.g apparent that there.as a disorepamoy between !I~d lets and thQse in the bloOk :1mmediately Seuth. 111 wa. rlilgUlarly mOTed, seoendeel and oarried that the ..ses8Dl8nt be relluoed 1>> POP.OO on lets 22 to 27 anti t. t2liiO.OO on LOt 28 in 'bok 113, and that the Wo.. hut bios in Blook 114 be assessed at '250.00 eaoh with tho exceptioh'i!ethe ceilers whioh aheul. be asaessed at '300.00 eaoh. lIr. hfd Soott als. appeared betore the Beard aekingthaf ,Lit the Seaore,a1l Botd aSlles8Dl8nt b. rll/duoed "to appl'Ox_te1y wl1a1'-.,:1.:6, ..!,.. WlilS lut year, He sta1ietl that no reduoUon had been madeilJ,"~. real estatlit Taluat1eIl tor the eighll and "lie:!! toot strips dee4.4\~:n:' to the C1ty tor stre.t purposes. He allilo ente;red a eomplaint on the YS,tOh :property on.eli,< Beaoh .._lng tb4t same also be ~duoed. .tat~ng 1t waa asaessed te. high cOlIl:pa1'$d to other properties ."er there. The I.ard ag:ree<<to look iato the.e assessments to .soertain whether reducUoIlS were 1:!! erde:t. anel to aelviseMr. Scott &S to the1r de'1.1en .n both of these 4aS8S. Itw.s regularly moved, aennied and carried that Board ~cess until 9 :~O, Wednesday morning, August 7tl1. fY7 Il 0 Wty '~~:rrr ~~VED: 4J~'~~ ,~"...' . ~h . ....11 ...._