08-07-35 Adjourned Special :,t. <Of -'~,:',"!"-"-Y".":""-"""- -~"""'''',?,.":;,:..,-~..,-.,:.,~,c..,.,m.~_._"",,.._. .. ~~ .,. ..~_~ ,"","~"_~'~ 489 COUNCIL CHAMBER August 7th, 1935 The g0~cl1 met in adje1UlB.dspecial session as a Beard or ~~ualization at 9:30 A. M with the Mayor, Oity Attorney and aauncllmen H1ll and "'.lulston present" lIr. ;ren.. arrived be1'ore .the _eUns was Gver. Oounoilman Foote was out 01' ,.Olf1h Mr. 1fUepper appeared and examined the roll as to his ,assesSJaents but had no oompMint to make in regard te same. Mr. l.aeerge alao appeared and disoussed his assess- ments nth the Beard but stated he had no ebjec"Uen to same when it was sholm that the appnisalll en his preperties were in conrormity ...Uh other like properties. Mr. RalJbard and Mr. Hellanil,,appeare4!lDd disoussea the perso1!a1:''P1'1DpEirty assessl:!lent .of ~~Q.OO plaiee"against the Flerlda State Bank aDd they ..~.~.s..athat same be reduoed to $1,000.00; which they considered a fair valuation. '.l'h.re being ne further o_p6ilints; the meeUng reoessecl to l\l8et in adjourned session, August 8th, 1935 '}K<Lll LV . ~~ 01"ty (ilerk' ' APPROVED I w~~~ P,resid.nt 0, h ounoll i I I "..I ; <]1 "..