08-08-35 Special ~,"-.;~:<: .':':';w~_""'''''..:~_.:__"ry_""-,,,,'''''''_'' .....'_~.;_.."..'c."'~_'".":".;.' --"~'"'~'''~~~''''' , ...........-..1",.. 490 "" GOUNCIL CHAMBER AUgust 8, 1935 q The 'ounoil ~t in special s~ssion at 9:30 A.M. on call ef the JlayOl". The Oi ty Attern"'y. Mayer and,Oouncilmen Gwynn. Hill and ;rohnston were present. COUl'lcilman Veate was out or town. Mr. ~d presented a resolution adopting proposed temporary wharies and b$head lines as prepared by Mr..~o. Cur. !':ngineer employed by the CitY' to draw plans to aCCompany the City's application to the Govetnment tOl" the establishment of a bulkhead line through DelreY !each. 1'\1 ne moved by Mr. :!Iill that eaid Resolution numbcred 147, O:J."4inance hok 4, approving p1ans, and temporary bulkhead lines he adopted. Mr. -Gwynn seconded the motion whioh carried ,)y un~imQualy. It.as further ordered that the rellowing ordinanoe be read in tull ORD.NO. 1.48 ORD. BOOK 4 v AN ORDINANOE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH.FLORIDA. DEFINING AND PREBORIBINGA ~RARY BULKHEAD LINE ALONG FLORIDA EAST COAST CANAL. 'l'HBOUGH THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. :un. Cl>:rdinance haVing been relld in fuJ.l. it Wall moved by Mr. Hill secended by... Gwynn and ~:tmOUlllY carried that the e~lnanoe b' pas$e4 on 1ts first reading. 'Jlhe~ being no further b."1ne".. MeeUng adjourned. 1M.~ W'~~ flity GJlerk ., , ... AP~~: ~s1 It