08-08-35 Adjourned Special ~""_""-"~"'<<,",.",-,-"'"'"""':-""""""~,,,,,:, "'. ..". ..~-..,.._".,..,'Pt'~l!!'" -i_f~ COUNCIL Cal\MBER August 8, 1935 '1)0 1!he Oounoil met in adjourned speoial session at 11:00 A.Ii. as a BoaD! 01 EqllaUaers. o / ~ Mayor, ,City Attorney and Counc11me:n aill, Gwynn, Joosten and .Te:nes were presenU CounO.ilman FlJote was out o~ town. .\~ "Mr. Gene Burd, appeared be tore the ,Bclard in referenoe to his real estate valuathns, and hIS o0Dlplaint was duly dealt with and adjusted to his satisfaction. '!'here being no furthel' comp1alnts; and theB4tard d.,eming its work or equalization to have been satlsfaotorily oompleted. 1 twas move,d by "Mr H1llthe following Resolut1en No. 149 Ordinanoe Beok4. be ado"Pted. " '! "i , , WHEREAS, the A",..ssor of Taxes of' thlf City Glf Delrq Beaoh,i norida has prepared the 1955 Tax As.usmen1;""11 of both the pe:rsonA. ana.~,,:lpreperty lOllated within the City nbjeot 110 tUat1Qn,an4 ha pass...id A",sessment Roll to the Ci1lyQounoil sitting as a Boar(l o:r:rtmi!:lbat1on or 'faxes, the assessmen1ls u shown on said rolls to be equalized and revised; WHEREAS, the CUy CGllnol1 deemed it to be neoessaryand eXllf.ldient to extend the tme wi th:l.n wh10h the Assesser.' TueliJ shouldoomplete h:l8 said assessment rCllle and d1d extend tq.,tl", ',,,,,, for thirty days, and for that reuon the sa1cl .Beard of Eqllaliza~ion 07(4'0 of Taxes clid not held its mee1l1ng on thefil'st T\1uday in .Tuly.. ' "but did !).O:Ld said meeting on the first TIle.day in August, 1.~5'r a~lIe1' clue ,notice of said meeting ha4 been gi"fen by" publ1ca.t!on1n thelle).ray- BeaCh rewe,a nelisi-per, published within theC1tnin its issUWS.~t July J.9th, 26th an4 Augu8t2nd, 19:55, and ' RESOLUTION; BOARD OF EQ,UALIZATION OF TAXES WEEREAS, 8ai4 Beard of Equalization et ,'luesd"d meet, and sit on ,~~84aY, A118U81; 6~. and Wednesday, AUgI11!lt '1th, 1955. and d14 oa.:refully ~:z:am1ne, revise and equa;Use t~i"faluat1onl!lshClwn On8a:l.(1 assusment rolls as pre~~by" the A8888SG1' ot 'lUei,1'or the City, and did also hear aU;p81'8flJna who appeare4betowe1t 1Jith o01l1P1aints and (lid oau~ tl:ie'l&rk to nete all aompJ,aints. on the minutes ot th11!l :Boud. 1 . ". ".. ,f ~..' c..,,;' .;........ ',:,'!i')\f:;'>r:;"'-<j."'!iJ>/'t~'~~li:~' NOW, 'J.'~ORE, BE IT RESOa.VED lily th....ud .1' :Bqualiza~1~;t;* .~. 'fas~s. t~:tl: the tu assessment reJ.ls ot the City of DelrQ Bc,aQIil~1 ~.ri!la, ter,~~ 781U' of 3.935, a. the saJl!lt>ha:y"e been prePared by . t11.. Ae.'Ct8'.1'.t 'lUes and Slbmi tted to th:l.SSOflrd" and as the same ' h&,.e'b~elleW11z.d and revised ,by" th:l.a ~ari~: "be and the same are " h.~,"b~apprn.d ,and made the ~:I'lIl811ent ,:U~'5~.4ss.a81l1.n t 1\alla ..' . O~':t1~"nyotlle~Y" Beach,~1.r.i4~f'Emd . th~valuat1ons tixed ,.,. 1l"p;.J!.~I.cl.ro1l8 .hall be f'ina*. and'!5~ltnetbe ohanged. ' ' -,\ c"j.~g:{i~€f' '.<' ',~ "_''''"",,<-.''';''''''~~'',~~~"..-..rt'. BErT" FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board ha$ met and heard all persons desiring to be heard and has held-its meetings open :from day to day, and that said :Soard does not deem it nedessary to hold any further meetings after tOday, in v1ew of the faot ' tha t the re are no ether perS) ns before 1 t desiring to he heard. or to file oomplaints. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that' the assessment rolls as the same have been revised and equalized, be returned, to the Tax - AS8eslor with a Certifioate of the President and <herk o:f the · City IfOUDOil reoi ting tba t said rolls. have been revieed"and equalized and that the valuations 1'1%ed on s~1d assessment rolls shall not be Changed. It was regularly moved seoonded and carried, that meeting adjlllurn. ';:7' ;.> Wi ~i t;^il~~4P ' APPROVED: ~.,.~3S~~.)- ::iot