08-12-35 Regular
:4.-asus... 12, 1935
1'l:le Oeunoil me... in regular Su"ien at 7:30 P.M. with the Mayer
and CQunoilmen, Gwynn, B1n, ;rOhns...on and ;rones present. Mr. Voote
was absent.
'fhemdinutea e! the regular meeting 01' ;ruly 22nd.andth~f'meI!fUngs-:-
et the Seard .t Equalization held AngUli'" 5th, 7U, and 8th ~d the
Special oounOil meeting .t August 8th were read and approved by
moU.n regularly made, lIeoonded and oarr1ed.
Bl111ding permit applioatien 1'10. 845 er 1).. ;roo n.....1s waa pre"ented,
and at"'er di"ou"s1en it was mOTed by Ur. ;renea "'hat permit be granted
providing building is se'" baok "'he full ...wen"'y five teet from !ront
1.... line, required by .rdinanoe.
o Building permit applioation No. 345 ot L8tt1e C, Band, for
reJl!.Clldelling ,and oonverting the ,we "teryd'We;Uing located on, Le,tliL7 & "
8 Sleok 106 into an apartment house was gran"'ed, by motion regularly
made, seoonded and oarried.
Plan" fOr the remodelling of the old Bijou fheatre were presented
for the Counoil'" approval but permH was no'" requested a1I this Ume.
Thflp;Lans and requested ohanges were disoussed, the Building
Inllpeohr stating he oonsidered, SEllll8 oomplied as ,near as pessibl.e
'0 ,the building o.d. exoept i:n the CllSO ot the SDl&11 rear addi,...1G!nll\
1fhioh he belie"'.d shou;Ld be .r "the,s~ cen/iltruotien as "'he exi.ting
bui:l.ding iu"'ejd 01' the noUng ."'eriaJ. "peoiried in plan". , 1.,waB
mo'Ved by Mr. H111, seo..ded by Mr. ;r.aee ,and unanlmeuly oarri~,,;,''''hall
the Bl1llding lj/ilpeo").r inform "thearch1teot, thatwi"'h "'h18rt1C".~i1de.
change in "'hese ho addi Uona, the C.unoilnuld be inolined.... giant
P81'lDi t, upon applioatieD.. ,." ,,",< .
1Jr", if,Ohn '1'h, 1.me app, .ared in thEi 111,terelilt or ,ontaine, rO%J,'T,~,'~~ElstlJi~
thll"'permb"ioD be gruted Jrr. ,.~ t* improve ~ ten ,too'll strip ot '1
the st"et 8ou"'h at h1aBaaOh prope~rty and retain ae.me ter./h1s' '..
private use until suoh time as t~ 011ly paved 1Ule enUre SQ.:-t.ot "
width of 8t".t. It was "ta'liedthalI the City had ne pewer t..'
abudon any part or a publioly ded1".a.t.d /iltreet bu'" "'he CoQollaSfted
110 l.nd Mr. rox all the O..peraUen ...hey oould in cemply1.g with his
request. '
Mr. Diltelerq apPeared betere, ...he C~Doil a"king permbs1ento farm
seoUon .t...he CitY'so.U.c.useprope:r1;y lyii1gEast or'4heOual:r"""
~d in exohange terth18,privileg..he would agree te culUvate and
~~nta1n fer the 01ty cerllai~~~lmB and nursery s....ok. The president
ftol1peinted eeunoi1men H~l1 ~ "'!lnesand at1;erney Byrd as a ooIlllll1 Uee,
.... invesUga"'e th1s pnpesiUo. and repor'" baok "'0 the Counoil.
.Andy Montgemery addressed the Council in behalf of'lihe Delray .
Beach baseball. team, asking the 01 ty' s a.4.1n Cleaning oft and
putting into Dondi ti0n the ball diamond en, 9sceola :hrk, in
preparation for a game next Sunday, A~,t: IfJth. Mr. Gwynn moved
that his request ,lie grante4. ltr. .Tenes secoaded the motion, whioh
carried unanimeusly.
. Mr. Parker addressed the Council in reference to the employment
ofill1ltlumbinginspeotor,stating the need for one was greateR now
t.nllJi ever 15efQre,and reoollDllElnded that Mr. Freder1ckBrown,be.'.'....
employed in tl:1atoapacity, as he considered he was well qualified
for thejeb.
The lresident stated the oGmmittee's report i~this M$tter
of employing a. plumbing inspeotor, was that the work had been so
arranged in the :water. fire and building inspectilm departments as
to allow JCr. Baker lIlore t111113 tll/ take care of the necessary plumbing
inspeotions,and that the City could not afford this extra $75.00
a month at t!).is time.
Mr, Parker then asked that the plumbing restr1ctlclns be. ep.foroed
:When a Job is condemmed by Mr. Baker, stating that this had net
been done in several instaM8S, such a$ the Nie's "rber SUp ,
an,ClBeau'll1 Pa:rlerjob and at the rttsidence,et Ai.". MeU. ~8
Ohair then in$t:ruoted the OhaiJ'Dl8,n of the Bani ta1l10n Ooa:tttlile
to leok into these Ca.es cited by Mr. Parker and enquire of' Mr.
Baker why they ad not been corrected;
A letter from :llden L, fleyce wa."ad ,in wh10h he advi..d
'lIhe Oounoil that he had gene 1nt~_j:he-_tter 0:1' the, Oity's 00n1;ral)'I:
wi'bh the OlarkDredgingCempany,.and oeu:t.dn't p08s.ibJ.Y Bee any
{luty en thlll parll of the said oempany to lay the O:l.t1"swate,1'IIlll!n, ' i
aor.ssthe o81'1al at the ti:1'teen. fO"ll level requil'ed by ~h~ Gov$rmen"; !
_re was oone1derabl$ disoussion as ,to the dredging C)ompany,~s "
ll..bl;j.i1y in the matter, llhe GUy's gremlds for !kimages &io.. but
noaotiClln was taken, awa! ting the re1iurn Of JIr.'J'..tte to the City.
:4 letter frem G..A.'8.. Zeoli with 1'u~ther l'eterenoe to applYing
tor projeot to'widen t~ Oan~l adjaoent to his Nursery p.operty~
instead of dyUng it as propesed by the IJovernment, '!'as read by the
Olerk and ordered filed. i
A le1iterwas read trOlll Matt Graoey staUng he had a ol1en1i I
:interested in the purohase 01' the N. 65' d Let 15, Blook 67, whiol;L
is inoluded with other property upEiln whioh the Oity holls a mortgage I
fer $3,280.00 and requested the City to advise what price they ,.",.,."",l'
weuld aocept tor the release 01' said 1Il0l'tgage to €t.P. Warfield the ,'.'
!liRer' Of th$ property. ..Ol1lt'''';l'ltoe~ended that'thlr~;"hairDlanet
the'inanoe 'o!llllli ttee seoure ~nc)tter,~om Jir.Gl'6\oeYt agent, tor
said mortgage. ,said otfer to be pl'e8ented tG the Oounoll fer
oonsidera1iion at its next lIleeting.
J. :+tttter 01' thanke~the Ifi:j.ton Myers Post fOl'llhe aid rendel'ed
the 1I0y S~&ut Troup inlllak1ng 1iheir "oent trip "Gl Galll1uburg. T$Dn.
was read rmd or4ered filed. I
An applioation from Debt. ~. Weil for liquor lioense was
read and ~aid over the required fourteen days for investigation.
There was some disoussion regarding the laying of the proposed
sewer line to the Beaoh, Mr'. ,J"oMstllln stating they Wfluld be in
need of tile immediately to st~t on the new,jrejegt; and suggested
that the Oity Att€lrney get in toulfh with Mr., .H. So.tt to see it
he was prepared to make this neoessary purohase of sewer pipe.
Mr. ll~ reported that the :1;1.'..1. were ready to oonil1der a
pll.l"kandplaygroundprojeot if the City "WCluld'.get' suohi"onir..l1i..'.....,
Shape to submit to them.
A long disoussion took plaoe with regard to garbage oolleotion,
1t being explained that th1s servioe was being abused by oontraotors
and private oi ti:tens who expeot and require the garbage lII8n to piok
up truokloads ofbuUding debris' and shrubbery. 1he Pl"esidentsaid
he thought the Qounoll should d60ide and deo1are just wbat WaS
oensidered garbage and what wlIlll1d be oolleoted as suoh by the 01~XL.;.
He requested, the Chairman 01' the San1 tary "oDllll1 ttee to go 1ntoth:l'i'.
matter to See if there were any eXi"tingordinanoes governing this.
and work out some plan to submit to the ".unOil; whereby this
servioe of the 01 ty wou1d not be abused. It was also reoCilDllllended that
oontraotors be required to olean up and dispose 01' all debris upmn
oompletion of a oontraot; and that such requirements beembod1$d
in the building permit when issued.
!twas suggested that the Counoi':\. have the City Qlerk supply
written instruotions tGI Mr.:Bake:r"and M3:0. Cookde1'1ning the
duties of their department" and a.,l:iiatants.
The 1'_Ilowing resolut10n was then presented anil read by the
BE IT RESOLVED by the city Qouncil oftheOUY ot Delray
BeaOh, )llerida, that they do hereby request the Beard ,of the
Oeunty eommissien.,.-e 01' Palm Beaoh Ceunty, and de direc.l'1i said Board
of. Oeunty Oemmilil~1.C)nerlil to ue. all 1'un!lsthat ~y .ceru, to,1iM.
or.di t 01' the 01 ty of Delray Beaoh frem the oe;LleoUen fitt General
B,.4 &: Bridge ad valorem taxes :f'lJr the year ;L93~1935. oill'l'Gp~rty
eituate within the Q1ty.of Del~ay Beach for the upkeep and ma1ntenano~
ef I'ounty reads and bridgee, wi thin said 01 ty and eapec1ally the
"pair, oi:Ung and ma1nten.noe tit ~antio Avenue and Swinton Avenue,
Within said city limite.
., !
It was moved by Mr.~,
carr1ed that 'si_d~:f.G be
seoenae.4 by Mr. Hill and unanimliiusly
It'll'al3 regularly meved, seeonded_d;unanim.o1l.s1Yoan:fi!li(I'tl::ia~ ''''I
,the fellowing wateE consumers be perm.l~:t.d to work out w&..t,r !
bills; and that theY,lIe'assig:ned to o;Lean1ng up and 08Jl,dttili!ning the I
be,lldlamCilnd un,ilerthe supervision or 1f.W. Piokering: :1..1. Pickedng.
,Jl'l,~'.~er; H.'. Brep, If, '.:F. Carver, J'UL :rrtlemen. BQDIaJld Bl'-kely,
1.......:11', and Wm. to.Uie;!.".. ' :
'.t'he,~~;l.'k was autho~i.e"8.J1l1moti.Jl ,of Mr. .T.nes te ,transfer . .,
three.~d.Uars 1'10.. t,h.W.te1.' Dellt. .runs .s a temporary l.an
to the ~neral li'ttnd. '11he motil)n was seoonded by Mr. Hill and
en roll oall unanimouslycarr1ed. '
The Clerk reported payment and cancellation of Bond No.8
of the Old T8-.m of Delray Beaohl,also interest ooupons numbered 22
off bonds 8 to 24 of the same ~ssue, leaVing sixteen bonds still
due on this partioular issUe. !t was regUlarly moved, seoonded and,
oarried that the Clerk's action in this matter be approved.
A question oome up regardingthi valid! ty 0t'-(j'ertaTri.
applications for HOD1l)stead Exemption; and it was suggested that the
Clerk oall in applioants in suoh caSes and reoeive th.1r sworn
statements as to the truth Of the faots stated in applioations.
Mr. Gywnn brought up the subject ef painting the swimlhing
pool. stating they had ,tested a reoommended paint on the steps of
pool and that &tame appeared t. be .ery satisfactory. 111 was
deemed advisable to postpone suoh painting until a Ilttl, later in
the, season, and,. Mr. Gwynn agreed to go further into' an analysis of
this brand of 'Jint and make, recommendation to the Counoil at next
meeting., ' "
There was some diecussion as to the finanoial status of the
City. manner of raising revenue to offset that lost threugh
granting ,of Homestead exemption &:c. In this cenneetion. Mr. Byrd ,
suggested that the City G>lerk write the Bend Holders QOlIIII1ittee invi t..,
ing them to meet with the Counoil ft,t its next me'eting for a prelim...
inary disoussion of the 1935...1936 budget requirements.
Upon the suggestion Of the ~Y'.r~ Mr. Gwynn, moved that a
vote of thanks be extended the appraisers for their good work in '
aThPpraistiing the bUildidngdsban~_imPJrovelll6ndts fori the 11935 taxi rdell. "J
e me en was seoon e' y .....'. .nes an unan mous y carr e . " I
It was lIloved byMr~ Jone8,Seoonded by Mr. Gwynn. and unanilllGulJ:).Y!
\)ar:r.ied; that billa nUlUbered 784tee0E3i having been" '.E'd by the " "I'
Fi~ance O.~1ttee be returned t~ the Co~o11 and ~ered paid.
Mr. Byrd p;re8ented qu11l...01a1111 deed duly reoerded, frolllMr.'
1M}.. 1J1g1ey te 011ly for a 10..1'0011 strip oft Ooean Beaoh Let 4
1'or street purposes along Laing Stretlt en the fllilUth aille 01' H:i.Sley's
'Sublivis1Gn. alao a 25.1'oOt strip known aa ~rman Court also in
the Higley subdivision. Sa1d deed QlI'aooepted and Grdered tiled
with Gtherdeeds of the 01ty.
lb. Jenes moved that theCQunol1 instruot Mr. Baker to resume
bulkhell.ding work and continue Same south ,through the VGorheia
property. as per agreemlnt, sa1dbu1kh.f!..c1ing 'li0 oonto:rmto thEf:""'''''
tempO,rary bulkhead lines outl,i. ne,d.b.Y. .".,.ae.,. C&n in blue p:rint on. . f",11e",..'I'
1nCity Clerk's oftice. lb. Hill s,eonded the D10tion and on roll >';
oall the vete was as;t.ilddliln::I4r'61r1nn no, Mr. Hill yes, lbJOMston
yes; Mr. Jenes "fes. MCl"l1iond'a~ied. ""~":;,,,,,
~::;;:. ,
Thf>~ being no furtherbusine... itwaa regularly moved
seconded and cal.'ried the QellnoU etljeUJ'lH
""""""""'"<:>-11''''''''''''''''' .^......~,.~..~
~~" 0,c.~
o ty lerk
Pre"iden he 'ounoll~ Pl"~n)l'1