08-26-35 Regular
AUgust 25, 1935
Counoil met in regular session a* 7:30 P.M. with the
following members present. Mr.' Gwynn, Mr. Hill, Mr. Johnston
and Mr. Jones. Mr. l'oote was absent..
The minutes of the regular me_ting of August 12th were read
and upon motion regularly' made.seoonded' and o&nled."approved.
A oommunioation was read from Mr. I.c.' Hall, requesting
that the rough and broken sidewalk just South of the Delray
Theatre be put in proper oondition. The Chair ordered the
Communi oat ion to be tUrDedover to the Ohairman of the Street
Committee for investigation and recommendation.
, Mr. Byrd reportedJ!'r. Kearley had adv1Bed that due to
Mr. ~'trngle ts absenCe on bus1ness in, Tallaha$see, ,these gentlemen
were unable to attend the evening Counoil meeting and; that he
had ti:tso requested that in the event they w!ilre unable to be
present at the Budget meeting Septeinber 3rd, that we postpone
the setting of the millage until they ocmld meet wi th the Counoil.
~e report of Mr. byrd was reoeived and the Council agreed to oomply
with this request.
The 1'ollQwing appHoat1ons for building permi1;s were by;
motions regularly made, seoonded and oarried, granCed. '
R. L.Stephens Pe~t:rro. 350 ~.reot1on ofa one-story"
residenoe on Lot 12 B~~ck 6' to oost approximately $1.510,.00.
D". M. Bra.dShaW~ Permi t:No'. 3fil for re-shing1ing wi th wood
shingles his hOUse in BloC)k 99. . ,
S". H. Allen, Perm1tNo.352 1'0,", pe:rmission to re;"shingle
root of his house with wood shingle.. Block 70.
:~e 1'ourllee:n clays hltVillg e~p~ecll'oroon:sideration otUquor
11Q~ase applioation ot Robt. ,It', :tfe~'1ifilnd,thlt'!8 haglng been nO
objeCUo118 to same., it wasmoyed by M:r<" ,J'ones,aeoondlild by Mr..
Gwynnf~d unani1aol.la:ly oa:l,'ried that l1lJense be granted in aoo01""-
danoe with his applioation dated Au~st 7, 1~35.
Jb'"..l6i:!J. reported he1Utct;t,o~!t.ain"tothe,..tter of leasing>~
a 15Ort:l,oa of the go1!;t OOlU'BIil. pro:p,,~,"1;O be tfU'lD&d and 1:1,,1'8...
oo~ndeci and moved thet the O:l,t;t~,~~C)~eYdra" up It lease tram
the OUyta lb.J)e.Olerq. fo:e a~n:tC)tli+9~,t1Dl.'Jlot exoeeding,1'1Y." 'I''''''''
yea.rs,whereby sa14 Mr. DeClel'q tC):r~o~si4e:rat1on 01' $3:.00
wauld hfilvethe privilege 01' 1'armingthis, trfiotot land and i:n ' I
:retul'l:l. tC)r $. mainta.in andof,l.~:t.'li?~~i!,,~l"tlltnnursery stook
ot<tl11il6ii~y; ancl fUrther, thalli1ll:1"~1i~:r arid,cr11iyOlerkbQ"
emPQwlilredto ~ign ,e.nc1. exeou:t,ese.itJ.ease,' The> motion was
aecon~,dbY Jb'. ,J'():n~s andut!:e;nillmllsly oarr11il~.
~J1: .
Caunoilman Janes repo.rted o:n the oomplaints of Mr. Parker
regarding oandemned plumbing jobs Of A'. ,W.. Mall and luors Barber
shop, stating that the Moll hause was ceased up far the sUll11ll8r,
and for that reason the work oould not be remedied until Mr.
Moll's return in the Fall. Mr. Niohols had pramsed Mr. Baker to
remedy the 1"aulty oandition at his $hap this SlmIdler but so. tar hadn,"
done so, Mr. Jones reparted. It was therefore suggested by the
Chair that the ehairman 0.1" the Sanitary Oammittee remind Nio. 0.1'
thi B;' advising'Jdm"l1hat th.fr City-wOulct'be"ab1;lg8"d"t(T"Efntarcrtlre"-~-
provisions 0.1" the plumbing ordinance i~ this was nat oarreoted.
'Jh~s Mr. Jones agreed to. do. \'
The Building Inspeotor was al.so instructed to incarporate ,
a olause in the building permits issued, reqUiring that a~ rubbish
and resultant debris 1"ram building oonstruoten be removed by,
o~ntraotar 0.1' builder at oompletion 0.1" suoh work.
Mr. Hill reported he had received an a~ter ot $300.00 tOr
olear title to. the N'. 65' at Lo,t 15. Blaok6'1. ThelJounoll was af
the opinian that this wlis nat anaolfep'\iableOfte}."fQrsa:!'dpropertY,,,1
and it was moved by Mr. Jones, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, that report be
aocepted and tiled. It was suggested by the lJity Attarney that
the Finanoe Cammittee go aver the mortgages and other paper held
by the City to ascertain apprOXimately the present value at these I
8ssets. ' -,t....~
Quite a lenghty disoussion ensued wi th regard to. oonl:l~e.rs1L~~
Working o11t water billa, it being stated that unlesssu,ohllPPliCQp.ts
oo:Q.pn the daya Mr. !Jaker rec,ll:1irod them, they were O:t',lit~We/se:l';v:,~~Ii'
to. him. It was there1"aro mo.ved by Mr. ;rones~ thjlt in the future t . . Ii:!
anyone granted p,rmiseion to. ~.ork aut water billa be .giVllln,tf,)ur ."
0.1' tive days natioe in advance, as to. the day they are to work.andJ}/
applioants who do. nat appear on 1Iliat day ahaU thereby" f:f,'()r:f,'ei11 " ,.,'
thei}." privilege to work. Mr. G1fYl1n secon4ed thelllOtia~ 'llhiCh'!)arri~
unanimausly. " . ,;
.',.:......::.,.'- .,,-:.....,.:
With reterenoe to garbage oo.11.<lt1o.n. the Ohairmancl:r;;;th. S~n~;
tary Oommitllee aaid ne and Mr.GT.fXlIl had both looked intothe/City.~~'
sanitation ordinanoes, snepal ot which pravided tor the :rem~nllYof'ii
oertain slunlbbery; grass &;oLand he theretore reoammended that the
garbage truok oalleot shrubbeJlywhioh ,liad been ou'll dawn and:plaoed'~'
out in tromt in oonvenient plaoes to piok up; and tttrhterthat
we oharge a manthly tee tar garbage OIiJ+leot:J,p:n to take C)are ,o:rtp,e'j'
extra time and expense otthis serV:ioel, llheJ,'eby" making an extra "F'
souroe ot o}?6rat1an revenue to replaoetliat 10l;lt throUgh Hoilleste~,4'f'
Exemptian. , ".":::
-"'>:-'.. . . ,.,~,<~::::.,:;_,;::,~:,,:>:ju':'~"'>': . :';""'i'~:-__:'\Ml\',:f.r-'U~~~~
In ref'ere1l0e to the latte:r S\l.gg'6l!11;~an~garding finanoes the,
Cha.ir sta.ted."heawas in tavar at. th.~~8ugg.sted by the 10oaJ; "
:'~edi,lIlq.l" thatot oalling a massme,eting of,t}j.eOit1sens to. disouss
waY-sand Ill$l.\DSand'getting tb.eir idlfaa ,as 1;alll$thads .af raising ne~"..
U$..money" t,or~rat1oIF'df"'",the ;aijy ,tor"the,enauittg year. ,ThiB','
was disoUCl$d at ~n6~;tl and Mr. Jonelift1j1lUJ;ymoved that the Maypr
',' 0.. IV
be requested to issue call"for"mass meeting of the oitizens
for the purpose of frankly disoussing these features of the 1935
tax situation. The Council agreed to oall this meeting on the,
evening 01: Friday September 6th, in the Firemen's Hall, and Mr,;
Byrd was asked to invite the representatives of the Bondholders
Commi ttee to either be present at that time or to meet wi th the
members 01: the Council B:rme time prior to this mass meeting.
The advi sa b Hi ty 01" "taking..'OUt~1!linpioyerl!J. L:l:abiHtyinsuranoe-
on City employees wasoggain disoussed but laid over On suggestion
of the Ohair ,who requested the Clerk to get total annual payro1hl
figures to submi t to the Insuralloe Company so thet they may quote
us an aoourate rate and the exaotoost of oarrying this polioy,;
']he Ohairman 01: the Sanitary COlnmi ttee reported the neoes si ty c
purohasing 384 feet Of twenty inoh eitst,iron sewer pipe tor the
~ompletio~ of theAt]Dn~1~ ~eB~~ Duw~r~~1~ fv~ LMb u~pletieK'
of the Atlantio Avenue se.errepair job and moved that sUffioient
money be borrowed from tb!l Savings Sinking Fund for purchase ot
said pipe. The motion was $e,oonded lly:M;-1. ~:p. and on ~()ncal:J.,
unanimously carried. The Clerk was authorized to make this trans-
fer of' funds from the Savings Sinking Fund to the Ganerld Fund of'
']he Oity.
The Oity attorney reported briefly as to proposed apPlioation,:"
for a park and playgroundproje,ot for Delray Beaoh, stating that .
a:U projeot applioations :mustbe--bl bet~:J:'e September 9th.
,4, ",
~)jc"'a5t\lro~ed<:blVE,IIr.H$11 ~:I;,the~,:,4'Plbl().lng deedS be l1ooepte4'~~
and plMeil on ~cor\'l by the Clerk and, ~yJJjenv of the oonaideratlon/Yj
of $26.00 be authOrized, for each deed.. ' . '. ...~~.
Lots 7 to 18 inol, Block 51 deeded to the City by Fred 'r~;~'~W:
Vollmer. '" '
. ..=:. io', ~:,:.,:~
Lots 7 to 16 inol, Blook 44 deeded to the City by A..P.. .. ~ ~,,/r
. Q~. ~,;:4;;~:
Mr. GJYIUl seconded the motion,. whioh oarried unanimouslyi
It being shoWll that I1de1'icUe;Jlst,edin the General Fund,
it was moved by Mr.H1l.1that tlteGen~l1i'und borrow an additional
$3,000,;00 from the Water Fund t01lleletcurrent e:%penj!e and payrOlle"
Mr. Hill seconded the mllltion wh1chon roll oall oarried unlUlimously,
']he following ordinanoe was o1"teredby the Clerk and read in ,,: '
Ord.1nanoe No,; 148. OrdinanoeBook4
'!'he ordinan,,"'haVing been read .tlJe,. seoond time in full"
. ._-::"":'~':1'~"",?",.",.,~":,~.""......,..,,.,.,.,,..:~
it was moved by Mr. .Tones that s~ be adOpted on its seoond
reading. . Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, whioh on roll call, oarried
unanimously and the ordinanoe was declared adopted.
The Mayor requested authorization ot the purohalle ot tl:&.
old Methodist Churoh bell at a prioe ot 130.00 for ulle ot the
polioe department; alao ~~ission to l:&ve police andemergancy
phone installed at the quarters of the Fire Dept. Assistant, in
the Firements Hall. '1Ih1s request by the Mayor, Was by motion of
Mr. Gwynn, seconded byM1'"; .Tones ana: unanimously ca:rrU<r;'-glffllrtlfd';-'-
Mr. .rones reported that as a means ot relieving traffio
oongestion at the post offioe, it' had been suggested that the City
rook the alley nMlng East and Wast through Blook 69. just South
of the Masonio Bldg., and :recommended that this be done. it not
too expensive.
Pemission ~s granted the foih~o""ing ooneU:ttlers towo1'k out
water bills; J.J. Simmons, Elirl Hilliard, Charlie Strickland and
Harrison Edmonds. '
It was advooated by OounoilmanGwynn that the City OQunoil
aid Mr. Youngb1tood in enforoing the 'fwo..week.s residence requtrelllElD't
tor teachers and pupils prior to enrollment at the sohools th~s
Fall and in aooordanoe wi th thilli' recommendation, moved that the
Clerk notify Dr. Davis to instruct Mr. lander thet he e:x:pectsthis
provision to be enforoed; aleo that a letter be written Mr.
YOUJlgbJ.oOd thank;l.ng him tor his stand in this regard an4' pl~dg:1:ng
the o.poperation of our looal heaJ.th ottioer in thE! entoroem~nt 01'
thie health proteotion measure; and that a notioe be inserted
in the looal paper to such erfeot.
It was moved by Mr. Hill, seoonded by Mr. Jones that Bill'
numbered 809 to 856t having been O.Ktd by the Finance CJommittee.
be returned to the UOuncil and or,derecl PIl1d.
'1:he1'8 being no further business. Cou:noil regularly adjourned.",
rq~ w,f^~.
Oi ty "'I:erk
uJ rM 'rr ~~
Preside t r/!) the ,ouncu, 1"'0 H>1t\ .