09-04-35 '~"',"'..,.","",'<-'i'':'''''''"''7,'r,-'''',''''''"7'''''''''~'' 503 ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER -& September 4th. 1935 The 60uncil met in special session at 7:30 P.M. for consideration and passage of a local building oods. ' The Mayor and the followfng members otthe Counoil were present: Mr. :roote. Mr. Gw:vn:n. Mr. J"ohnston and Mr. .Tones. Mr. Hill was absent. .3 The following ordinanoe W8$ presented and read in full. Ordinance No 'n"';:tt.~ Ordinanoe Book 4. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUO'l'IONj lmLARGEMllN'l', AL'l'ERATION, REPAIli; MOVING, J;mMOVING, DEMOLITION. CONVERSION, OOCUPANOY, EQ.UIPMIm'l', USE. HEIGHT, AREA, ..t"N1l MA.INTEN4NOE OFBUILDINGB .um/orSTRUCTUIlES IN THE CITY OF DELRAY :rmA.CH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOli 'l'HE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND .. . COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR? DEOLARING FIIlE ZONES OR DISTRICTS, I PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VI1IOLA'l'ION 'l'!il!alJ!OOF,' AND REPEALING : ALL ORDINANCES AND/OR PARTS OF ORDINANOES IN ~. CONFLICT ~REWITH. j ,,'" ' . 1 ti 'oidinanceha:'1ing beeIl"read in !'1111,it was moved by 1 Mr. ;rones, seoonded by Mr. ;rohnston and lUlanimoUsly carried i that the ordinance be passea on its first reading. ',j A discussion ensued regar,lling the OOst ot' advertising.;,. . ,'.,...., the ordinen"e and of printing s~ in booUet form for d1stributiCll1, and in tht13 oonneotion it was mo~ secondell and unanil!iously .,",/.; oan-fed that the Ordinance (lommilltlll'emakeup advertlsing.spaQP;~()l!l~ to local business houses to help defray this neoessary expencli"IU:h.', It was further moved byMr.J'onsto:n tlil.t the City At,t6~e~. be instruQted to draw up a oontraot.ith.;ras., Sinks, to sel~';::;>' said advertisingspaoe.a::g!i tllat the monies oolleoted forsjj,oh advertilil1ng be segr8satf;ld in .. Sf;lParate fund for the part1C1,1~:J:\" purpose Spf;loified herein~ ' ~i "j There being no further b'tJ,El:1:ness, 11l was regularly moie&' seconded and o8rX'ied that Counoi;!: adjourlh 4 , v 4~o,'I~)' n.~, . . 'ltyf'llerk ,...,' .,. '.. "'~i "'''ii ",:.'- , ,,. APPROVED: riJ &,a,~. PreiJillent or the Couno13;~ ~....,...~ I ~