09-09-35 Regular ~ .~ nO, 505 carnCIL CHAMBER September 9th, 1935 The Counoil met in regular session at 7:30 P.M~ witn the Mayor and all oounoilmen present. '11he minutes of thlil regu~r me~t~!lgof:4:~~~._~6t~L8!ld t11$, speoial meetings 01' ~p'tEllJ1ber 3rd, 4th, and 6th were read ana by mol;ll regularly made, seoonded and oarried, approved. Mr.". li.tiorham, representing the Lookman Construotion Company appeared at the 1II8et1ng wi th a moi tten proposal to oontre.ot . for 5p,e:ttelaying of the (Jity's water pipe ao1'oss the Oanal tor a price of $1,200~OO It was moved by Mr. ifonston that the Oity aooept said proposal but the motion was lost f'or want ,,1' aseoond. ThellJatter was disou8sed further, Mr'. Corham stating that hewollld guarantee the job -to meet the War Department's requirements. ,~1r ' wa,s ,finallY mQved, by Mr. IfiU that the (JounoU go into this, ~t~er , thorougf).ly with !!'hb, Lockman 'ompany and see what kind: of_ a deal. oould be worked out. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion, whiph was unanimously carried, and it was agreed to meet with Mr'. Gorham the following Wednesday, and report baok to the Oounoil at itsn,xt mee,ting. " ' A letter trom the Del;ray F. &:: A.M~ Lodge not:l.f'y'ingthe Oounoil ote a 1II8eting ot Mason:l.o bond-hoJ,ders ,was read. ,and i :t~s. :'.mClve<i )Jy Mr. J'olmston that Counollman'Jgnes be appoi!J,tE!d ,.()a,tteI;l~.<,. this1ll8eti;ng and authorized to take whatever Mti10n he()0i1lS:l.de:ti~1t the best intereats of the City. Mr. Gwynn S8(londed the Dtot1oriT;:~;;"l1i:li, on roll oall carried ,unan1moUsly. '. ,:~7.; . . . . " '. ., ,,', ,,' " '-, -,,--:'<- ':,;'.,~',;:;~~ A letter was read from theMilemi Goal and 011(fompa:nYjsll,M~ theY" were unable to use. the ooke reIllo'Yed from Del;raY'sf:l.ltrat:l.otl!:',;,V plant, whereupon Mr. J"olu'lston moved tha;t th_0h8:l.rman, of thi:lWat~2i{'t~ OoiDDl1ttee be empowerlildto dispose o1',I.'la:l.c1ooke at the best' P;l,'1(l..\;f"~~ obtainable. Mr. Jones seoon,ded the motion,whioh on rOll oall" ',>>! .. ' oaJlried unanimously. ... """~;'; By regular motion of the CJounon, the building inspe()~t?l" wa's,' authorized to. write L. J. Durty to the effect that a pe1'l!littor' . " ereotion of a bungalow oourt four bl,ooks, South on the Fede~ . "',' ,Higf).way would be granted upo!J, Sl1bll1i13,l3iono.t proper pla;nssoo"l'ling' , " that building rules and regulations had been complied with.. ," "";, The Buildibg Inspeotor re~subll1ittedal'P1io,ation, ()t:lt.';r;" )("~" Davis ror .permission to erectanapart:al.enthouse' in bloOk';:Ji~6~;titltlriffi'~q' to plaoe same only twenty-one feet ti'cm front property line.. 'ii1":':~;; view or the 1'aot that the existing residenoes in that blook,we);'e"a;I.~~~ with:l.n twenty..one feet of property l:L:ne(1"\l was moved by llri!H1:y.,~i that 1'or the sake of uniform1ty. thispermi t be g:ranted with,..<t ;" ; ,'J'" twenty one foot front line ,set-baok-insteadortl1e specified t'ifei1"tY'ti:, f~ve feet. Mr. GwynnseoondE!.d the ~~~()nand on 'roll oallj~;t~~rQt~~; was 8S,1'01l0ws: Mr. Foote Yes, ~..~yes. Mr. Hill yes..:Mr.'c.L: JQlu'lston no. Mr. lIanes no. ~emoi'$~"Oarr1ed.,' ";;,~,;i ~.~. j:~ .'" '.";" "'""",~"',:'r"-~,')T""""""",~,~-,.""",,",, 506 + ~ A proppeotive purohaser of lots 16 &: 17 in Blook 118 requested information of the Counoil as to whether he would be permi tted to ereot a filling s ta ti on on said property illf he purchases same. It was disoussed, and Mr. Jones moved that the City Olerk write Mr. Rex andMr. Pixley, neighboring residents, advising them of this request to asoertain whether suoh a business would be objeotionalle to them or not. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, and on roll oall, the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. flwynn, yes, Mr. Johnston no, Mr. Jones Yes. The motion was deolared oarried. ,,) The Counoil was also requested to aevise as to whether a purohaser of Lot 1 Slock 1; Sophie Frey Subdivision would be permitted to ereat a fruit and vegetable stand at that point on the highway, and it was moved by Mr. Hill thatwerissuEl nO perm1 ts for suoh stands on the North Federal Highway. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarried unanimously. The 01erk enquired as to what olass of business Astrology would rome under and what lioense should be oharged for pzaDtioe of same and she was instruoted to oharge the regular $75.00 license, required of fortune tellers., palmists and like oooupations.- -..__","'" The matter of ...orkmems oompensation oame up for deoision, the Clerk stating it would oost the a, ity approximately i375~ to oarry a polioy on all its employees. After disoussion. f"t was moved by Mr. Hill that this Sllount be set aside by the ,Qlerk in a speoial aooount to Ilta:>>t an inlSUraD!le, fund; and that we', prooeed to establish ourselve~ as self insurers; in order;t~ oomply with this requirements, of the law. ,Mr. Gwynn seoonded motion, whioh on roll 0&11, oarried unanimOUSly. :., The Oity Attorney stated he had not drawn oontrapt;,i1lb. ;ras. li)inks for selling advertising in thebull:lding oode ,boo~.,ts*'r; as he desired some of the Gounoil and Mr. Sinks to meet withb.im in order to agree on the terms of same. , "I ,,:/:,'1 ':'ji"':J i '.~I: ;,;, I ': "~ ik the':'1if~\"1 :. ";,;"'-_:":i:'~~~~~f' , ',~'. , :,,:;~?t<' A written p:!.'oposa1 and bid from CUlf Stream EngiIllils;toe fQi the paving of the alley South of the Post Office was read,attd"J;J disoussed; and it was moved by Mr. Jonestha t t,he bid be a.ooeplleclj , and payment be made out of the Street Oiling J'und. This motion"" wa$ lost for want of a seoond. '::1.;/ , +~ "'Iz "','i:"~;r .:<~:: ;"',;" -0; "', ~ A disoussion then toolt plaoe with regard to the differeBll i street Oiling needs and repamakirs, and, in th1fB othonneoottiont' Mrt.:n:~ot:e; '~~i and Mr. Johnston agreed to . e a survey 0 ,e i y s ree s, "O"'j<)d dftaidewhat Wi~ftets are moat important and where the reapii'S'frllr~"i;/~~] most u:rgent.~e Oity Atto:rneys1;~ted t9-e ~uIlt:Y-,wa.s.:ln~~~~~~4,;;,,;Xi;' to repair Atlantio Avenue from Swinton Avenue to the BeaboarCl?" '>'ii Railway. . ".,' Mr. ~ooteTeported he had inspeoted the broken sidewalk 130uth of the ~lray" 'l'heatre, oomplaine!l 01: by Mr. Hall, and,tliat Sallie was in poor cnnd:l.tion but not more so thanIllllI1Y other plaoesin to..... It was thought thl$ might be rfipa1red s~t1me f,1()ngW1th o,th~:r places needing patohing,when the Gulf ,Stream . :Jngine~!i'i~S Clemen'" mixer was moved tro~ hs present location. i ., "_. -'-'-'~;-,""C"""~"_""'_"","_"':~"'_"_"'''''''''~''''",,",' 1<- 507 <~ It was regularly moved seoonded and oarried that 80unoil adjourn. '1'YJ O-.R uJ ~ ~' CITY CLERK (.'l APPROVED: &.r3.~ Ih'dlsident of the oanUl. . ,,",-