09-10-35 Adjourned ~ -';1' ;., ~. - ,- '~-'-'-_'''_~.'"~'''.~'''''-'''n,''''''-,~ , ~~'~Ol 'J COUNCIL CHAMBER September 10, 1935 The Oounoil met in adjourned stated ,session at 7:30 P. M. with the Mayor and all the members of the Oounoil presmt. ,.J.j I I , ; Mr. JobJ1ston offered the following resolution and moved its :i adoption. Mr~ Hill Seconded tne motfof1" aIid'on 1'011 C8.lr'th~.V'ote"~ was ubanim:ous. " ! Resolution 150. Ordinanoe BOOk 4 rl 1 A RESOLUTION BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF DELRAY BEAClI,;~ OF PAIM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A BUDGET OF ESTIMATED':I ElCPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YQR 1$~$.j.1.936, AND FOR TEE PURPOSE,! OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL THE PROPERTIES WITHIN SAID CITYl\'OB ,;1 :MAINTENANCE, AND FOR TEE JiUR'l'H!ilR pURPOSE OF LEVYING A TU{:FO~l'l TEE PAYMENT OF A PORTION OF, TEE OURRE1'1T BOND INTERESTAOcAI_ 'I THAT . PROPERTY LOCATED IN mE, FORMEILOITY OF DELRA.Yi"AND,;FOR,,~'d TEE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTERESTi AGAINST THAT PROPERTY LOOATED IN TEE FORMER TOWN OF' DELRAY '! BEAOH, ~~~'W.AAiI1T^MgOi.lI><L',I.~N'OO.N~, A Mr. Johnston a1so offered the following resoluti.on, ~~:t $1ls adopUon, whioh motion was seoonded bY Mr. Hill and unan1mou oarries. Re$olutio:n 151.0rcHnanoe ,Book 4 ...,,'......,,'11&: A IlESOLUTION BY THE CITY COWiCn.. OF TEE CITY OF DE~~:r::A4 BEACH,' FLORIDA, ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENTAL BUOOET FOR:~ . h" WATER DEPAR'l'.MENT,AND FIXING TEE Al?PROPRIATIONS FOR.TEE;l~i SAME FOR TEE FISCAL YEAlt,1935;'191.55.r:J.t .~. ~.~1 -::,;"', ',- :I#'x ,It being shoe tba t addt;lliona1 :E'evenue would be 'needed :Cor::11 oper!i:llion to :replaoe that lost thro~ allowanoe of hOmestead!l) exeDl.p~ions, it was moved by Mr.John,~;!i.on ,that the water ordi,llanoe~: b,e~~,nded tQ proVide :1"91' a ;I.'$fty-oen.1lIil...a-month servioeoharSeqln;d $~()~ aJld every tap 1n the ,Q;"Olf anlt~,~rther that eaoh sep~ate",."..' ,,:i ::~~li~: ,~~u:I~o:e~f:u:~::r :~~e:; :o:::~~ b~~:1b~"$i:~r.i;r;i ~!\1Onth eE!-oh, un1el:ls wa1fer oonElUIne~ /!1lE41e:zoeed tfi8 minim1Dle.m()~G a.l1()'Redeaoh separate fJo:g.sumerhM,~where,moretban om 0;1.' suoh ",;t ,'"~~tesmfsum:ers Ilre being fuEs~~~d;"tl:'irough'Ob.e lIU!jtertthe"6Wrle!~) ~~'~rsoni:nwhose name se;l.d water Il!eter is listed, ,sha:!:l thereby';!! b~()ome J:'~~:llonsible fo.r ,eaoh and every oonsumer metere(l throu~h hi~H ~~e"'t *a shaU be ohargeda"O' t.b.~ sai(l rate of $1.50 per month ,t9" ,,'i!,~1)., hQ_" d!lf1:J.1ng hOulile; tell~,tho~liIe.ap!U'tment house or, bUi]"di! stQ:!!e ,bllilding orplaoe o:1",busfnePQl)PD.11eeted with said meter or'~~! ~ft~r;"Oap serv1oe,prov1ded. tlie.w~rll'iC':<~d through said meteXldo!l,1 nOll,\l;lXoeed the mim1mum 01' $l..l)O;a'l!1tl>>th'pe,~ oonsumer. . ,:%l '~~~t! ' ,.!~ '>..;' ,:1 i '..".,..,.)."..,."?':'-,""".........~'K.,."'~'"''Tl'i'.~ 509 +- -t:( ']he following ordinanoe, embodying theBe reoommenda tions was then introduced and plaoed on its first reading. Ordinanoe NO. 152. Otdinanoe Sook 4. AN ORDINANCE REGULATI<<$ THE SALE AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER F1JRNISEEDJ PROVIDING FOR A MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE CHARGE B'IJ] SERVICE RENDERED TO I1vv1'llQ(S AND CONSUMERS BY TEE CITY OF ' DELRA.Y' BEACH, FLORIDA; REGUUTnrrTm:'RATES"THEREFOlrf'INIr~ REGULA'l'I~t- TEE MANNER IN WHICH WATER CONNECTIONS AND METERS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION TflEI OF; OREATION OF LIENS FOR PAST AND UNPAID ACCOUNTS: AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT' HEREWITH. t), ']he ordinanoe having been read in fUll, it w~s regularly moved:t seoonded, and unanimously oarried that the ordinanoe b" passetil. on its :first reading. ~he work of the Oounoil having been oqmpleted, it was regUlarly moved, seoonded and carried, that Gounoil adjourn. J11cu U), ,~~ CITY CLEEK . APPROVED: , r.J 0,f6~ President of the OOu:noil ---- < '1t, A ..- . ,'. ,"