09-30-35 Special
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September 30, 1935
The Council met in speoial session at 7:30 P.M. for
consideratic>n of bids on oertain street oiling work to be done by the
(11 ty and for settlement of other matters needing the immediate
attention of the Iilounoil.
'.>>fie Mayor and all members ..ere present. '.>>fie ai ty Aittorney
was absent.
It_ 1
The following bids were then opened and read.
2/10 Gal. Bi t JIa terial.. per sq yd
wi thout sanding
It SUlded
wi thou t sanding
It if "
Cut-back asphalt
" "
Item :3
3,ilO Gal. .I:Ii t mat, per' yd, wi thout
" " " " Sanded
Gut-back aspb.al t, wi thout sanding
" " Sanded
i~~g3 4/10 El'al Bit )lat, per y4, w1thont sanding
" " " "" ,," Sanded
1 cu~back asphalt. w11;hout sanding
" " If', Beaded
.0450 ,
.07 I
.0' ,
A d1souBsion erose as to whether the ,b1,tuainous 01' out-
baok: lIlaterial shlilU14 be , used and it was finallY maTed b1J4r. ,G'!f1nn
that weoi1aU sU1"faolilBofstree1is.w1th the,a/10 gallonb~'tmii1nousi:
~teriaJ., USing the ou1;,..;llaiak asphalt wl1ereabsOlutely :neOe.$s(;;'~'
and that the contract be awarded the low bidder.
Al'te l' tabula t1 on 01' tb,e,"bidS it'll(lfJlIOved b111X-J,;rof).nS ton
that the contract be awe.1"ded'~.tream.~e&rs.. ~.,~ynn
l3eoonlled the mot10n and on roll. call the'vote ,1II!I.S unan1moul3.
'''hI) ChaitJDan of, the ,Water CODlllli~"l:eeb~Otlght up ,the Dlll.t1ier
at Pl'o"Y~d-~ separa te we. tel' oonned t1ons'toJ"tiIi" d1ftercm t tlilnsn tsx
inthec~OlIl. ~i:l(lk, reoollUl1endingtbatthe',O~~, seourea,flve foot ,,*,
eas...ent'i~.,~ond and ,Cooke "and run a,t~lIlc~ line at the real.'
of tJ;1e1~b*'~~Jl8;1;apping, l)ft:,~aid 11:g.lll,'1Jl&teall' 01\ mtln~ge.aoh"",,1"~
lilepa~ate ooIlJ1ect,ion trQlIl the alleJr.'J~*lil.Plan, he recomm~ncled. as
bebg easier and cheaper to~ all oonCle1'Jled!', 14i>. JQbnstoJimQved tha
t~ere(U>1lIlIlen~t:lon at t~, WaterOommit1iee, in thi,s regard be, app-
:nlv.dand conneotions Mde aooordingly at a cost to the owner of
. . .
'~",.. "f":'~~~~"""""\'I',r',~",,~
$5.00 per tap, provided the required easement is given, Mr. Hill
seoonded the motion, wrriohoarried unanimouslY.
'lhe editor ot the Delrey News addressed the Gounoil in
regard to advertising and printing the new building oode, stating
he would preter to do this work now in the slaak season it possible,
and would agree to aooept payment tor s~e in uo equal install_
ments, viz; in Maroh 1935 and Maron 1~3~, it the Counoil so des~
ired. No aotion was taken in the matter however.
The beaoh sewer pro jeot was dl sOllssed and 1 t was moved by'
Mr. Jones that Mr. 5. H. Soott advanoe the necessary money tor pipe
and materials, and that the Oi ty repay same over a thr,ee yeal"per..
iOd. Mr. Gwynn seOonded themotio:n, and on'roll oall thevote'wa8
as tollows: Ill". Foote no. 141", Hill yes.l4". GwYnn yes, Mr. Jqhnston
yes, Mr. J'~es yes. Tne motion oarried.
It 'lIIaS moved by Mr, Hill, seoonded by Mr. Jones and unan..
imousl/Jtycarr:1ed that COunoil ,:djourn.
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