10-14-35 Regular
.'. ....-~.516
Ootober 14, lt35
The Counoil met in re@11ar session at ,,~P.I(. witn
the 1'oJ.1ow1ng lIl_bers presen1;: Mr. Foote, Mr. Gwynn, 1Ir. RiU
ana Mr. Johnston. 111'. Jones was absent.
The minutes 01' the meetings held September 23rd and
30th were read and on motionre@11arly approved.
A let~r was read 1'r(lll Alexander 4. Simon requesting
theOounoil to de1'in1telY designate Federal Righwayprop61"1ly
In>>look 118 el'h61" as business or residenUalp:ropertYJ .
also a letter 1'rom 111". F.W. Pixley in regard to the seme matter,
objecting to the erectio:n 01' a garage in said distriot. lb. '
C.."". LalIlb another property owner in the block stated he did not
objeot to this being considered a bus!. nus dist:tiot, but did
object to a snack or any type of construotion being pe:nnitted
that would depreoiate the value 01' his property thero. A1'ter
a lengthy disoussion, it was 1'inally moved by)(r. Johnston
that the SoUth Jrederal on both sides 01' street be designated
as business distriot. Mr. Gwrnn seoon.ded themo:tion, and on
rollcall the vote was as 1'o110ws: 111". Foo1len.<),<Mr. H111no,
Mr. Johnston yes, 111". Gwynn yes. The motionms lost.
... letter was read trom R.lk'ifu,ep;perreQllesting pay:lllent
01' en enclosed bill tor loss sustained by 1'al~ure of the Oity
1;0 noti1'y him 01' the disoonUnuanoeofwater se1lvice at his
. plaoe 01' business. It was moved by,J(r. Gwyn:ntb.at theCll!l:rk
be -instruoted to pay said lllill. Jlrf HUl.' seoon4ed the mot1on,
,and. ,on 1"911 oall the vote was as f'ol1ows,: ,:Mr, ,l!'oote no, ,Mr.
Gwynn yes, 111>. Hill yes, Mr. Johnson y~s. .2he motion oarr1E1!l.
AD application tor liquor 110ense 1'rem lJ.lf. Kraus __
presented by theCler.1t aDd laid over the required tour teen days
tor in..,esti/l>>.t1on.
It was moved by J(1'. Hill, seoonded by J4:to Gwynn and
unanimouslY carried, that the -'yor and (!lerlt b$ authorized to
sign an agreement toexohange tbe twenty year ~JIa..onlcBoa.cl
they bOld tor a ~ton year retUIl.ding bondiasrecommencledan4
proposed by tne bond bolders comm1 ttee o'fthe lodge..
",.~be .".building .Inspeotor,p1'ce~~,t~A>",a~,req;u~t,1' p.,o,~~~n,
additions to the garage property ofl!'4X.'We7.l.brook on,tlantlo
Avenue. the type 01' construotion, d,esired,!as not. 1n/laoQq1'4
with, the,"b,u.Udi~ cOde. there1'ore~J'. CookYwas instruoted to
ha...tb.eBOllrd of Appeal aot in thematt,er. i,4.s, no such board
existe(, l~"tlas moved by 1Ir. ain tbe.t ,Samu~:t.;Ogreni 8IIoh1 teet,
end'Jo,hn 'J.'ti.;1E11le, ()ontraot<:>r, be apPointed;.,toact wi,th the Chair:-
Dan ottheOrd1nanoe COIlIlII1 tte, as a lJoard i.o1'4ppe81 in oonneotion
.,~...---,. EI
with the granting of speoial building permits. lb. Johnston
seconded the motion, whioh oarried unan1lll0usly. The Oouncil
also d1 reoted tI:l.a t a con traotor, other than John Thieme, act
on this Board in instanoes where Mr. Thieme 1fasthe contractor
on the job for whioh speoial permission 1fasrequ1red. .
II:r.Troup addressed the Council suggesting that the
street in front of his residenoe be filled in llElfore being
oiled., as' a pond. 01' water stoot at the corner 01' N.E.lst Street
and Seventh Avenue during ra1ny weather he stated. He also re-
quested that the agreanent for labor at the oemetery between'
tne Oi ty and G.B. Johnson be renewed on a basis 01' two days
labor a week instead of one, as he said was impossible to
keep the cemetery in @:led oondi tiQn working only one de,y a week..
The matter was disoussed, the Mayor stating he oonsidered 1t
important that the cEllletery be kept up but the City's finances
would not warrant spending any more on it this year than last.
Mr. Gwynn therefore mOTed that 111'. Johnson be re..employed under
the same kind of contract for one day a week as last year~, an'
that proper tools be furnished him for Sl oh work. lir., , Hill
seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote wasuneJ11mous..
Reques t torreducti on in the fee chargedllrs. J":BeD.
Smith for moving a hous e from liosemont Pa*to a, lot East ot her
residenoe on Gel1llantown ROad was preeentedby Jlr. John'Adams
through the Building Inspector, and it W8!lmo~,d.byllr..rQhI1ston
that said fee be refunded. This motion was lost for wanto't
a !l eool14.
'tne ~lerk presElll1ted a. request for water to be furnisne4
Lots 15 and 16 Block BLa Haoienda, wnicl1 property lies outflide
the Ci tylim1 ts and it 1faS regularly moved,seoonded and oarried
that water be supplied applioant at she regular rates.' '
oounoilmS.n Hill reported he I:I.ad reo\iliVEld' oomplain ts frOm
oi t1zens and ad jaoent tenants 1n regard to the obnoxious odors
aaanating from the stook or fert111zer carried byf.B.llcNeeoe
in, the Bedell ,Building. Dr. Cason ,and others were presst and .
asked the oounoll' s action in abating thenuis$noe. .4ttar
d1soussion it was moved by Mr. JI111 that, thftC11iy Clerk De
autho:t'121ed to wr1 te 111'. .u;oNeeoea letter. of;"p1'()o!:est ,1n regarc1
to the matter demending tI:l.at he d1sposeo1'lluohfertil1zerwith1n
ten days time. IIr. Gwynn seoonded the motion, wh1011 on roll'cII.11
i,";",:''''O.','''''J.i,i,:;".,:""-.:,:,;:,~,.:_",,j:.:,,-,/:;,4,,: ..:-:,..,-".~
The )l8.1()r addressed the Counol1,statl#g,that dur1ng
heavy ra1ns great inoonven1enoe was oaused arrivals on the F.E.C.
Railway by reaso:n ot the ~a.Rt that theroadprovi4ed no pro-
tect10n, for p$SIS engers elf' ~&"-PkiDg,on the,.".li!sts111t;l 01' the track
andoonSe<l\1ently such passengers war,e dr,enched.'before reaching
a plaoe ot,shelter and he recommended tna"t>theq~ncil bring
pressure to bear on the FoE.C. with a' view to remedYing this
;:) c
annoying condition. Xt was therefore moved by Mr. Hill,
seoonded by .DIr. Gwynn and unanimous 1y oarried that the Clerk
write the Receivership of the F.E.C. Railway Company requesting
that they erect a oanopy at the 'Depot on the West side of the
tracks for the oonvenience of disembarking Southbound pasaengers+
It was moved by Mr. Johnston that the C~erk^ be ,uthorized
to purohase a five thousand dollar blook of bonds for tax-pay_
ing purposes from the Royal Union Fund of De Moines, Iowa; to be
deli vered wi th all unJ:8,id coupons attached at the quoted prioe
of 23i oents. Mr. Hill seoonded the motion, which on roll oall
carried unanimously.
It was'moved by Mr. JohnstClll that the surety bond on
the City Clerk be reduoed from ten to five tb.oussnd dollar.'
and tha t said bond be renewed on DecElD1ber 30th far the ensuring'
year at this reduoed fil?Pre.llr, Hlll seoonded the motion, ,end
on roll oall the vote was as fOllows: Mr. I!'ooteyes, Mr, Gwynn
yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes. The motion carri eO.. .
Councilman Johnston reported briefly on the work being
done at the be,aoh, stating the white way posts had been moved
to the West side of sidewalk: as sUggested several months ago, that
the boardwalk nad been repaired and that a plan had beeD. de-
vised for draining the excess surfaoe wa ter frail around the
councilman Gwynn urged tha t the leak, ,around the s 0l6.1' '.,
heater in the root of the'pavillion be repaired lmmediately
,to avoid further damage to the inside of the wilding, and it
was moved by)(r, Johnston that ,Jack Gibson beinstruoted to
;m>epair the roof, guaranteeing to stop all leaks for a prioe
of .12.00 as p;oeviously quoted by Mr. Gibson., .lJr.Hl11 seo-
, onded the motion and on roll call carried unanimously.
Temporary pe11lli t fromH8Jl1I10nd &:, Coolt~ ,Bros.. for ease-
ment to 1'l1n a two inoh water line at rear of1neir wl1dingwas
received and ordered fil,ed. '
)11" V1neen t G,iordano addressed tne catin~11 requesting
the Oity's ald in ra1sing the leve1 ofthes:tde~lk in front
of hie property on tb.e WeISt side of t~erf3.d~rfl1 I1Y' Lot 20
BIook 109, stating he would ,do the work hilllselfand stand halt
the expense if the City would assume the ,otlier, qalf.' It was
moved byMr, Gwynn. s eoon ded by Mr. Hl11andun~1Il101lS 17. ..
, carried that the City "pay halfthe\cost,o~+th:l.s,;;,wQl'kl'l'and"thef""~~'
Council agreed to have Paul Nicolls give "Jlr., Giardano the proper' "
grade for the new sidewalk.
The!l'J1t7 AU(Utorr~~e~:ed instru.O~i,9notthecounoll/' lV~,
in regard tp s,everal oll~t, ,~gaceQunt~'9l:l"ttheClty's books+ 'Jj
the ~rcentagep;,dePre~~~t1~"""fheY'W:!.$ h~~j!rlttEln ,O,ffon the 6.< "
dlfterent>p~,OP~'~~"and a811e~S of the9tW;lnl/Jaklng,up his , ',,','
audi ttorthep$.~:t;;risoe.l year. (f4vt- t,~~'of~i/>5"/h~)
" (~.;;, ~'.'ti.~,~),
I 5:li9
. 'i'
lit was, mc:>ved by IIr. Gwynn, seconded by Mr. Hill and.
unanimoualY 8~ri'ed, that bills 877 to 923, having been O.K'd
bY the Finance COIlIlIl1 ttee be returned to the counoil and ordered
There being no further msiness, it was regularly moved,
seoonded and carried that Council adjourn.
l1J cu- u}~
ity Clerk .. ..
5. {i1;. f1A J
Prea1den of e . qounqfl