10-28-35 Regular 1: tlc ~-;." , \- "<"~=~"''':'''''---;::m . ' 51:\l:I t,;t . COUNCIL GHAMBER October 28; 1935 The Counoil met in regular session at 7:50 P.M. with the Mayor and all members of' f;he Counoil present. The minutes of' f;he last regular meeting were read and it was regttlarly moved, seoonded and carried that these minutes be cOrrected to inolude the f'ollowing ClIIQtted motions, viz: J . .' .' , . "By motion made by Mr. Johnston, Mr. Winn was insf;rUcted to credit $55,,00 of' the old bond credit left open :from Arthur Barton's . acc01mts to the aocount Of' BOND COUPONS PAID 'l'tIi[CE (Coupons il.Q & II off' Bond No~ 55) General improvement Bona IsSUe 01: 1926,' and to transfer the balance of' $25~80 Credif; in Arthur Barton's old Bond Trading Account to the current BOnd trading account to be' used f'or sale against back taxes and/or Inlprc)Vs-nent Liens. Mr';, "Hill seconded the motion whioh on roll call earr1ed unanimously, 'j .,Ii ,., .i '[ It was also regularly moved; seconded and cu-nad that 10% de.., ,",'i preciation be wri tten of'f' on all City equipment and property with 'j the exoeption of' the Golf Course; cemetery and the sewerage sys'liem., ~ It waS regularly moved, seconded and carried th~,t minutes .1 be appro1i'ed as correoted. ',I;;' Mr. R.C. McNeil appeared befo~' the Council:requesting that,,'A the Oi ty pave Jo-J"o- Avenue through Wassll.u ParE: Subdivision.. The'." Council advised the' subdividers to contrlilic.tfor this pavingthem-, selves, atating th~t it would .be. l~ssexPEt:nsi:'le... A d1seWfs:toIl.th~"" aroae as to the paving sp!tcif'ieat1olJ:sca~led'for.bY' 'the C1tyin>1;%;~;! the eonstruction of .publ:l:o thOroughfarea'.M1,o".Foote staUng1;Allt..',l1 .the speci1'ications called for eigh:t inches of 1'Ct.ok: rolled t~)sixd:t'- inches andf;hat anything less woulp, not Illll;ke. a. sl1bstant~~1.street.0' and that it wasunf'air to tax people who have aJ.:readybUUtgood.:',.ill streets to mainhin streets poorly.. coni3tJl'l1et,e~'bY promotuso...+.' .,." was finally movEld by Mr. JOhnston; tbttiIl"V!iEl''Yof the fac.tt~a1i'iA Jo-J"o- Avenue is a dead-end residentialstreetr the owner.s be p~r"":,, mitted to build the' street six iiiehe.sroJ.~ecl.to 1burinll:tead,.ofth~i usual. e1g11t inc.hes l'ol.led to six; the r.oak a:g(l" oiling to be. done 'i Ilooording to County speoif'loations. and1;he~ers to ma1nta1nthe~' street during the time of'~'tIUilding constru(}~9n. Mr. 1Iiil seooIlele: the motion and on roll &dl the vote was asfgl1ows: Mr,; Footeno;f~; Mr. Gwynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. JOhnstonye::;. Mr. Jones yes. The.'< motion carried. . f~ A letter was read :from the Co-Receivero:f theF,;E.C.. railwa,1 acknow~ed,ging tlJeCity ~13 .1et~er l.'fl~:L"d,i;rI~., '\itl,e.Ol>:tl,ilCliIlg(>:t ..ll:. she.Her' on the West side or tracks at' the de:pot::'I'lIf".wasoraEd'e'(rf'iled'~i f'or future reference. ' ':l.1' ('.'[., .", :0. /-,< 1 \'" .,....,.,, .., """""'<<'",,~t;~'~~ 52:1 aounoil Chamber- October 28, 1935 A letter was read f'ran W.S. Lockman Construotion Company, of'fering to move their equipment baok to Del:ray 'be,.J relay the City's wa ter pipe across the Canal f'or a price of $1,500.00. In view of' the raise in price made by this Com- pany, it was moved by Mr. Gwynn tha t the f'ormer acti on of the Counoil in regard to contracting with the Lockman Company be reso,inded. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion, and on roll oall the vote oarried unanimously. It was further moved by Mr. Johnston that the Ci1iy arrange, if possible, to have ltIe Forbes Construotion Company do this work at a prioe of $1,500.00; the City to furnish the neoessary pipe and caulking material and that C.A. Baker be designated as the City's Engineer on the job. Mr. Hill se- oonded the motion, whioh on roll call carried unanimously. A letter was read f'ran the Pastor and Seorettary of the Cason Memorial Episcopal Churoh denouncing the le~l- . ization and operation of' slot maohines in the State, and re- questing the oooperation of City offioials in discouraging any tendency to allow them in this community. It was moved by Mr. Jones that the olerk: aoknowledge ltIe oommunication, . advising the writers tha t no slot maohines were allowed here and it was not the intention of the Police Department to tolerate them in this City. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, which oarriecl unanimously. The City Attorney clarif'ied the war veter.ans license . exemption law, stating that such exemption was aUowed up to $50.00 but only to disabled veter!ns unable to ',peJ;form manual :}.abor; and who furnished the proper proofs of Wlilrservice and disablli ty. . No objeotions having been registeredtotheapplic.. ation elf W..F.K'raus; requesting license f'or theri~tallsale of liquor in the Joe Reynolds Building inCOl.ored;>\~~~ il1 was moved by Mr..Johnstan that license begranted.'''';J&l,'' lUll' seconded the motion and on roll caLl, the vote was 'as follows: <Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gwynn yes; Mr. Hill yes; Mr., Johnston yes; Mr. ;rones no.. Themot10n carried.' Councillllan Johnston reported the broken cement work! at the swilllming pool held been repaired. Thedalllagfh he>said, was due to the natural silttlemen t of the sand unde.rneath. He also raported tha t a new spring board was re.!iu1I'ed; as ;~:h~~~ ~::;~~a~r:o~~r:~%e ~e~h~~gb~~f~~'~~~~~~~~~!" Company would possiblY replace s!'llle 11' we kne'W!whereitihad been purohased.. Mr.' Jones moved that the Cha11'1\11in/ofthe . Park Commi ttee be empowered to replace 0 r p~cl1asea'Iiew 'board. ~.Gwynn seconded the motion, whioh on roll oall carded unanimously. . .., J," .,.,,~, ~ ~',,~ "...'..~:.,...,......,~.~.",.."",,,,,,,,,...~,.,,,,,,,,.~ 522 1':i Counoil Chamber - Ootober 28, 1935 The Clerk reported the oanoellation of' the following desoribed bonds purohased and used by tax-payers in paying ~ del1nquen t taxes: 5M 51% Delray Improvemen t l?,onds dated 4/1/26 and due 471/MJ, Nos~ 536 to 540 (Coupons 7 &; 8 missing on same) The following ordinance was then introduced and plaoed on its fi rs treading: Ordinanoe 153 O.rd. Book 4 \? AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFDELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. PRESCRIBING TEiAT OERTAIN TAXES LEVIED BE PAID IN CASH, AND PRESCRIBING THAT CERTAIN OTHER DELINQUENT'TAXES BE PAID IN BONDS OF SAID CITY OF DELRAYBEACH, FLORIDA; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES INCCONlIl FLICT HEREWITH; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECOME EFF,ECT:TVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE; AND FOR OTIlER PURPOSES. It was moved by Mr~ Johnston that the ordinance bepasse~ on its f'irst reading. Mr. Jones seconded the motion; whioh oarried unanimously. The ordinance. reoiting that it was an emergency ordinanoe; it was. moved by Mr.. Eiil1;seOCln4ed byMr . Johnston and unani!llouslrctJrri ed tha'll, it be plaoed on its seoond reading and 1'inal passage. The' ordinan.oe was read in full the seoond time, and on motion regularly made, seoondefl and carried; adopted; ana., passec1 as read.' Jlr. Johnston reported he had written a letterw the Golf course Ma:nagement protesting the olosing of> the course 1'Or six weeks; just at this time. He statedheb~ l1evedthe Council should g1 ve the Golf' COmmittee.spe01f'1o . 'authority with regJird to regulating the Club. Counoilman Jones reoommended that the tall grass in front of the Beaoh parking spaOe be out down bef'OI'e tourist season. ,Mr. Foote reported that the street oiling)'ior'" wOuldtbegin the following mo ming an d asked themembei's if .they.hM.,~Yfurthel' reoomll),eIlda tions . or.",rElqueS.~~4-itQ,...ma~,El';';t:'c;>:l", . ' any additional pieces of oiling. Councilman Johnston'.r..e'- ,', . commenhd that the f'reshlY rooked areas in front of' the Dr.Davi s and Sabath residenoes be oiled to protecttnem. it was decideditQ.,oil these, and in front of' the Ep1scOpal Chur~h and othei'~ohplaoes, provided there was suffiCient material after fini'j:lhing the work already planned and laid out,. ' Counoil Chamber. Ootober 28, 1935 ~ It was moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Jones and unanimously (: arri ad tha t bills numbered 925 to 938, having been O.X'd by the Finanoe Committee, be returned to the Council and ordered paid. . it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that '. . Counoil adjourn until 3:00 o'olook Friday, whenCouncll shaJ.1/ meet to pa ss upon, and t'ina lly acoept the 1935 Tax Roll as pre.. pared bY .the Tax assessor.. ,;~),~! ~cU~' City Cler rA~. ".'.~ .."\:,,,"::',:,;.,i~~, ";;".."", " -,,...... .~?- APPROVED: (7 ....&./6 j1~ . President or the Counoil f' ~