11-01-35 Adjourned Regular . <~ 524 COUNCIL CHAMBER '() November 1, 1935 I' THe City Council of the Oity of Delray Beaoh, Florida met in adjourned regular sesslonin the Cn:,yHaIT at:;fOcr'P';Jr;----'-^-'-- Friday, November f'irst, 1935, whioh meeting was called 1'or, the purpose of examining and approving the tax books of 1935 as submitted by the City Tax Assessor, Mae W. Oramp. Eaoh member of' the Oity Counoil was notif1ed and oonsented to the holding of' this adjourned meeting. Councilmen, Gwynn; Hill, Johnston and Jones were present. Councilman Foote was absent. City Tax Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, who had her tax books oompleted for the year 1935, presented same to the Council tor \x' approval. Tax Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, stated that tax ro~, for " 1935 would have been completed prior to this date, but due to the faot of extending m1l1ages a€):l inst homes teads and f'orotb,et reasons, the presentation of the rolls was^UtlavoidablY delayed'. TheOity Council prooeeded to oheck, tile Tax.Assessor,fs books f'or the year 1935. . Upon mot ion of Mr. Gwynn, s ecoIided animously oarried, the tax books f'or1935 Tax Assessor, Mae W. Cramp, were exaDt;tneil certified to by the Council; end attested Counoil: STATE OF FLORIDA ( PAlM BEACH COUNTY 1 CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ~ Tc:> Jlae W. Cramp, Tax oollector in and for the City 01' Delray BeaCh; Florida: You are hereby commanded to .colleot, out of' the real estate and personal property, and 1'romea ch of.i ts persons and oorporations .named in the annElxed,as('1es~eIlt rol;t th,e , amount 01' tax set down Opposite the name of eachpersCll ot corporation, or lot, parcel or trac1;Clf' landdeflcri.J:lf3dther~in... and in caBe the taxes'.,imposeda:renot'paid:';;atT'th~trJnEl1'pre="''''Tt'.'''" sori bed by law; you are to oollecttb,e same by levy and; sa1e. .i, of the gOOds and chattels, lands anditenements, and all monies' . collected on behalf 01' 1;b.e Oity of Delray BeaCh you arem, pay over to the C~tyT1'easurer; and you are f'urtb,er requiredto., ' make all oollectioIls on or beforetb,e.lstdayof April, 1956' or els e hold all< unp:l id taxes as. delinquent. lonB f::.'; ;';'i,~ \ '....;,'~i~ ,,:~:; Mae W.. Cramp Tax Assessor ,,',.,''';<:'' ".>,'::~J4k;~"' ""i1{~e~::, "'~" .. ", '-"_."'~~'~"""':"':""'~""'\'~:;:::}l;:'~ 525 <l!I- aOUNc:rt CHAMBER - November 1, 1935 Given under my hand and seal this the 1st Day of' Nov- ember, in the year A.D. 1935. Mae w. Cramp Assessor of' Taxes Delray Beach, Fla. -""!'....------ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF IALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA ':...;(, , ',J:~i .' i;i -- ,i't',E ,:::x;'~k Taxes f'~:r~~~aM~ y a~eD~f~~e~~~~h ~e pa~ B:~c~~t~~S;~~+:i:r>'~~l Florida, who, being duly sworn, says the above Assessnent Roll,{~~\: oontains a true statElllent and description Of'.all persons. and.+pr?-:,,#. pel'ty in the above Oity Of' Delray Beaoh subjec;i;to ta:xat1on~t,iFii! liable to be assessed therein, and that the,valuation thereGf,."'....."".<"i ~~/~~s abe:~e:br::a~:o:~~:: are just and correct so far aSt~:'! . ;~i~>'~ Mae W. OrallIp City Tax Assessor Delray Beaoh, Fla. Sworn to and su bscri bed before me thi s the 6th NovemberA..D. 1935. ,.' 1'<. ~:~~~tf:,~ day o:r:.,:, '" ;, '" '~.'\: '.::' "';i':\;:i,,~:,t '''''/.;' Wilmina G.. Hagerman " ,'" ,.:d::(; Notary Publ10 State of Flor1idai';.i",. at Large My Commission.l!brpires"J,C\::, Jan. 29,1936. '." -""".......---.... CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH. --""'II! STATE OF FLORIDA!';' ,. ":,,r",{.j' '0 ,'A ','; ~\' we, the undersi gn!!d Oity Qounci1D1en.:j.n and.:for: 1heOi~Y\,.;~,..; of Delray B!!aoh, Palm Beaoh 'OountYj S'a~eio:CFlOri<ia, doh~reJ.>~;',,1" certi1'y that we have ce.refully examineli1th~.fore ep ing As.sessm~~,ii: Roll of said city fQr the year A.DfNillet~en R'ulldredand.Th~r,,;y~:... fl va, and ... have . compared' the j'b r1gfnilr"i:i:d(F''(wor'co'pteS'i'~ tfi"eTe'Ot~'",!f~~II" required bY1;he Charter Act of the Cityqf'Delray Bea~lLandGene'il~ Laws of' th4.13tate oil' Florida; pertaining to the collectiono:1! munioipal taxes, aDd find the same to becorreot. C.W. HUl J ..K.GJryn]l: W. J" Johnston citiCoJIDcilmen,ctty ot,Delray Beaoh, ~Fior1da ,<,' . "".'">'",,',,.', OITY OF DELRAY BEACH, COUNTY OF PArM BEACH, BATE OF FLORIDA , . '~':."~5,i. ~ 'I'~ / , /.,,,, ;,:i:;~ .;",t \:A:A..'! ,,':<gil:" ;.s~~~ "'?k7 ,'f?,tj d~'" ........,',.. ~{t;-, !~ ~ GOUNCIL CHAMBER - November 1, 1935 I hereby aertif'y that the warrant given under the hand of Mae Cramp, City Assessor of' Taxes, to Mae Cramp, Tax COlleotor, and attaohed to the Assessment Roll for the City ot Delray Beach;' Palm Beach G,ounty, Florida, f'or the year A,D. Nineteen Hundred and Thirty-f'ive, has been duly recorded on page OJ';).1.{ . . > of the minutes of the City Counoil in and for said oity a1'oresaid; as required by the Charter Act of the CitY'of"DelraY"BeaetT;-and General Laws of' the Sta te of' Flo;r-ida, pertaining to the oolleotion 01' munio ipal taxes. ' Given under my hand and seal of of'fice this 1st daY' of November, A.D. 1935. .~ Mae W. Cramp Oi ty Clerk, City of Delray Beaoh, Fla. It was regularly moved and seoonded the meeting be ad journed. D\cUL W. c"~f ' Ci ty Cl.erk . . . .~PPROVED: C . !,'.... t A fr~ ; /", " iJ ' ~:~ 'C '=I ....,' f ~