11-18-35 Adjourned Regular ." '~ ~. , !II ,...."".',~",'t',..""",.',,.'.,."""~~'''""'.'...,e.:..e::....~. 527 .''''-,. COUNCIL CHAMBER-' November 18, 1935 . The Council met in adjourned regular session at 7:'30 P.M. The Mayor and Counoi:J1nen, Foote, Gwynn, Johnston and Jones were pres en t. &unoilman Hill was abs ent. The minutes of the last regular meetingand1headjourned------ meeting held for approval of the tax 1"00,1 were read, and on motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, approved. The Clerk read a letter :from ;Tess C. ;Tohnson regarding oom~ pensation for servi oe rendered in conneoti on wi th the construotion of the swimming pool; also wi th referenoe to settlem'ln he had made sane time ago of' oertain delinquen t taxes on his home property. <By motion of' Mr. ;Tohnston, seoonded by Mr. ;Tones and unanimously carried the letter was ordered f'iled. Applioa tions f' or the position of lifeguard were read from Wilbur Hollenbaok and Wesley Deese, and ordered filed for future referenoe. ~ A letter was read :from the Kiwanis Club asking that pre- oautionary traf'fio regulations be enforoed to make the sohool zone safe for ohildren. The Mayor disoussed with the Counoil the diff'erent measures that had been adopted in this regard and stated that a polioeman was on du ty at the in terseotion of Atlantio and FirstAve~ nUeS in the mornin€l3 at at noon hours. It was suggested too tthe boy soouts on duty at .tl1at oorner be instruoted to take the license numbers and report all speeding or reckless drivers, to the PQl10e that suoh drivers may be dealt with in the munioipal oourt. Thei Clerk was instructed to aolmowledge the Kiwanis Club letter, thank'- ing them for their oooperation in this regard and adVising them-tha everything w:mld be done to proteot this crossing. :Mr. Johnston reported that he had had the broken spring.., board at the swimming pool reinf'oroed with steel, but thoUgh tit a good idea to purohase a new boord in order to haVe one in reserve in oase 01' emergency. The Clerk was instruoted 'tn order a laminated board as per reoommenda tion of' the Chairman of' the'Park Committee, at a cash prioe of'$34'.20 quoted by The Hill Standard Corporation of' Indiana. Mr. Abraham George appeue d before the Counoil r~ues ting . .......! additional lights along the business seotion of' At.lantio ..venue f'roJl1.::1 Deoember 1st untiL,iI.pril 1st. This matter was."disoussed,brieny: and."",-~ lef't with the light committee to t alee under advisanoo'\r and make,{;~" reoommendation to the CoUncil at their meeting on Novanber 25th. ;,_ The Mayor of' marking streets a few days. reported that Mr. Baker was starting' on the work that night, and would have it oanpletedwithin ,,*,;,; ~'; "',.F'~"""""""':."",,","7"'_' ',_ 'ff COtlNCIL CHAMBER - Nov. 18, 1935 52~ The Chairman of the Park Committee reported that most of the effeots of the storm had been effaoed and the neoessary S reconstruo tion work oompleted on the bea oh. r,{'::;i- t A disoussion arose in re€l3rd' to the street recently oon- struoted in Nassau Park Subdivision on ,the beaoh. 'll1e speoif'ied ojus rook had not been usee in its oonstruotion as agreed by Mr. MoNeil Ns'~-i;\~Oi~6 7J d m=t t~r~' t~ e M~i ;~n!liii~~6S!ci~e~~ili;~e (J~F~i~g't;t~:o~ or the responsibility of' maintaining said street until the pIOper type 01' rook is used. A motion to this af1'eot was made by Mr. Johnston, ') seoonded by Mr. Gwynn, and on roll oall unanimously oarried. The Chairman of' the Street Committee reported the oom- pletion of 44,793 square yards of street oiling, whioh he said he oonsidered had been done very satisf'aotorily. 'Che matter of' a li1'eguard was then taken up and the advis- abili ty toot employing one at this time' was disoussed, lit was finally moved by Mr. Gwynn that the City Clerk have notice inserted in the Delray Beaoh News oalling for applioations to fill the pos- i tion, to start work December 1st, said applioations to be oonsidered at the regularmeeting next Monday nigj:J.t. Mr. Johnston seoonded the. motion, whioh on roll oall oarried uriamlmoualy. It was moved by Mr. Jones, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and un- animously carried tha t the Chairman of the Park Commi ttee be em- . powered to purohaserope and have posts jettied ba.ck in to position, f'or the replaoing of' ropes, and :floats at the beaoh. ,k . Mr. Johnston reported on the beautiful gondi t ion of the Golf Course and asked tha t the members make a speoial vis it ot inspection on the 00 casion of the seasonal opening of the Club next Saturday. The Clerk was instructed to :invite managers of'the looal hotels to meet with the Counoil and members of' the Golf Commi ttee' at the Club Hous e on that afternoon. The Clerk stated that bOnds ordered through an Orlando bond represen tati ve had not arrived and requested permis sion to purohase an addi tional f'ive thousand 1'IOm a Miami Company provided iIllInedi ate delivery could .be made, at apric e 0 f' 23i oents or le as. By Motion of' Mr. Johnston, seoonded by Mr. Jones, and unanimously carriai, the olerk was granted this authority. Oounc.1lmanGwynn asked if there wasn't some way of pro- , l~i;' hibi ting build.1n~ or oons.truction work arouna.1ile,..hote.+ andresidenoe:: seotion of the Beaoh'during the tourist' season.' as"oomplaiIfthadbeen,,'I" made in the past regarding the notse and disturbance oaused hotel guests by such activity. The matter was discussed and Mr. John- ston moved that the City Attorney investi~teas to the Oity's, powers of' restri ctionin this respeot and. report baOk to the. CoUncil at its next meeting. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion, ai:1d on roll call the vote was unanimous. .. "''1' ;1;/,:': "'f """ "" '~..' .")~ . . - .,,,,,~'.c ^'< 'h..'.....,-'.' ",-.~,,~~..-. ,.. ....."f:"..'"".,..";".~<',-,.".".".,.~,.":,..,"".,.. ,', .',.""""'~ ".>~."" "".0._'.'.'._.',." ',,'" ~. ; ~'"'' "'~'-'''~~~ 5~ '.;':, '\ ,.. ," COUNCIL Cn~MBER - ~ov. i8, 1935 It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried that bills numbered S3'l to '1'L"'L_, having been O.K'd by the J;'inanoe Commi ttee, e retumecr-tO the Counoil and ordered paid. There being no f'urther business Counoil regularly adjourned. . 1hMl~k' ~ APPROVEDl 6 Id d, o ',~~' President of' the Counoil. . -. " t , 1,1) 'hi :1;, n:, t~}1 ~~( ~!!, i~ . ~!( "'. 'I, ;1':"