11-25-35 Regular "t, .!F'~_ ;""!'y GOUNe II. C HAMJ3ER '-,.~'''~ ' 5. ",! "1' :1 .,Ii :U: it:~ .;. ,; :I~' November 25th, 1935 ~ It~ 'Il ,;i.$. ~he Council met in regular session at 7:30P.lk....J.....~:..... with the Mayor aad all members of the Counoil present. . . il, ,,,I ~he minutes of the meeting held l'Icvember 18th .: wel'e",read'randonmotion. regula r1y mad&.,-seconded-and-,c&l'pieo..,-.--._;; approved. III' ;~ The application 01' J.E. Hobart andWm. Heavener 1'01" lioense to sell bottled beer at SEASI1.>E, the respauran.t :formerly own.edby Mrs. Illsley. was ,presented by the Clerk. :it was mond by Councilman Jones that lioense be granted. The ,motion. was. see...! onded byJJLr. GwyLl.tl, and on roll call, the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote yelft .Mr. GwyLl.tl yes. Mr. Hill yea, Mr. J.OMatonnOt .lIi-~ ~ones yes. he motion oarried. ~ ""j it i'i jr d;~:~ l' , '.~\'''!.' ,_.c;~":, . .. 'ft~ Ijf~ "j,: "", I' )"RI.' i/' ... '~"\\t . ,,'.,'j ;c' '); ,'~.i The Clerk read a lengtl1y oommwiioation. 1'.rom Ii cOllllllithe of Delret oitizens reoommend:fiigtlm:ttiieC'ouaoTriake steps towards the refundl,n.g of the City's bonded debt od a 40% basis. ~r. Troup and J .(J. Keen. who were presen.t, discussedwHh the Counoll terms of a tentat;l.ve propoaal fO;rsubjllil!lsion to the ,Bon.dtlOlde rsComm1ttee l Mr. Keen. stated tb,e objec.tof theeit1zenh cOlllJlllttee Vias merely to get somethi.ogstartecl,llsitwas their" belie f that the time was n.ow ripe 1'01' settlement, .8ndany chan.gea,: or suggestions the Council might have to o1'fer inoun~niii.g "a'", re1'undingprop.osi tion .would be agrees bleton~Il/~lilJn~t:;tep.lt,w,e.,~ fii:lally moved by Mr. Johnsto,n. that theoopmit.efJ/J.'l:t'dra:f'll;a 'letter' ""~", along the l1n.llSl '@.,ggested iA their lett(jr:tcy.th(jpCol;illoiJ.:Pu.t '] chan.gin.g same to read 26% in.stead of 40%0:f;:out'll'l;a'r:ldingMnds; ;,' an.d to in.olude the words ,'outstan.d1tlg ill.te~.st.1'\l'lald[let~r to, be forwarded, \,'ii~h the l,JO.unCil's en.dorsejll~4~tt,othe..B.o,!l,~))'0].ders comm1ttee tre'l.ue stingtlll:lt tiley give itserfous'(lC)..o.slderattp.a:. ;:~ :'.'.':'i. .......,..............' ','.'" . . "....',....... ...'....'.....,: '.'. ..:,.... ',. .... .. The ,BuUding Iaspeotor ap,peare'dfor'Miss., "., ' Dorothea E. Galvin, askldgthe probab1lity 01' a: perm1t..being'g:i:an.ted , her 1'01" the ereotion. of four addiUonal residenoeeoA the Ift of' Ooe.n. Beao,h Lot 14. This was discussed at length but .ao act10tl taken. at this tir,;e. :' ,~:L,l~ ::k. " ,/ .~ l' L'f "d CtheOns1dtekra Uons of aPIIlica,t10ll.d.aS 'tain.?:~aPfilOthlll.tmen'\l" o a . e ",uar was n. a en. up aad on. reoolllllleA 'o'ii;o . 'e'. , Chai Illlaa of the l?Grk Committee, Mr. Gwynn. moved' tha t wHDur. D. ,:1;\ Hollen.beok be emj)loyed as Llfe Guard beginn.lng DEioember;la.t, ,at a , salary, 01' .50.00 pli}rmot1th. ,.Mr. JOMston Se!30Aded'h"the"..mo,cwaoa~,aa~,',,,. on. roll oall the vote was unaalmouly carrled......','." ' ','[I' Mr. B,yrd. reported having met .with~~,hElr ,oit1::::11 attorn.eys of the Couo.ty for the ,;Jurj)ose of disoussing an.d itl:terpret1n.gJ~ the slot maohin.e law an.d its applioa tion. to muo.l01pal:ities." He c# ,ag.rised t~ t Delray Beaoh dra f't aad pass an. ordin.an.oe:wherebi' , :t . th.ese maoh:\.,lles may be regula ted should they be j)laoed"i:n" this City. ::!I :\!I ,;j "I- (;i """""~"""..~.~~.,.",,,,~. >'''''''''';:~'''~''''''"'''''~~...,.:.'~':''''~' jj~ CITY COUNCIL - November 25th, 1935 Ways and means of keeping the maohines out or Delray were discussed, as it was stated public sentiment was dec- idedly 9Pposed to them here. It was suggested that the City in- direotly, through a private oitizen, apply to the Comptroller for 'an operator's lioense for control 01' the total number allotted to Delray Beaoh, thereby forestalling issuance of license to any~ one else 1'01" operat1on of suoh machines. In line with this sugg- estion, Mr. Johnston moved that the City Clerk be instructed to ,write "the.. Comptroller applying for an operat.ol"".......l-ieense-1n-he-r own name. Mr. Jones seoonded the motion, whioh on roll oall oarried unanimously. It was f'urther moved, seoonded, and oarried that the City Clerk be instruoted to issue no lioenses for the operation of slot maohines until a redly is received from the Comptroller. -.i'""" i:, ,'~'~~ "..,:;, " ;4. "!'t ;:t~;~ " ~: , ,{' ~~,; ~~;' ,';j,>i ,_.,l~ ..~~~ THE Ole rk presented nominating pet1tions at oandidates to be voted on for the offices 01' Mayor and Counoilmen in the approaohing eleotion, where upon the following resol~ioll was introduced: . WHEREAS ,Artiole 12, SectIon 15ofttle'Cit',Y'" Charter of Delray Beaoh, Florida, fixes the f1rst Tue!lday a1'ter the first Monday in December as the date 1'01" holding the City eleotion eaoh and every year, and ';! ~.\ ,,,,~r -;(i~) 'Xt~ -.-:~~ ~, ':i;ij; ''(;., if i~~l ',)U <~ ,,,,.,.~.~'.. ,...,'';;;'. WHEREAS D.M. Bradshaw and. S..H. Jones ha.'I/'~j;fl~e.d their petitions, signed by the required number of qualifiedvo'te.l'B as oandidates for the offioe of Mayor, and .... .". signed by the the office of ,.;.':'.,,,...;......, WHEREAS Frank Crego and Arthur Barton ha va' ~ 'T > 1'i16d their "etitions, signed by the required number of qualii1'ied ,\ , voters, as candidates for the office of Counoilman for liard:: 2;, '~ild";" +,:,v:"'~'~:,:~e'" ,', 'i,;I',: ::'.k,';',;' ~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the' City;, if: Counoll 01' the City of Delray Beach, Florida, t~at ,theaboy:~~~i,neil;,: '. ....~ Honed "JO titioilers be declared the regular qualified oandldatea";~ '::iI'~ 1'or the respeoUve offioes to which they aSPire,and"~ . ., ...... .......,. ....:' ',,:. .,. .,..:...~:",..:.:...~:'.::,;<-.'...,;,';:.,' "," .......f{:,~~;~f~i~ ~. BE-, Ii'- FURTHli1R,-'RESO;E.~ED' tha t- ,hk~"'Rawl:S\""be!I'IW""''''''<',,~i spJ!ointed as Clerk,and J.-,Leel1e )3rowa, .l>.F. Sundy'and.Ge&:;:',,'I"s.1.- ,-tf." berry be appointed inspeotors, to hold said elect1oii:i4Finlln~Il,;s '::t .Hall on Tuesday, Deoember 3rd, 19315, between the hourso.f \};;"QOi.'~'"' ,.A.M. and SI.Ul down, ." 'lV~:." , ;!, be authorized ~o ,pay and 1'urn.ish one meal :',',,';~;:;~}:..'t;.~*~r';,::::': BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t~ t the Citl;ti:' said eleot1o& board the su.m of,,~" '. for their. se~vioee.,~ 0} -, v ~"~,'.:''''''n,",''';^'.:':;':':,-,,,c """""~";'''''_ "''''';'''_.",'',."..,'''r?~ . ;,-;::;;(_<,*~ 532' COUJ.'iCIL CHAMBER .- November 25, 1935' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the. Clerk be authorized to have ballots prepared and j,lrlnted, bearing the names of the above nared oandida tea. The Chairman of the Light Committee stated he was not aa yet, prepared to make reoommendations with regard to additional lights for the busiaess. section 01' Atlantio Avenue. ":it was regularly moved, seoonded and oarried that bills numbered ~7~ to . ., 'gt., having been Q.K'd by the Finance Committee be reu.rne: d to' he COUllC il and ordered paid. There being no f'urther business, it was reg- ularly moved, seoonded and oarried that Council adJourn. Re sp ectfully submit ted, ~o.k. cO ~~' .'&ity Clerk. .. . .'- AFi;'RO~D~. ... Cl .... 6,f3t~ ' PreSident 0" e. OlUlllli