12-01-35 Special
Deoember 1, 1935
The Counoil met in speoial session at ~l30. P.M. f'or
the purpose of' preparing the ballot box, and other minor items o~
business. Counoilmen Foote, Gwynn, Jones and Johnston were pre-
sen t. Counoilman Hill was absen t.
It was moved by Mr, Gwynn that the of'fioial ballots,
list of' registered qualified voters and other eleotion paraphernalia
be approved and plaoed in the oollot bax:, and ihat ihe oollot box be
sealed, :J.ooked and delivered to the Clerk of' the Eleotionw1th in_
struotions as to holding said general m'linioipalel('!(}tion in oompliance
with the laws of the State of' Florida, the Charter of ihe City 01'
Delray Beaoh and ordinanoes pertaining to the holding of selid mun-
;:;f"~n~~;~~:~y oo~.~.e~~tiO n we, "'000 dedb.y Mr '.J'one.sa.n don ro 1l.....~.'.;!....'....:.'~.~..:1...'..'
The Mayor who was present requested the Counoil to reduoaf~~'
the prioe oharged taxpayers for bonds used for taxpaying purposes'"
to twenty_f'ive oents, He mane this reocxnmendation because it appeared',
that the city would be able to get all the bonds theynee;ded'if6r sane'4
time to oome at 23i oents or less, and he believed it advisable to.
give the taxpayers the benefi t of the reduotion, After disoussing'
the matter, it was :tloved by Mr. JoneS." seoondedby Mr. Gwynn and
unanimouly oarried, that the price be reduoed,to' .25 oents on the
new block of bonds reoently purohased, and also any f'uture blooks
purchased by the Ci ty at 23i oents. . .
The Ci ty Clerk presented to the Council the required I
number of' off'ioial ballots, whioh ballots were examined by the Counoil !
and f'ound to be in proper form and order. The - Glerk:alsO'"'presented'--~'-:-
a list of registered voters, showing the oondition of' the poll taxes, i
said list having beEn oheoked by J .L. Grier, Supervisor of Reg1s- ;
tration. The registration book, tally sheets and other required para- "
phernalia f'or the holding of' the general election in the City on 1\1
Deoember 3rd, 1935 were also presented:. ::
~ t
The Fire Chief' appeared at the meeting requesting the
COuncil's permission to buy ahot water heater f'or his apartlllent, and'
it was moved by Mr, Gwynn that Mr. Cook be allowed $25.00 f'or the
neoessary installation of' heater and equipment. Mr. Jones seconded
the motion; and on roll oall the vote was unanilllous.
There being nofurthf;lr business to come be1'ore the City
Council, on motion duly maqe, seoonded and carried, the meeting
~1'~ ~~~~ r~'1O .
President of theounoil
't' ~ '.j
Delr>Olj Beach. Flol'ido
Ootober 28th, 1935.
Town Clerk,
Oi ty .of Delray,
Delray, Fla.
Dear., Sir:_
We have no'" completed the grading of
OUF property at Nassau Park, which is looated
an South Ooean Boulevard. We have plans for
the construction of two or four houses on the
inside lots, but we cannot start this work
until a street is put through the property.
As this street is dedicated to the town of
Delray, i'fe would like to know frolll your Council
how quiokly they could start the construction.
of the street. The street is completely
graded and is noW ready for the construction
of the road.
We would appreciate hearing from
you ,as soon as possible in regards to this
mat ter.
Yours very truly,
DeI"oq Beach. Flof>iJo
December 2nd, 19~5.
Town Clerk,
Dear Sir:-
We have been informed that your
Council has failed to approve the road which we
put in at our property at Nassau Park, South Ooean
This rock had previously been approved
by your Mr. Baker and your Mr. Foote, ~nd it also ap-
parently had the approval of the County and the United "
States government, it being the.'same rock which is being
used by the County and the government in the construC~
tion of the road west of Delray, and i~ is our under-
standing from good authority that the':!:,ook is equal,
if not superior, to Maule OjuS rock.' We might
state, also, that the road is 7" rolled to 5" instead
of 6" rolled to 4",which was what your'Board aCyepted
and passed a Resolution to accept at a previous 'meeting.
We'had a road expert cheok over the rock before aocept-
ing it from Mr. Barnes, the oontractor, and ye~ after
all this, we are inf'ormed that your honorable body has
rejected this road.
We believe that we should have. been in
formed or requested to appear bef'ore the Board before
the rejeotion of this road was voted upon and we feel
that we, as well as our contraotor, have been treated
very unfairly. We have at all times sinoe the be-
ginning of the development of the properties in Delray
tried to live up to all regulations and building oodes.
0.1' tre Town of ])elray and would like an expression f'roln
you in regards to this matter.
Yours very truly,
-<-."'.':- - -\.