12-09-35 Regular
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Deoember 9, 1935
<:':I The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M.
wi th the Mayor and all members of' the Council presen.t.
The minutes of' the last regular meeting and the
special mee t1ng held f'or prepara tion 0 f' the ballot box were rea d,
and on..motion regularly made, se.ocnded,..@ldoarried,8:pp.roved.,.__."
Under the head of _~old business the retiring
Council prooeeded wi th the approval of unpaid bills. By motion of'
'Mr. Hill it was ordered tbat the insuranoe polioy on the Brookway
Fire track for liabili tyand property damage be dropped, and that
the City oarry the insuranoe itself; and it was further ordered
that the anount of' the ninety dollar premium beplaoedin the Oity's
insuranoe fund for such purpose. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion,
which on roll call carried unanimously.
It was moved by Mr. Johnston that bills numbered
985 to 1010, having been O.K'd by the Finanoe Oammit1;ee be ref'erred
back to the Council and ordered paid.
? 'i:.'.)
Old business having been oompleted,it was moved "~I
by Mr. Johns.ton, seoonded by Mr. Hill and unanimously osrrried that. ::
the Council prooeed to oanvass the re,wrns of' the generalCiiiy
election held Deoember 3.
A letter f'rom Nassau Park developers with re f~
erenoe to the construotion of' Jo-Jo Avenue in their subdiv1s'ion
was read by the Clerk. No aotion was taken and 'the letter vas
ordered f'iled. .
After oa reful
tallY.~heets 8A~,re turns as made
ing resolution 'was introduoed by
WHEREAS, the C:ity Clerk has.presalted to theCitY"Jf~:
Oouncil the sealed oollot box as the same was delivered to herby,.;
the election offioials in charge of the General City Election held. ,.
in the City of Delray Beaoh. on December 3rd, 1935; and .; .-
WHEREAS, the Oity C()uI1~i1forthe purpose 01" oEm2',)~
vassing the ballot/!, did open and examine1h!l ball 01; box, tallie/!. . '.~
and election returns as shown by the re.turns'of.the election 01'1'1.. .'.
cials, and found tha t ,s!:1id eleotion of'fioials' re1urns showed.;votes
were oas t as fOl1.~~~'~'J:""t\t:~,~am~c1~;~~U '.
D.M. Bradshaw
SoH. Jones
. V.A. Genton' 252
'W~J. Johnston 121
COffi1CIL CHjUlBER - Deoember 9, 1935
Arthur Harton 211
Frank Crego 165
C.W. Hill
of .the City of Delray . eaoh, Florida,... thatfi.M.Eradshawdishere,by_,.,..,,__
deolared to be the duly eleoted Mayor, and that V,A, Genton is
hereby declared to be the duly eleoted Councilmn from Ward 1, and
Arthur Barton is hereby deolared to be the duly eleoted CounoillDan
from Ward 2 and C.W. Hill is hereby deolared to be the duly elected
Councilman-at-large. .
The motion was seoonded by Mr; Jones and on roll
call, unanimously carried.
There bdng no further business to oome before
the old Council, it was moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Gwynn
and unanimously oarried that Counoil adjoun,sine die.
"in (LQ vJ, C ~?i'
Ci ty Clerk .
. lfh/~ ~~
Presiden t of the ounc 1
'~'~'''''~''<';"'"''''''''''~''......,:.., ~, .~
Deoember 9, 1935
'1'he newly eleoted City Counoilmen were intro-
duced, and after the Mayor, D.M. Bradshaw was duly sworm. in by
the City Clerk, he in turn administered the os th of' ofricEl to
Arthur Barton, V.A. Genton and C.W. H111,ascouneilmen.q-~
The new Counoil then convened in regular session
at 8:00 P.M. and by motion regularly made seoonded and oarried Mr.
Foote was nominated President of the Counoil for the enBuing year.
Mr. Gwynn moved that nomina tions oease. Mr. Barton seoonded 'the
motion, and on roll call the motion oarried unanimously and Mr.
Foote was declared eleoted f'or said of'fioe.
Under the f'irst item of' new business an applioation
was read from the Amerioan Legion for permission to hold tilree
shows, viz. on Deoember 17th, 25th, and 2!Zth for the bene:rit of'the
Eoy Scouts, disabled veterans and charity. It was readily moved
by Mr. Hill that penni ts be granted for these shows. Mr. Genton
seoonded the motion which on roll call, oarried unanimously.,
Letters from the F.E.e~Railway in regard to oon-
struction of' a shelter on the West side of' tracks at depot, and aiso
a letter from the Comptroller in rega I'd to appllo at! on for slot
machine penni ts wer e ordere d f'iled for future re ference.
The Mayo r then announoed, the appointmerits 01'
R.V. Priest as Chief at Police and :it,]). ,Morris as Asst. Chief' for
the ensuing year. Mr. Gwynn moved tte tt the appointmentsof\ fI6
the Mayor be oonf'irmed and approved by the OouIloil. Mr. Barton
seconded the motion, adding that beoause the:Mayor 'l'8S held res-
ponsi ble f'or the acti ons of tile Poll oeDepa:rtillent, he fel t the
Counoil should approve his appointments of' officers. . The.seme
sentiment was voiced by.Mr. Foote, and on roll call: the vote was
as follows: Mr. BartoIlyes, Mr. Foote yes;>!!r., GentoIJ,no, Mr.
Gwynn yes,Mr; Hill yes. The motion oarried.
The following oommi ttee appointments were also'
announeed by the Mayor:
FINANCE COMMITTEE: (Finan ce & Heal Estate')
C.W. Hill, Chairman
li.l ~B. ,'J!.'Qq;te.
(Lights, Park & Golf ).
Arthur Barton, Chairman
Joe Gwynn
c. W, iUl1
COUNCIL CHAMBER - Decembe r 9, 1935
J .K.
Chai rman
Gw ynn,
E.B. Foote, Chairman
Joe Gwynn
C.W. Hill
SANITATION COMMI'ITEE: (Publio Health & Sanitation)
V.A. Gent on , Chairman
Arth ur Ba rton
E.B. Foote
It was regularly moved, seoonded and carried
that the committee appointments be approved.
Miss ,orothea E. Galvin then appeared bef'ore
the Counoil wi th further reference to obtaining permit for ereotion
of additional houses on her OoeanBeaoh Lot~ , After agreeing to
move all her new buildinl;'!l five feet f'or,i/ardon the lot, thereby
leaving a lO-foot rear yj!ard spaoe, it. was regulerly..moved, se.c...
onded and earried, tha t application be. approyed. and permi t granted
with these changes. Miss Gal 'V in agreed to :fii.~.~.:tqe proper pla:p.IF
wi th the Building Inspector f'br f'uture retel'en~~.
An application f'rom14rs ~qeo.B6den. toreplaoe
a oomposi tion roof wi th shingles on her' resfden,ce, Corner DixieHy.
and 2nd. st., was pres en ted by the l'ulldirlg .}nspE;lotor. As said house
was wi thin the~eoond f'i re limits ~one !twas st.ated .suoh permission
would be a 'VioJ.:ation of' the oode,ai.lditwal9 moyed, by Mr. HllL.tbat
bef'6re the Counoiltake my aot1,on in, the mattel',that.1he Fire
chiei' be instructed to write the Southe'astern,UnderwriteraAsari.,
asking how such a permit would af'f'eot the, ins'uranoe rates ill/that
distriot. Mr.. Barton seconded the motton, whioh cerried unanim";
ously on roll oall.
'I'he matter of'plaoing a Boy Scout or an,of'f'icel'
at the intersection o1'1he Federal Hy. and Atlantic 1\.venUeforpro-
teotion of' school children was brought up and referred to the Mayor. .
for reoommendation. .. ...
,:, " ">'. "'~'i',. ',;,/ ',.;'i';'o", / ;'<t~'0;~~<:,..j:/~'~:"':1'.':"';;";"":,f:"N,,
On motion regularly made, s,eccndedand,oarried,
the Olerk was direoted to write the Bondholders Oommittee for au t-
hori ty to pass an ordinance designa ting bond levy colleott ens, on.
1933 and 1934 tax$s to the payment of ourrent interes t oo'upons f'or
the sake of simplyf'ying bOOkkeeping and allooation oftheae'lnonles;, >
It was moved by Mr~'Hi.ll, that the preS~t.City"
"""'-",~, ~""""~'531
COUlTCIL CHA1lBZR - December 9, 1935
employees be i'e-employed f'or the ensuing year at the same salaried.
The Clerk reoanmended that the Deputy Clerk's salary be rais ell. to
.70,00 per mon th, whereupon Mr. Hill amended his motion to inolude
the reoommended rais e of $20.00 per mon tho The amended moti on was
seconded by Mr. Barton, and on roll call unanimously oarried.
It was moved by Mr. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Hill
and unanimouslY oarried that WoAo Jaoobs be re-ap:pointed as City
Judge at' the same salary. ..., .,.."
The matter of' additional lights fbr AU an tio
Avenue was ref'erred to the new Cha1 rman of t he Light Committee 0
Mr. Hill also agreed to ascertain the rate that would be oharged
for such additional lighting during the Winter season.
Mr., Gwynn reoommended that the Street Committee
provide a sign or some method to prevent Northbound traf'fio on S.E.
First Avenue from disregarding the one-way street regulations at the
:rost Off'ioe oorner. Mr. Foote; Chairman of the Street Commi ttee
agreed to look into the maf;ter and.. have a sign "painted and plaoed
in a notioeable spot at the alley intersection South. of the Post
Of'fi oe 0
Mr. Foote reoommended tha t the City take steps to
acquire the lots lying between the Masonio Bulld.ing and Rhoden's
store. 'i'his prop:l rty he said, was delinquent in taxes for a oon'"
siderable number of years and the lots would be valuable to th e., ,City;
as a parking space.
~r~. Genton reoommendedthat>th~Y<q:l.ty do something
to prevent the breeding 0 f' mos qui toes' in the.:pqt.,.ltor~s oaused by
t):J.e removal of large trees in the muokqandse~tionEast of'"the
Canal and North of Atlantic Avan.ue. Nothing ooU;I.dbedone,witho\lt
the oonsent of t.he owners o:t'.the propertyit~s s:tated, arid,tl:1~:
matter was ref'e-rred to the Sanitary Committeef'o,rrecanmendationtl
:" . . ,~/;,~)
It <was regui arty moved', s eoori4ed .. andca rrled.,tha t
the Olerk write the Dud1ey..Murphy Company giving them ~n day's:
notice to move the old eng\.ne and equipment aoondonedbytha:n and
left standing on Sou th Canal Street; also request payment of th~
$25.00 damage b1l1held byth,e City against this, .l';ompany f'or damages
oaused by thei r hffivyequipmerit on satd Canal street.,
A\veloomE!Ws.s~:x:tend~d. bt M~~Gwynnand
of the Counoil to th..e neWmelllbelr~ and hope expressed tha.t
wO\lld work togeth er hannon,iotisH for .the good of the City.
'.9' ,. .". .....'. '.' "':""r'~;,'~Yii;,i"~/i',':,~""::v~,<:...,(t!},;\>,,.~f,'::"./:f;:'+"\;,',......, '. ,,},., '.'"'' "....~':~';)'?;':*'..,!W(V'. <,." t"~)!"".' ... .c".....,
The Mayqi!,then,8dministered theoJth of' of'fice..
.d. Jacobs, as Municij;8.1 lfudge,af't.er which the Counoil, by mot:l..on
gularlymade, seoonded and carried'. adjourned.
Yvr r. ~ r....),
City Clerls:
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