12-23-35 Regular ..,., '.p. ~ .^.... .""'~"''''''''...~,''q>'.'~""?,",,. ',<'!~~'_ _~ .H "".~ 5: COUNCIL CHA1VIBER Deoember 23, 1935 The counoil met in regul~r session at 7:30 P.M. with the Mayor and all members of' the Counoil present. The minutes of the meetings held, December 9th were read, and by motion regularly made, seoonded and oarried, approved. The Chainnan of' the Light Committee I;eported on his cheok-up of street lights, reccmmending the re-distribution of eertain existing lights and the extension of lines in some instanoes to provide lights in other plaoes where they are badly needed. Af'ter discussing the si1llation with Mr. Senior, who was present, it was moved by Mr. Hill in aooordano.ewith the reoom-' mendations of the Light committee, that the line be extended one block South on 4th Avenue,thenoe one,BloCkwe~t,and"IL..... light installed a t the Corner of' Osoeola st. and Third Avenue;, that the line be extended West on Atlantio Avenue to West Fifth Avenue and light installed at 1h.at oorner; and/that the line be extended South on the Ooean Beaoh to prov1defor a light at the Southern end of' the Boulevard. Mr.. Senior statedthes.e, extensions would be made at labor plus cost price, being approx... imately $30.00 per block. Mr.., Hill's moti on was seoonded byMr~ Gwynn and on roll oa 11 unanimousl y ca rried. . .'... .,.,.. .:'. ..,........,........ ...:'...., .'. ". ',' The matter of a.ddi t10nal white-way lights for :the busi ness seotion of A tlan ti 0 Avenue, was by motion of' Mr. Gwynn seconded by Mr. Hill, and unanimousl.y carried, ref'erred to the Light Committee with power to act as to the number of' lights and the pl ao ing of same. The Mayor brought up the ma tter'of purohasing a: neon sign advertising Delrsy Bea'oh~ Mr. Byrd, speaking f'or the Kiwanis Club, sta tedthis organization was much in' favor of. tlie. ,iaea and would probably be able to help finanoe same, but he could not say to what extent. It 'was there f'ore ,. reoomr:lended that members 01' the Council c.onf'er wi tha oommt ttee from the Kiwanis Olub for the e of proposing ways and means of mutl,laliy f'inanoing. the tion. In this oonneotion the President. appointed Oommittee to meet with the Kiwanis,CluQ and report night. Deoember '30th at'an adjourned meeting of. the , .:....c.., ". ''0'.\ "':l,"";;<~:,'>-""i'F:",',.,j,<,,,,~;{k%(j\'~:-:~"~:' . .". ~:-,~;':1"':S):::~#:";:~~\i];Zi"}~"i:1;~r~~;f*~~'~~$'"''i.;:~~,!,;,~~",) Mr. Barton reoommended, that the Oi ty' finance::: . '::~' oertain repairs and recons'\lruotion work at the OityPark;;arid 0 Shuf'fl e Board oourts. He also subni tt ed a ten tati ve est'1mate 01' "" the cost of material 1'01" rebu.ilding the North shuft'le boar;d",' '. ., oourts ~ which were broken byidynamite b~asts during thetfcanal' ;. ," ,"', widening, a couple of' yea rsago i' ;ru,dgeJacobs" Presi.deniV' of:' the."~ Reoreation Club who waspreserit,.also. s.tressed' the need6f;~a):nelll" " _/;>:,/," '.; < ", ,,:;~~;::~:'(~;\:~:i;,;:;; ,\,~: ,;: ",' ,,;;'::;,~: /;:~i:' " ';"""':"';;~" t:re.'<i/'.. .. ' "....",-,.".,.,...-. :;f%'~:;'~5'; f" '~ <> 1-1-20 1...1-20 1-1-20 1....1-20 ~-~,., 1....1"20. 4-1-26 4-1-26 4-1-26 4-1-26 4-1-26 4....1-26 4-1-26 I , 1-1-25 : ~-26 4-1...26 4=1":215 4-1....26 4-1...26 4-1-26 4...1,.;25 4-1.;.26 4-1...26 4-1-26 4-1-26 4..1...26 4...1..26 4....1-26 '<-"'",''''' GOUNGIL CHAMBER - Deoember 23, 1935 ,..~.",..~t-..""...~~."'H.~,~,""'~ 54: COUPONS SURRENDERED 'ro CITY OF DELRAY BEACH DECEMBER 10, 1935 BONDS 108-115 1-10 45-46- 47-48 49-52 111-120 181...183 191-192 193 194-195 221-225 226....235 251-285 286-300 301..:310 402-406 407 408 409-410 436-437 438-439 .. 440 441 442 451-475 475-480 501-507 COUP.NO. 30 30 30 30 30 MATURITY 1";1-35 1-1-35 1-1....35 1-1-35 1.;.1";;35"-' . 10-1-35 n n n n n n n n n n n n to " " n n n n .. " $120.00 150.00 30.00 30.00 .."00"';00.'.... 275.00 82~50 55.00 27.:S0 55.00 137.:S0 275~00 '62.50 412.50 .2'75.00 137.50 27.50 2'7..50 55.00 55.00 55..00 27.50 27..50 2?~50 68';1.5.0 13'n :sq 19.2~50 . "390';Ocr-" 4015.00 19 319 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 $ 4405.00 The Olerk's aotion in paying and oano~llii:1g saicL coupons, was by motion regularly made, seconded and oarried.,_ approved." , It was moved by. Mr. :Barton, ,seoonded''by Mr. Gwynn: that bills numberem 1011 to 1025, having been O.K'd. by the Finanoe Oommittee, be ref'erred back to the Counoil and ordered: paid.. ' It was regularly moved,seoonded and oarried that adjourn' until Monday nigh ~..Deoember 30,' 1935 at 7:30. " " .. ' Counoil ...."",..,.......,...,. '.,".".......':...",.....' .:'., ".>",'",.,..".:....,." ....,,.'.,,.... ". ", ;,:~'1ih,,),~:t'/":'~<~\'';;'7.J';'4'~;,'',ii,,*'i,t,;.... ',; ';.', ...i..'';;'; ",'.,'i[;;':;;'",<"'",..",;,,,(, Respeotfully submitted, ,~'j,;,'i.1., ..., '.'~'. ..... .' . ' M ~11l. OJ. r tJNJ.f7 . City Cler , APFRO:!lED BY: f()I/3,~ PreSident 01' Counoil 'f::: ":::"'::>""/,'"":' .: >'f',"(';;:"', ;"l<Ff;:h~;:,;;:it ." ~..;-