12-30-35 Regular - "'.'~'''',",;~.."""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ 5~ COUNCIL CHUffiER :Deoember 30, 1935 ; ~.i The City Counoil met in regular adjourned . I:lession at '1:30 P.M. with" Couneilmen' Foo1:e;" Genton,"Gwynn;--BaT'ton---" and Hill present; and City Attorney C.Y. Byrd. :Mr. Foote reque sted a report as. to bids on the shuffle board courts. Mr. Barton reported that no bids had been reoeived because of the faot tha t no plans m 0. speoifieations had been filed wi th the City Olerk, therefore she oould not ask for bi ds . Mr. Hill reported that Geo. Frey wop.ld' furnish labor to recondl tion the oourts for $20.00, and estimated it .. would take about two dli\Ys of his timl:!to dotlJ,1s..Xlo:rk a nO. tha:lL he would need one or two helpers to assist him. Mr. Sands of the Shuffll:! Board Committee discussed at length the aavisability of' putting in steel 1'008 in the recondi tloning of the oourts. ...,-, ..' Mr. Hill estimated, thl:! cost of the reoondl tlon- ing of' the four courts with steel rods and silleal mesh and to a depth of' four inohes would be approximate'lY $250.00. ' Mr., Barton mov.ed that the City p~ooe,ed wi tll:;::! "'~t; the reoondi tioning 01' the four North oourts, sa1ckcQur.ts. to~be'c'; ", rebuil t wi th four inches of oonerete, reinforced w;i:llh' st'eel: "'it,':''''1tf.',,, '!;;,; rods, rock, and steel mesh and that Mr. Hill be authorized "'to,; :.~;;':c;:, en t 81" in to a con trad t ln b eOOl l' of th e Oft y to ha Vel th ese oourt s ' reoondi ti oned and rebuilt immediately in accordano.e with tha,{ above suggestions heretofore made at this mee1l1:ri.g.The motion": was'seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and on roll, c Ii. 1 0 arried. :unanimous~:ty. (i' : ,'", . "",),:',',;j,:,:' Mr. Barton reported that the F:1or ida Poweiand ' Light Company would make a distribution of' the lights as' prev;" , iously authorized as soon as possible. Mr. Barton also reported tha this commi ttee had deoided it woUld take about ten add1 ti,onal ' whl te way lights to give Atlantio Avenue the neCessary lighting effeot oonsi dered neoess ary by the merchan t8 and the oommi.t:tee but that he was not in a posl tion to make a complete and 'defini te report on this matter at this time.' 1&1.'. . Byrd - '1' epd:rtedht ha;l1>'thei"Klilanrs' 'olu1:P'iti6~if<w""M~~ light CoIlllllittes had not metj and, ~sR'E!d for an eXpressf6h o!,'the' ,,' Oounoil as to what its readti'on would be in ref'erence, to said;:' sign. After considera ble di scussio:ri, Mr. Genton sug"es ted that in the event suff'icient subsortpt1ons oould not be obtained to purchase a neon sign that prtoes- and' frgu'res be obtained"as";'to"" ' ~': the erection of' a paintedsl@l wi,tha flood light; sa1dsisn.'"to ",,;:, be similar in design to the neon si"IJl,'sketoh previouslyrepdr~ed ' to the OOUncil. ' ;' , '", ", , ,; .""'J ...,/{.:;.:..)C, .f:-' .':.,\ }:;:;1;': :,j~;~}J1;fJ;~';~li/;, ,; ,:",,: <""~ . ~ .'1' I J ;;:':7 ,,,. 0." ,.,.."....,,,..... ..""'.'~...,.,~.",.,~.,_.~,._~"""""'" .', .. ~'!r 54: aOU1TCIL CHA1~BER - Dec. 30, 1935 Mr. zook appeared before the Council and pre- selllted a resolution relative to the City Council's approving the widening of' the East Coast Canal opposite his nursery pro- perty to a width of one hundred f'eet, using the spoil to :fill the lowlands immedi a tely East of the Canal. After considerable discussion, and with the expressed understanding that the City of Delr~Beach would in nowayberespoilsible for any expense' in corine>otfon''WItll-t'he'-'' widening of the Canal, it was moved by ~r. Barton, seoonded by Mr. Gwynn and on roll call unarr imous ly carried, the t the follow- ing resolution be adopted, and same was adopted as read~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'l'Y OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA WHEREAS, The Florida East Canal has recently been widened through the City of' Delray Beaoh, Florid a, and i,t has been represented to the City Counoil that it was proposed tooonstruot a dyke along the East right 01' my>of~ said'oanal'> f'rom Atlantic Avenue in sald City of' DelrayBeach on the North to the South line of Seotion 16, Township 46 South "Range 43 East, where said oanal abutts upon the property of' :!look Pallll Nurseries, Ino. , it being the purpo se of' said dyk~to prevent the over-f'low and damage to said nursery property';afid . Res, tf 15'4 WHEREASl The sa1d:canal is navigablewatel" and under the jurisdiotion of theWarDt!tpar1mentof',.the"trl:fited; states, and an,y oonstruotion albongsaidoaml \'iilI>beUI>on' the authority and under the direotion of the War Depa,r.tlllentj'and WHEREAS, :it has been S1gge~t~d.th~tJri.iieu.ot the c cnstruotion of said dyke, itm1ght be. possiblt!that the War Department wwld consent to widemsaidoanal to the East . line of the right of way owned<bYthe Go'Vernment, and .dt!posl1; the mater1a~, ro removed uponthe,abuttingland"thereby'pre;:" venting the over-flow of' said land as affectivelyassaid. dyke, and WHEREAS, the zook.Pa.]m NurseriesjIno. is willing without oompensitionj to grant the neoessary permit for the widening of' said canal and.. th(j deposit of' the spoil there.,..., from upon its adjoining land ,and . ",,~,," :f; ';'<' ..:"..... ",:.'''..'' 'i~' .. .. ,. " . '.' WHEREAS, the, said widening of' said CanalVV~~ld' .., orea te. a yacht ba sin. in .the .... oenters'o~,the,City"o~.,.])elria.y:.Ileacbn.,.ii~.?iii.", that would be a publi c improvementbanef'i ting the entire com-C.; '.' muni ty, 8l'l1d ,;,~:;'>; c, >" WHEREAS, it is Uhderstood tha t suoh me;nt, if' made, must be by the oonsent,and un.der the Of the War Department; NOW THEREFOR:E,BE.I[L!RESOLVED BY THE COUNC1L OJ!' THE CITY OF DELRAYBEAcHfFLORIDA: ~;{~;;;,::i\.:n;\:"':""';'" ---''''<'1'_'''''',",~":""~,,,,v_,~:~ 544 COUNCIL CHAMBER - Dec. 30, 1935 Seotionl. That the said City Counoil is of the opinion.that the improvement recited in the preamble hereof' will be a public imT'rovement and a benefit to the entire oem- munity, and hereby requestes the War Department of' the United States to give due consideration to the widening of' said Canal as af'oresaid. Seo tion 2.. That the .. saiCl,gi,:tl,COtll1~tthere:t2~d goes on reoord as being in favor.of said proposed improvement provided, however, that in said construotion due safe guards are taken to prevent da DBge to the street or walks along said Atlantio Avenue and the bridge aoross sC3id oarel, and without expense to said City of Delroy Beach. Mr. Hill oalled to the atten tion of the Counoil the oondi ti on of the pa:rking in the f'irst blook WeBt of the FiE.C. R/W and stated tha t when truoks and oars were parked * at an angle on Atlantio Av. in said blook that it was impossible f'or through traf'f'ic to pass. ~ .....~ I I On motion of' Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. ' Barton Mr. Baker was instruoted and direoted to mark of'f' parking spaoe in the first block West of' the,F.E.C. crossing on Atlantio Avenue parallel to the ourbs in lieu of the .angle parking as now exists. On roll oall, the motion oarried unanimously.. Mr. Gw ynn pr e s en te d to th e CounCi 1h et' pro';.;; positi on :from the Mayor. saidproposition<be1ngthead'y'er1;isiiig \ of the Oity of Delray Beach in four Northernnewspapersf6rfq:ur Sundays ,wi th f'ive lines of advertising at a.oostof':approximately $55.00. Mr. Gwynn reported that $45.0Q had been subscribed for;':, this advertising and stat.ed he would 1i1l:e.tohavean expression .~ from the Counoil in referenoe to this matter. ~,,+'.,-,"', ,,~. , After oonsiderable d~(lCu~s.~on,itwas.moved:2., . ... by Mr. Barton, seconded by Mr. Gwynn, thS.tthe.Mayorspropos~tio~;';'; for advertising the City in four Northern newspapers be. approYElcJ..","h" by the Counoil and that the Mayor and his committee prooeed< wi th publio subscription f'or defraying expen se ,of' theadver- tising as above outlined. On roll oallthe motion oarri eel un. animously. It was regularly moved, seconded and oarried; that Council adjourn. .,~ ci~>J~]'~10"'d,~;,,.~,:,,. " c'; .);~;; .,,, ,'APPROVED: &/3~ ;:."", ,,>'. '. '., '.' .~. . ',Pr!,Jsident of Counoil ;iY\, \"',' :,1:,;~f%~;:f1'I:S":::.; '\'~,< - ':c<;,j:', ;';";J;:')J "",..;;',::"),