01-15-34 Adjourned Regular COUNCIL CRA M13Jl:R Juuary 15. '1954:. . "'"~ . The Cou:rl.Oil JIB t 11'.1. adjourned regular se'Bslon at '7:50 P.M. All members of ' the Counell were present. Fire Chlef Cook eaJIB before the Couneilwlth a request that a gas mask and !i.rst-ald kltbe,;J:>~e,~sed:f'or the Fire Department. On motlon duly made; s&eonde,tli and ear1'ied the request was granted. ' The Cle1'k was authorized to prorate the tft'es on;the Copp property, v1z: MUok lots 15$ and 140. , l " , ,'. . It was regularly moved, sdonded a:nd.~ar:)l'~~d<th!l.t ;he Delray Beach News be designated as the legal ad'vert1..sing medium for the ensuing year. It was moved by'~. Johnston; sec:\:Qllded,'byih'/ FIt!!\ that the Clerk be au.thorized, and instructed to write forne. \ ! permit for the lowering of 'the water mEU.n atoanU.' The motion Was unanimously ea1'riid. It was movell, llle oipn4e,d. ani e"1'rl.,. tP.li~ tb..'CleJrk,: $5.00 for the sket,hee f'Urnished ~ W.L. stou~ton. .',< ( pay The following motion was, otfeI'8,d bY:trr.Gl'fl.C~1: That the IDa. tter of meTing the palm t1'ees in the 01;t" !'ii~ltb8 lett wl th the Park C0lllD11 'lltee with.po."er to act. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and unanimolUJly earned. It was mO,ved by Mr. Johnston, sec\lllldedbYlllr.' Fo~;t~ and unanimously carried that the Clem be l~tructedtowI'1 te the Telephone Company reQl1lst:\.ns them to mClllte the pole' near the en trance to the SeaOrest Hotel. . . .. ,',"", _,' "".".. . ...~~J.:: .~~I~&:~~,,~!:;'t~~~t'~~ It was me1$4 by lIIr.G1'8ioQ , ~tt;h.l'arl(,C,~~1,~~e;ef.'bifk. authorized to install two l:\.ghtj on "e'~MI1,tor tl:iepaY111~ii~::f construction now going On. The motlonwas seoondedbyMr.H1l1.. ,. and Ullllnimously oar1'ie4., " , , The Clerk was Jake Boy4with I'etel'8'n~ instructed to" get in toUGh wlth<:Uri't., ..' to inif'ormation and prioElt on eleetfl~ .i " 2{j"l , j I , 2otj' reflectors to be used on Sallna St. I I " On motion duly made. seconded and car1'ied the Light ColllD11ttee was authorlzed to mow the light in front of the Presbyterian Church to the center of the street. The matter of employlng an auditor was lald over untll next regular meetlng. The followlng motion was oftered by Mr. Foote: That upon recelpt of Informatlon trom the Bond.holclers ,Commit1lee and thelr attorneys' agree4;ng to the plan suggested tor the 001leotlon ot taxes, that the Clty Attorney be Instruoted tOdrllft an ordlnance eoverlng the matter. The motion was seooneled by Mr. Gracey and unanimously carried. Mr. Troup then addressed the Oouncil with reference to securing ald frOlll the C.W.A. with whlch to improve the cemetery. It was moved by Mr. Foote that the Councll endorse tlLe proposi- tion as suggested, The motion was seoonded. by .Jbo~.Inll and unanimously carrIed. . , L 'J 1 ':<'X,. It was mov'eel by Mr. G;rac.y, that the (J'''~~~;'Pz..ojects be oentered on the sewer and the streets as the mOst;,im)D:Ir;tan:l1 matters to be consldered at thls t11ile. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill and unanlmousiy earned. The following bills haVing been aUdit$d and O.K'd,by the Finance C0lllD11ttee were submitted to the Counoil, and on roll call ordered pald. I !; .., L.J. Nieb:>ls Brennan & Plastrldge J. Myers & Sons Delray Heatlng & Plumbing Fisher Inc. Firestone. Service Stores HalseY & Driffi th Amsr:f,can LaFrance & Foamite Co. OJ)ean City Lumber Company Delr"y Lumber Company S~.~clard Oil Company .Af~jj"" :EJQ-dware Wueppers Grocery Del;L"ayFire Dept. :pel ray ~ach News Se:rvice Garage, Florlda State Bank Western Union Dell'ay Beaoh 110 to rs 'l:lur1l0ughs Adding Machlne Co. l58t 55 125.50 5.50 1.!6 2...0 52.l0 lO.82 5.40 52.56 49 .84 11.86 3.'55 5.08 52.00' 55.50 2.60 8.25 4.68 6.50 5.00 Che ck 42'76 '" 4277 It 42'18 " 42'7t " 4280 " 4281 " 4288 It 4283 " 4284 '! 4p85 " 4286 ""4~7~",, . " 42S8. ,,-..:........:il It 42'S" " 4a~O~ " 4291~ " 4292 " 4~95 " 4294 " 4295 'f.~; ~- . I I I - L 263 -, " It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Councll adjourn. /' ~~.. , APPROVED: / -\ l,..) ~~ '.-' I ., ""