01-20-34 Special Zbt)' re. COUNCIL C'FTA~ January 20, 1934. The Councll me~ In ~peclal session on call of the lIayor. Tl:ie following members were present: Mr. Diggans Mr. Graoey; Mr.. lUll and Mr. Johnson. i.. A resolution shOwiJIg the necessi ty for tederal ~, fun. ds tor special;work pro'jsot.,s.w..s.s I1.JlIIan>..:.dllll'di.and.l....t..w.as j1 ~ moved by Mr. Hill; seconded by Mr. Gracey that SaJ18 be ~ adopted and on roll oall Ule vote was as follows: . Mr. "i , Diggans yes, Mr. Gr...y yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. J'ohnstanpassed. I , Mr. Gracey moved the. t Mayor Bradshaw bedesig.. nated by the Qouncll to represent the City inC.W.A. projects. The motion was seooilded by Mr. Hill and on roll call unanimously carrie d. ,. 'f It was InO'Vedby Mr. Gracey, seooJlded bylli'; Johnson that the old frame building on the Corner of O~oeolEl. Avenue be tom down am 'used in C.W.A. work. This motion? was unanlmously carr:l.ed. \ , . 1 ~~.. Oi ty le1'lc- . , , I I j l I j l >.'- Councll a~ourned. APPROVED: '; , I I ! j ~ .~~ ~",:;.\, ,J.', -" .. I 1 ~ , , ~( \ j ,,"-_. t