01-22-34 Regular
January 22;1934.
The Councll met in repllU!' session at 7J,30
P.M. The Mayor alid the :tollowing members of the Council
were present: Mr. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Johnston and
Mr. Gracey.
The minutes of the rmom1;1ngs held January8tl1,
January 15th and january 2()'th we're relld and appravEld.,wi'th
the folloWing conectlon: 'lhe motlhon. regar41ng frameb,uild.,.,
Ing to be torn down should read "the material ill' same. to be
used to build the half shades at the Beach, and the pavilion
project to be glven what surplus materlal there m1ght be."
The Clerk read the . appl:l.oatlon of )Val ter~'~1'j};t~exi.
tor the mana~ment of the new Casino. '!'his was ordered :tll1ed~
A letter fl'ClDJ ~nyon Rid,dJ,e regarding the' can.!il1
crosslng was read and laid aslde for later c cnslderat:l.oni'(
r "+1
An Application tor w:l.de...'s exemption from Mrs~.'/
Elizabeth Chlsholm was turned over to the Finance Co_iJ;tee,
for Investlgation and report to tl:ie Council.
An appl1cat 1011. from the.rl<tanl.egi,Cill1{t:()rJ.f~tn~~
for Blllroy's Comedians t() show here 01i.J'anUary,251ill..'im!l~:'t'~r1i,
Heffner-Vinson PlayerE! for January 29th, 30th and.3lst,'wll,S'
upon motion duly made, secondetl and carried granteth
Mr. Diggans reported that as there Were l'\1mOrB
Delray water was not up to standard he would like to haveth'e
Clerk read the last report rtJceived from the State Boar/lof'
Health on same. The last report of Navember 9th was read and
Mr. DigganS askBd the edltor who was present to Inser:!ta '
notlce In the paper to the etfect that the water was C,.E."
. The Clem pointed out the Deusei1ly of purchasing,;
1934 tags for City truoks, and' upon Illotion duly made, second~d .;~~~
and carried, was author:l.zed to purchase theae..,,'...,iNie
Miss Phair CaJ18 before the COUneil asklng that she:!;:;'
be permitted to open a Coffee Sl!.op:l.J1,the'4ll.terep Bu:l.ldmg~,,):),i)~"'.!
After some discussion reo the enforoement of the Itinerant
merchants llcense 1 t was moved by Mr. Johns1Dn that Mlss
Phalr deposlt $25.00 with the Clt~ upon appllcatlon for
llcense and 1he Cl V be givan a lien or mortgage on her
eqU1pllJ9I1t for the balance Of the $30()~ocrDond-reqiIired-or---
Itlnerant merchants. The motion was seconded by Mr. Graoey
and on roll call the vote was unanimous. -----.
Mr. Diggans reported, :bn the matter of street llghts,
tba t Mr. Senior bad been asked to turn on the lights at. Beach.
He also stated that he hall had no further report from Mr. May-
berry regarding the light requested on 7th Avenue.
Mr. Johnston reported that he had had plaoes staked
off In the Oi ty Park for the allocation of the palm trees to
be moved from the Canal Bank and tha t they were all ready to
move. He also stated that it had been found necessary to move
tour additlonal trees at the back of the block. These,:trr_
Blank bad oftered to Include and mOTe f'N the same prlee'as ,
previously quoted, viz: $250.00. The Mayor sald Mr. Uatfk:'l18.d.'
also agreed to move and replace the trees on thesi teot\ tJ:tftt:'~
new pavlllon for $25.00. It was moved, seconded and car:rled".;. .,
unanlmously that Mr. Blank be hlred to do this work fO:l;'.,la~~!\OQ,
the understanding belng that thls amount would be returne.ct~"t-o'
tl:ie Cl t,y In payment of delinquent taxes Which he. owes.
Mr. Byrd presented a resolution petltionlng t~
Sta te Road Dept. to repair, 1IB1ntain and reQ'lllld the Ocean
Boulevard road between Delray Beach am Boca Raton, and:f;hat
su ffici en t money be set up In the 1954 State RoadDeli>>t.budgeti:
for this wom. Mr. Gracey moved that this resolution be".... i,
adopted am sen t to the State Road Dept. Mr. Foote seconded
the motlon whlch was unanimously carried.
Councl1man Hlll appeared at 'hiS point anl7. sat'w1th
the Councll throughout the remlnder of the meetlng. .
. .
Mr. Rlddle appeared before the Council, outlining
hls plans and requirements on the canal crossin~;J:>:rojeet. A
new set of applicatlon forms whlch he presented, ,,,,:re.< ,.... .".
regularly slgned by the Mayor and President of t1iEi'do'ii:ri~n;
3nd the Clty seal affixed.
Mr. Gracey moved that a resolution .be adopte~<
showing the necessity of federal fUnds for the catl$l crd'ss:l.ng
project. Mr. Hill seconded the llPtlon and on rollcall-th.e
TOte was tUlanimous.
. 'NOJiL...
:Mr. Graoey IOOved tha t Mr. Foote be appolnted
to contlnue supe1'Tision of the project. Mr. Hill seconded
the mtion whlch carried unanimously.
Mr. Riddle explalned that the City, 11' they desired
to rnBh thls work, couldadvanoe f'Under tort-he"pUrcha"SEf""'of""-'.' ,.
material and equlpment to be later reimbursed when the project
is approved. Thls suggestlo!1c'was discussed but not aoted upon.
:Mr. Hand suggested that Mr. Rlddle go into Mr.
Crandell's offioe and arrange to borrow the dynamite neoessary
to proceed with the work under way at the present time.
Mr.. Benten applied to the Council for a .J.lcense to
operate the Seacrest Garage. '!pon motion duly made, seoonded
and carrled the llcense was granted.
The IlR tter of lioensing marble boards was brought
up by the Mayor. This me. tter was referred to the ord inanoe
o0lllll11ttee to look Into arid report as to whether they are
subject to oit,y llcense, the amount or same &0.
It was moved by:Mr. Gracey, s&oonded by Mr., FClote
and unanimously oarried tha t the Clty Attorney-be ordere'd'to
quiet 1;1 tIe on wha t is known as the Ranson Property;...vizJ
ItThe S. 100' of the N. 220' of the East half of Bloolt 99; so
tha t thls property IlRY be c01'lTeyed w1 th IlRrke table tl t18.
In re@Ognltion of the assistance rendered the
oO!llllll1nity In times 0 f trouble and emergenoy, Mr. Hill moved
that the Amerioan Legion be refunded the llcense fee pe.id':f'l;)'r
the shows belmg presented under their ausploea this month.
Mr. Foote s&conde4 the motlon and on roll call the TOte
was unanimous..
J .....,
, ~
\ -
Mr. Gracey advlsed that he had gotten prioes on
caution signs to be used on the Federal Highway - ODe block
North of Atlantlo at Jlethodlst Churoh and one blook South
at Baptlst Church. Thes& lXluld be suppl1ed by the MaC'x.a:ren
Bros. for $5,00 eaoh and ~ddie NoxCln for $4,50 each, an~~:Mr~
Gracey moved that these two signs bepurchesed tr~~~e;,:.".
lowest bidder and the prlce be appl1edon Mr. Noxon's oo~u'::;:"""'"
pational l1cense. Mr. Foote seconded the motion, andoniro1.lc
can the TOte was as fo llows: Mr. Diggans, Ylhir;l Mr. Foote yeS;
Mr. GraCey yes, Mr. Hill. yes. Mr. Johnston no.
Mr. Foote adTiaed that~property owners aloIlf$Ar1drews
Avenue des ired the. Government, in thelr dredging operations, to
allow the spoil from the oanal to flow over and fill upth18 "
" .E
''''', .
street Instea.d of fbrmlng a dtke along the West side of
Andre.s St. as they plan to do, and wondered 1:t they couldn't
be consulted and persuaded to do this. The PreSident asked
Mr. Johnston If he would present thls matter to the Government
Engineers, which Mr. Johnston agreed to do.
Mr. Johnston said the city streets were in a very
dlrty condlt10n and needed flushlng. Mr. Foote agreed to take
thls matter up with Mr. Baker and the Flre Chlef and have the
streets cleaned.
The employment of an audl tor for the ensulng year was
dlscussed but the 60uncil stated they were unready to act on the
matter flnal1y. Mr. Johnston moved 'that the sery,ices of Mr.
Wlnn be dispensed wi th at the first of the month. This motion
was lost for want of a second.
Mr. Foote moved that all bills O.K. 'd by the Flnance
Commlttee be paid. Mr. Gracey seconded the motion and, on roll
call the TOte was as follows: Mr. Dlggans yes, Mr. l1'Clote yes;
Mr. Bracey yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston pasl!led.
Llst of bllls follows:
John H. Adams
Geo. O. Butler
Delray Fi:re ~pt.
Delray Lumber Co.
D1xle Garage
Brennan & Pla~tridge
Fla. Power & Lt (7 bills)
Southern Bell Telephone
An offer from Mr. John Adams to purchase a l1~t
CheV'l'Olet truok belonglng to the Clty. but not now in use,'
for the sum of $175.00, the blue book rating on same. was on
motion duly _de. seconded and carrled, turned over to the
Flnance Committee, wao were instructed to consult with Mr.
Baker as to whether the 01ty had any farther need of the
,truck, and if not, that Mr. Adams' offer be. a.ccepted;, the
matter to bi left to the dlscretion of sald Oommittee.
Councll adjourned.
ll. 00
. 01 ty Oark,