02-26-34 Regular 289 COUNCIL a'FTA~R Feb ma ry 26, 1934. - The Counoil mt in regular session at 7:30 P.M. with the followlng members present: Mr. Diggans, Mr.Foote ."'.1 and Mr. Gracey. The Mayor and Mr. Johnston arrlved during the readlng of the mlnutes. Mr. Hill was absent. ^~ . The mlnutes of the last regular meeting were approved as read, after whileh Mr. Graoey made the following motlon: That the motion made at the February 12th meeting allowlng the Government easements along Canatll,t'\t be re- consl.dered. Mr. Foote seoonded the motion whioh'carrie(l unanimously. MI'. Byrd stated he did not believe the City could deed away exclusive rlght-of'-way In thls manl';lef';andtJ:~~.t he was awal tlng advlce from Mr. Carr sbowingbywMt le~al authority the City could dO' so. It was moved. secoIJled and oarried tliatthis mat,ter be 1ald on the table until next me!!!ct1ng. '" r" II ,i \, The Cle:tK read the applications ,ofW.E. Wilcox and HHlmon Carver for the posi tion of Qushd$linat the new Caslno. These were ordered filed for :Ca.tureref'erence. . '-;:I> A reply was re14d from Marous Fagg Inanswer to the resolutlon forwarded to hlm regarding imported C.W.A. ~~r. ' . ;. . A let'eer addr&ssed to the Mayor from GO!IJ'ernor Suolt.z WaS-'l'eaa, requesting the as131stanoe 01' .1;tke'Counoll and Ci.vie orga:nlza tlonsin sponso:rj1ng some ty:pec!?fbenefl ~;;;"'7"" entertalnment on March l7th,tb$pl."Cl,e.eedst.o J:l~"a.~n.!Ii~q.,.it '- ','" the enooWInent fund of' the Harry-Anna Memorlal Home. :t'br.. Crippled Ch:\.ldren at Umatilla. 'The Mayor asked;tor sUi5gE!S,.. tlonsalong thls line and it was theger:ie ral oplnlon ol';the Counc.il that a golf tournament would be..the most advantag- eous method of ralsltJg tunds. ::,':~'-'l~> A letter regarding air-marking of the Clty, -, . i a C.W.A. project was read. It was stated that four places had been chosen for this purpose and the selections sent Into Tallapassee the previous Saturday. The applicat 10n of Georgiana Phoenlx for wldo:w's exemption was. turned over to the Flnance Committee for Investlgation and report. The b Id of $55.00 from Pee Wee Bagge tt for pa Int- ing the jalls w~s referred back to the Mayor to get. add~- tional blds, with the suggestlon that he requlre b1ds to.be speclflc as to what bidder wll1 do for the amount submitted. Mr. Gracey presented an ordlnanceamending license fee on marble boards, as follows: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDJNG AN ORDINANCE, .PAGE 241, ORDINANCE BOOK 2, PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF DELBAY BEACH ON 24TH DAY OF JANUARY 192!J, THE CAPTION OF wmCHREADf! AS FOLLOWS" 01lDINAN~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELBAY BEA:OH,.. FLORIDA, FIXING OCCUPATIONAL TAXES AND LICENSES TO BE CHARGED THE VARIOUS PERSONS, FIRMS OR COIlPORATIONS ENGAGED IN OR MANAGING ANY BUSINESS, PROFESSION, OR OCCUPATION, IN TEE CITY OF DELBAY, FLORIDA." j. \- In dlscusslng the amendment, Mr. J()hnston stated tha t to crerge a local ll8Il owning one of'. these boards the same license as a out-of-town com:[:B.ny operating. this .' buslness on a large scale at a percentage basls,constltu;ted untalr competition and worked a hardship on tp.e loc~Lma~., Af!l:er b1'lef discussion, 1 t 'was moved by Mr.;Foote,seconaed by Mr. Gracey and unanlmously carried that the amend:l"ng';. ordlnance be passed on Its flrst feadlng wlthan additional amendment requiring all oompanles mot having an established place of business to pay $10.00 for each marble-board. " ,2'91 I It.~f , " i, f 1- } 4' , It was moved, seconded and carried that the .l followlng ordinance, Wi th Section :3 amended with reference;'" to repealling past ordlnances, be passed on it,S second.. and' . ,J; j final readlng: "AN ORDINANCE BYTllE CITY COUNCIL OF THE.;C~,';j!,Y. ,llf ~v~~i ~~HiN ~:~;A1NPPl1!~~ti~ING~~~iIi.~~~)~ DELINQ.UENT 'I'AYlP.I'l BE PAID IN BONDS OF SAID CITY OF DELIl,4.Y r. BEACH, FLORIDA" ..' ..., .1 Wlth reference to acceptlng bonds for taxes~,J!I'. .1 Johnston stated, that inasmuch as Beaoh resldents had kept i up their taxes and would be compelled to pay delinquent';'., taxes.ln cash also, it see~d onlyfa~.:r that suCh<l~ll~~;~nt taxes should be set aslde Specifica'1l:~rf'or, beach iniprove~nts. ;'~;t~i':'" i ;~,,<:: , ' 293 I r Mr. Lot Smith who was at the meetlng presented his view of the situation and requested that the Councll set aside the delinquent taxes as collected, fur the old Town of ~lray Beaoh In separate funds; tha t part levied for bonds to be use d for that purpose and that p3.rt levled for maintenance in a fund to be used for sone permanent beach Improvement suoh as.. streets and sidewalks. ! . Mr. Foote Objected to the settlng aside of taxes oolleoted from a oertain district for Improvements in that par- tioular district, saying that this tended to keep the distrlcts and interests of the town divided. f Mr. Diggans said, Inasmuoh as the bond situation was so entirely different, and that entlrely di:fferent methods had been adopted In the collection of taxes in the two wards, it seemed that the Beaoh district was entl tled to this consideration. J j Mr. Johnston then made the following motlon: That all delinquent taxes, up to and Includlng the year 1932, as pald in, on the Old Town of Del1'ay Beadh be set f}slde In special f't1ndsas follows: All that part' levied for tends, to be used, :for the pay- ment of bonds and Interest in the old Town of Delray Beach,an'd that p3.rt levied for malntenance, to be used for improvments in the old Town of Delrav Beach district. The motlon was seoonded . . by Mr. Gracey, and on :roll call the vote was as follows: Mr~ Dlggans yes, Mr. Foote no, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. Johnston yes, Carrled. ' !;":~,~~ ~ :~ :~ \, . ..: Mr. Byrd presented an amended ordlnance ent1 tled :"AlI ORDINANCE BY THE COUNCIL OF '!'HE CITY OF mn,RA.Y BEACH, PAlM ~CH. ','., ". COUNTY, FLORIDA., REPEALING ORDINANCE 74 AND PLACING A LICENSJI ElN;~J'+~ DESIGNATING AHDDESCRIBING ITI:NEBAN'l' MERCHANTS, AND ALSO ALLOW;. .'!<,;{ ING '!'HE ISSUANCE OF AN ITINERANT MEI/.CHANTS' LICENSE TO 'JmB,:,!'tn. ,,!t'!'-k DISCRETION OF THE CITY COUNCIL." It was moved by Mr. Gracey, }, seconded by Mr. johnston and unanimously oarried that the ordinance be adopted on Its flrst' reading. . '( Mr. Gracey stated the only ordinance on record with reference to stray dogs was one levying an annual tax o:f $hOO for males and $2.00 for females. The editor, who was present was asked to insert a notlce In the paper that all dogs runnlIig at large without a llcense would be plck4d up. ,<) ",'::,::::;{i.t;>'~'f"':t;"f~ Mr. Johnston reported that the :L'elephone Company lBd moved tae pole at the Seacrest Hotel, as requested. Mr. Dlgga.ns reportee that Jos. Simon had asked tJ;I.ata " light be installed In front of his hotel at his expense, andMl,'." Johnston moved that the Council make arrangement s wi th Mr. SinioJ;i """'-' i 295 to oolleot a reasonable deposit for this Installation. Mr. Foote seoonded the motion whlch carried unanlmously. .Mr. Byrd reported tha t Mr. Wilson's golf' oourse." contract was drawn up ready for signatures. ( '. There was some discussion regarding seouring qult- olaim deeds from Mr. Soott for strips of ~eaorest property on Andrews Street and Atlantic Avenue and 1 t was decided to wait until some tlme next sUllJlOOr to straighten out these matters. Mr. Foote sald Mr. Carr had stated he woti!d try to get funds to bulkhead Canal Street as demanded by the Clty at previous IlEet1ng. f. ,'- f Mr. Gracey suggested that notices regardlng paYIlEnt of delinquent taxes with bonds, be sent to tax payers and the Clerk was authorized to send out such notioes. Mr. Foote sald, in connectlon with new water ordln~ ance, he felt that same should be given due consideration and a special meeting called to act on the matter. The Mayor and others urged a complete survey of the cemetery lots and a new and accurate reoord nade of' the owner- shlp of all plots. The Cle rk was di reoted to work wlth the Mayor In setting up the requlred new record. The Mayor also stated that he thought it advisable at thls tlme to plok up SOJ18 of the surroundlng land f'or taxes, with a view to e:llttendlng the cemetery property in the future. The Mayor sald he had had enqtllrles from parties wantlng to purchase the old water tank and asked if It was of any use to the City. Mr. Foote said tha t It was useful as an emergency plant, as the engines and equlpment cb1lllld be put into Immedla te servic e in the even tpower was cu(f; off' by a storm or otherwise; also that it made a small reduction In the City's insurance rates. He stated however, that he would be in favor of selling the tank provided we could get enough out of It to install a pump down at the water.,i.Qlant property. The Mayor was advised to have the parties ma~'i'an: of.fer'for the tank if they were 1ntll1rested In the purcr-se ofi't. In the absence of the Flre Chief, the followin€f' building permits were presented by Mr. Foote, and allowed by the Council. Mr. J'ohnston voted "Illo" on the MacLaren permit. '9 '\ Permi t II 177 Permit # 179 ,c" Jack Glbson,- C.N. MacLaren, . " The following'b ills, having be en O!K' d by the Finance Comml ttee were referred back to the Council and ordered paid: " Florida Power & Ligh~ COOnpany 2.16 3.00 112.00 183.75 167 .46 21.38 499. 27 ( Southern Bell Telephone Co. 4.35 7.55 12.40 24.30 , In order 1;9, get the b ills before the Councl1 for proper approval, the t:lerk was ordered, in future, to make se",eral 60pies of the.'llst of b ills and present them at Council meetings for the inspection of the entlre Councll. :Illieclerk agreed to do thls. . The Mayor requested permission to employ an extra man on the pollce force for a perlod of two or three wE?eM;'i~,i1' the necel'lslty arose. He stated that at thls tlme of the < ,yeaio, there Is dlften an epidemlc of breaking and entering,an~Ft~iit',. there were two or three oharacters in town he was suspioio\lsO:f!.: He believed a man hlred more In the capacl ty of adetect~:"<{~kat;' about $25.00 per week would oonslderably lessen the de.nge;L"O:t.' any trouble of thls klnd in Delray. . Mr. Johnston mowedtll.~t:N'~: the Mayor be granted perml ssi on to!t,ire extra detective:t"Q:rge'" 11' necessary. Mr. Gracel'l ssoonded 1fue motlon whleh oarl:':\.Eld( unanlmously. .' Mr. Hand who was press nt stated tha""llt) .would try to get 1'11'teen hours work for IlJ3 n on the Canalpr9je,ot.beforEl the end of the C. W .A. week, whlch closed ThurSday night. .f , ~ ) """."J! 'i;- () , ;;. Meetlng adjourned. ~ ,'.'. . '.-., .:.... ,.....:..::. .." "".,"':. ,'.""... ~ "'ity' . . . :\".~.:r:.. ~~:!,~ APFRO.VED: i , , t: -~ '" o.p' President o~ cou~ ~'*, ....- 297 .",-;,:'L' \'.,. ~~~j:,.:; -It::.;!! ! '1 / I I ,I