03-06-34 Special 299 COUNCIL C~BER < March 6, 1934,. ( , The Mayor at 2 P~M. were pre sent. Council Jl8t In speolal session on oall of the The Mayor .and all members of' the Councll Mr. Rlddle, the englneer on the Canal project came eefore the Counoil wlth reference to seourlng some flnanclal assistanoe to complete this project. r 1 It was moved by Mr. Hill that the Clty set ad1.4~ the sum of $300.00 as an emergency fund to l:e used as it becOJl8S neoessaIjT for the operation of the orans on this prO)jectl expendl ture of' this money to be made at the discretion of MI". Foote. Mr. Johnston expressed himself as st~nueQsly opposed: to the motion. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gracey, andqn .';<; roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Dlggans yes, Mr.> FootE! passed, Mr. Graoey yes, Mr. Hill ~s. Mr. Foote then presen ted a 1e tter he had reoelvecl from Mr. Geo. Carr of the ~lorlda Inland Navlgatlon D1strlct, and requested the. t saroo be'made a matter of record. Thls was ordered done. i? l' ,~ii;.: ..., On mc!l1iion duly made, seconded and oarried the Preslden~ the Couuoll was d1reoted to 41, ctate a le.tter to Mr. Turnli~ wl th reference to our Project No. 5O-l04. ,,~etlng adjourned. i.",,~- ,~,.,- ";;.;',' ,',", .i:;:, ;',"', ',< j L. APPRO'VJID; ~ ~.~" --- ~- / . . , ~ _'1J.' ~ - '/'t_,-.,: I lilCy. lerk. .!~ ';/"~"ii" . ~ < .~: ;'O,~. ~>~~ ,\:~:.:~~ i".Y-.-^ \' <' ,.-1,: .- ~ H