03-26-34 Regular 305 COUNCIL CHAMBER March 26, 1934. " The Council met: in regllar sesslon at 7:30 P.M. AllllEmbers 00' the Council were present. ! The mlnutes of the last regular meeting he ld March 12th were read and approved. Letters were read 1'rom Mr. E.C. Hall requesting payment of past due bond interest c!,upons aIn01lntlng to $275.00 and *"25.00. It was moved by Ml'. Gracey, seconded by Mr. Foote and unanlmously carried that action be deferred on these awaiting the City Attorney's advice In the IlBtter. Appl1ca tions for wi dow's exemptlons by Mary Lee Nathan, Carrle Green and Katmrlne Bu:rJrows were re1'erred to the Finance Comml ttee for Invest1gat+01'l and report. A le tter from Mr. H.G. ~n regarding alleged da1Dagel to too shuf'fle board courts by the Government's cohtractor was read and ordered file d. r , I . Mr. Crego came before the Council wi th an of1'er to still the City suf1'ioient land off the SEi Lot 8, Seotlon 8 to allow for a fifty foot street on N.W. 8th St. and a flfty foot,'street on Swinton. This matter was turned over tdl the Stree(f; Coromi ttee fur investigation. Mr. Chas. AdaIlLS pre sa nt ed a peti tlon from Beaoh resldents requesting that apartllEnt:1housas be 'allowed in the Beach district under the new zoning ordinance. Mr. DiggaIlS advised that the peti tion be filed for referenoe of too Zoning Committee when this matter is again taken up, whereupon Mr. Foote moved tha t the peti tion be referred to the Ordinance' Coromi ttee. Mr. Grao ey se oonded the l1P:tion whloh was unanimously oarried. , Mr. Hubbard oallle before the Counoil requesting,:. payment of interest and paving oertificates due Mr. Clint Moore on Atlantio Avenue Widening and Sou thrldge paving amounting to $749.31 and $44.63 respeQtively. The Clerk was Ordered to ,~ transfer money erroneously ploo ed in the interest and fee acoount'back into the Atlantic AvenueJ?avlng Aooount in order ~o pay the outstanding ooupons. Mr. G:re.ceymoveti tlRt 8&ttle- ment of this matter be referred to the Finance qOmmittee. " ... ::;;;' ;'.;:'~'iI;, . 306 Mr. Foote re oonded the motion whioh oarried unanimously. 1\, ), Mr. Zook oame before the Couneil with a plan for street beautifioat ion. This matter was turne d over to the street Committee for iTlTesti gat ion and report at next meeting. The Cle:rli:: reported that he had wri tten the Railway Company under Mr. Foote's instruotion regarding the laying of sidewalk abutting their Atlantic Avenue property, but so far, had had no reply. The Chaiman of the Sanitary Committee said the mosquito nuisanoe at too beaoh bad abated for the tiIoo being' but should there be any further oomplaint, he in'tended havlng 011 put out to destroy the mosqultoes. Mr. Byrd reported that a resolution had been drawn I/~ and forwarded to C. W .A. au thorl tie s regardln:g the importanoe of the unoompleted projeots here In the Clty. Mr. Dlggans stated that there was liable to be more" money available' soon fur new pro ijeots employing a lot of labor registered bere. A Street and Sewer Project, he said, was the next in order and if applioation for same was properly prepared he believed it would go through as satisfaotorily as the Beach Project had done. It was thought advisable to make the projeot out in three parts, one part fb r streets! one for sewer and one for the bulkheading of S. Canal Street ana Park. Mr. Diggans stated Mr. Llnk was Willing to flgure on this project, and would adoept , credit on delinquent taxes as compensati on. Mr. Foote moved that Mr. Llnk be authorized to oontinue his work in the preparatlon of these pro jeots and tha t he be oompensated for such work:. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion whioh carried unanimously. . i:) i Mr. Johnston reported that he had had conslderable eleotrical work done at beach by Mr. Wllder and presented a blll of $18.00, fifteen dollars of whloh Is to apply on Mr. ~llderts electrical license. Mr. Foote reported on the progress of the Canal Project, statlng that he expected the cram would finlsh Its work . the next day, and he was of the opinion that the water piP8',.cwld""""" be laid wlthln four days after that. Mr. Graoey moved that Mr. Foote attempt to get a contract with Mr. Prioe for the com:ple1l1on of the pipe laylng and submit same for the indlvldual approval of the other nembers of the Councll. Mr. H1lls.ecomed the Dt:>tionj and upon roll tall. the vote was as follows: Mr. D1ggen.s yes, Mr. Foote yet, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. HIH yes; Mr. Johnston passed,. C8I'r:i.e,d~ . ( , -'_....,. .,...^~,.-..._-,.,.,.,..,.,.... 307 The matter or investing the $4,500.00 in the Sinking Fund in Delray bonds and selling than to taxpayers for payment of delinquent taxes, and redepositlng the money :in the Sinking Fund thereby creating a :revolTing fund was discussed, and the following motion was rrade by Mr. Johnston, sel'ionded by Mr. Gracey and unanimously carrled. That the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF - ~ DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: THAT the Ci ty purchase from Thos. M. Cook & Company $25,000.00 worth of.Clty of Delray 5i% Improvement Bonds, belng more partlcularly described as follows: DATED 3-1-27. roE 3/f]33 3/1/34 3/1/35 3(1/35 3/1/35 3/1/36 3/1/36 3[1/36 103, 3/1/36 l11-l.2,114-115 3/1/37 COUPONS A'lTACRED. Sept. '32 SeA March '33 SCA Sept. '32 SeA March '35.SCA Sept; '32 SeA.' ." sept. !32 seA; ',.',W'(: March 133 SCAI:.,,' March '33 SCA. Sept. '32 SCA:';!" March '33 SC.A:"; 1M - No. 67 6M - Nos. 72-3 75-6 78-9 1M - No. 80 2M No. 81-2 3M Nos. 83, 86, 89, 1M - No. 92 1M - No. 93 1M - No. 94 3M - No. 95, 98, 6M Nos. 108-9; :1: ,;'lP. at the p+1ce of $3,250.00, sane being thirteen (13) cents flat, and BE IT FUBTHER RESOLVED, That said bonds be purchased ',' ,. from funds on deposit in tbe Savings Sl~king Fund, and,;";'; ",':.'>'"-' .'.. " .._~-<i,~ BE IT FUBTHER RESOLVED, That-said bonds, whan punrchased\v',) be deposited with the City Clerk for the express purpose of selling said bonds to tax payers at 15 cents flat for payment of delinquent clty taxes, in pursuance and in &lcordnace with the ordinances of the City, and BE IT FUBTHER J;lESOLvED, 1i1a t all- money recel ved :1rom of said bonds be redepos ited in said SaTings Sinking 4 ~ the sale Fund. ;'~:,,-' The matter of damage to streets caused by the movlng of buildin~ was discussed, and it was moved by Mr. Foote that all applicants who file applicatlons for pe:nnlts with the 01 ty Bulldlng Inspector, or wlth, the City Counell to,,~ove ~~buildings or other heavy structure, be requlred to submit the piKa of Baid buildlngor other s1>rueture to be moved,ithe manner .in whlch said building or. structl;ll'e wlll be moVed, and to ,d;eptDsitwiththe City Clerk lfcashbondof/$leO.(X) to pratec~ the.,.CityfrQlIl.a:rlY, .,',:J'_),:; ,:'~;?~<' 308 , , . damage it nay sustain to any of its streets, sidewalks or other City improvements caused by the mOTing of said building or structure, provided toot said bond requirement may be waived by the Ci~ Council if, in its jUdgment the case so warrants the waiving of said cash bond. -j",', THAT said cash bond will be illllllediately refunded to the applicant upon the proper showing that no damage has been suffered. by the City or any 0:1: its improvements by the JJI)ving of said building or structure. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johnston and carne d unanimously. '" ie'" . Mr. Hill reported that he had had an of:ter of $125.00 for the City's house in Grove Park, whic h the purchaser wilShe,d to Iijove to another lot in town. Mr. Gracey moved that the of:ter be accepted. Mr. . Johnston seconded the mot:iLon which carrled unanlmously. The Clerk presented the following ordinance lind Mr. Foote moved tha t same be pissed on its final reading and adoption. No: 113 . AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O1])U:NOIL OF TEE CITY OF DELB.A.Y BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNT[, FLORIDA, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 74 AND PLACING A LICENSE ON, DESIGNATING AND DE~CRIBING ITINERANT MERCHANTS, AND AISO ALLOWING TIE ISBUA.:NCE OF AN ITI:NERA.NT MERCHANTS' LICENSE 'ID TEE mSCRETION OF TEE COUNCIL. ( ,:. ~ The motion was seconded by Mr. Johnston and unanimously carried.. The following building permits were upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, granted. ,. No. 187 Estate of Margaret Beck Lots 40 & 4l Bl 125 No. 188 J.B. Copeland, Lot 17 Block 104 Mr. Foote moved that the Clerk be authorized to hlrer':;YI>~.i extra help in the office. Mr. Gracey seconded the motlon Whichj~)',:'~~ carrle d unanimously .~:.' -'-~<,.: .' '~\">"-"'''''i~i...-"".,_"l'''':_~ The followirg bills having been O.K'd by the Flnance Connnlttee, were upon motion duly IlBde, seconded and carried; ordered paid. j Mrs. F.A. Nicolls (Gar.Rent) Southern Bell Telephone Florida Power Be Light Florid/iPowe? &: Ll@;l1;; Sadie Sundy , , l4i.OO - Check 4411 1e,;,30, - n, 44J,2., 46&,,; '76 .n' 44~; 35~0() n . 44i.Jl4 3.,0.0 It . 309 Firestone Tire Stores .50 -1.- It was re€'J.llarly moved, seconded and carried that meeting adjourn. ..,',' { ~~- It Clerk. ~_'J.>,L __ APPROVED: r l Pres ( : J " t-