04-09-34 Regular COUNCIL CHAMBER April 9th, 1.934. The Ocuncll Jl8t in tollowing members present: and Mr. Hill. :regular session at 7:30 P. 'M. with the Mr. Foote, Mr. Gracey, Mr. Johnston ( Mr. Foote was appolnted President Pro Tem in the absence of Mr. Diggans. The mlnlltes ot the last regular neeting held March 26th "ere read. Mr. Gracey asklld that the lllotlcin alltb.oriz1nge.xtra help In the otflOe be oerreeted to read tempor.ry help, after which 1 t 1ra.s :regularly lIlOTed, seoonded and carried that the min- utes stand approved as correoted. AppUoatlons tor w1d.ow's exanptions frem Rosanna Johnson and Frances Bright were referred to the Finance COlllD1ittee for in- vestigation and :report at the next meetlng. A c01llDnl.nioat1an Nom Oscar Sabin requesting reillovalot building material 1'1'. hls property, Lot ); Blook :L ()...n Park, -'Ud one aSking that bUsinesses be allewed in sa1cl block, were oraered :filed for :reference and aot1on ot the Mayor. .1,.1I1t1on frc:rn abutting property oWDers rellv.est1ng ,tlJ.at And:rews $tl'Elet be widened to fifty teet and a~reeing to deed the Oi ty a seventeen toot strip tor thl s pJli'P()sewas rea4 and Mr. Johnston IOOved the. t the Clty A ttor.aey 18 au thorized to prepare qui t-claim deeds :for the sie;.atures of said petitloners. The motion was seeonaed by Mr. Gracey and oarried unanimouely. A cOllll'lllUlicatlan from the Welfare Committee thank1ng the City for the use of water in their oanning plant was, upon motion duly made, seconded and oarried, ordered ackn01t'le4gea and tiled. .A. letter from Mr. John W. Hall, add:ressed to t.heOaBhler of the Flor1d.a State Bank, .,lth reterenoe to the wi thdrawal ot,:. bond$ was read, and Mr. Gracey movecl fiJJa;tsaicl letter be made a part of the IIl.1nutes. Mr. J'oons'll_ .-eond.U the motion 1fIllOh oarr1ed unanimously. ( 1 .1 ~I 'I; ..~ (.,. ,i ClQPY Delray BeaCh, J'loI'1da, hbruary 14, 1934. Mr.. H. A. Hv.blBrd, V:\.oe-President & Cashier J'lorlb state Bank, Delray Beach, Florida. Dear Mr. Hv.bbard: 310 . \ ( I -.; f' . 311 ,Reterring. to tbe Jetter at:-the Bondholder's Protective Committee with"reference to withdrawal of bOildsdepos1ted under Oerti.ficate No. 59 ($5,000.00) Delray, Florida bOilds, beg to advlse tba.t the withdrawal of the se bonds is sough t for the pur- pose'ofrnaking tax adjustnents under cc:ndit1ons set up by the Clty Counc 11. As you may know, I am now and have been :1.'01' some time engaged in maklng adjustments for tax pl.yers by the use of Delray bonds. There will be no litigatlon to oonflict with the interests of other bondholders. '!'bat thls release may be conclnded as soon as possible, I am handing you Cashler's Check for $125.00 which seems to be tbe amount required by the Committee. Vertiflcate of DepoB1 t No. 59 is also enclosed herewith. . Very truly yours, (8g) John W. Hall encls. 2 * * '" 'l'here was some d1sousslC1l as to the neoesslty of establish- ing rules and ~gu.latlonsregardlng theOlty's books and records, after whlch Mr. Johnston made the following mot1c:n: i'llat a Oom- mittee be appo1nted to prescribe and baft a sui ~able set o1':l"l1les and regulat101l8 whereby the Clerk shall be governlid 1n sT1llPlY'~"- infol'llJll. 111 on to the public. Mr. Gracey seconded the motlonwhiteh carried unanimously. Mr. Johnston moved that tax mClley levied for ,thepl.Yl11ent of bonds r:Jt the Old Town of Delray Beaoh be deposited iD the Central Farmers Bank in the Old !O1l1'.l. of Delray Bell,ch Bond hlad) and when there was sutt1cient money 1m. sai4 tund tllatthe FiJl$hoe_ Commlttee be authorized to oonfer with the, PaJ.mYeaoh OOlllpanyandJ . purchase one ot the bonds whioh they hold again lilt the, Ola '1'~ of Delray Beach. This motiCll was seeonded '&y Mr. Grao.y, and on roll. eaU the vote was as ,follows; Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Graoey yes,Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes. Carried. Mr. Johnston reported that the d1 toh North of Atlantio Avenue and East of the Canal had been oiled during the past week, to kill the mosqultO$s.i ,. . With reference to property owners being permitted ,tosElttllt):;:,Ji!;!, ps,vlng oertiflca tesat a .discount, for paving lald by Mr. Cl1~; \ ',\JW ~9or., viz: the Widening of Atlant 10 Avenue between the F,dElt!l..l. (.j~)~; :s;~~way and the Canal,- ~d the pavlng of Dixie Boulevard 1,n$q~~t'~;i('t' ~;fIcJigef it was moved,lly Mr. Johnston that 1he Cl.t!rk ao\).pt!J~t.:b;~}'~'~i ~rit agreeable to M1'~ Moore for Sloh paving trom anyone brijili1ng- ;:.,:', :l;,uaui surrenderlng the original paving cert11'icateagal~1;.8nY .r.ee of such property. !'be motlC1l was seoonded byVr. .Hill,and ,~ roll oall the vote ...,s as follOiJs: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr~ Hill ;yes and Mr. Johnston :yl;1l s. Mr. Johnston _*-tell tbat ~e. Florida po..~r&i~agl1t~~~Y "'"re willing to lllOTesQ$$o:r'the 1II1ite way posts, no"j;'be+:!18~/~~'d, .1'. ....;.,,-, 4;, ..,....<... , }'\">>:?)~S,i':':?'- ;":.),':::C~'0:: \~::',,:,';!i:\::,->:'\. ,', .} . ,', ( 312 to the Beach, where' he needed them f~ hls light ing arrangement arwnd the 18v111on. .Mr. Jacobs, who was present, registered objectlon to thiS, stating that he a;od other property owners had personalJy paid for tbase wb.lteway lights and would protest their removal. The Cl ty Attorney also stated that where the property owner had really purchased tba whltew~y posts. he believed they could net be removed any more than t)le sldewalk in front of his property which he had paid fOr. It was flnally moved by Mr. Gracey that the necessary llght poles (not more than elght) 'be taken wlth the con-sent ot the Florlda POII'er & Light Company from places where they had not been paid tar by the property owners. The moticn was seconded by Mr. Hill am on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote yes. Mr. Gracey :yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes. Mr. HIU moved tha t a s1 dewa! k 11 ne be e stabl1shed ,NOrth on the Ocean. Beaeh, tbaWest s1deof ~ld sldewalk llne to be set approXimately two feet East of the Southeast oorner of the Sea- crest Hotel, and to run In a stra1s1\t llne from that point up past the Crego Subdlvlslcn. Mr. Gracey secon4ed the mot1og, and on roll call the vote was as follOll's: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Graoey yes, Mr. Hill yes and Mr. Johnston ~ s. Mr. Johnston stated that the property at tbe Beach origin- ally donated to the O:$:.'l;y' for Park plnoses by Sarah Gleason stlU stood in the naJ18 of _~ Trustees and. therefore the City, at some ~'!iUre time mlght haTe ~uble regarding tltle to said propert3'0and improvements. Mr. Foote stated that J'le believed asslgnment had: be~n made by the Trustees to the City about the tlme the pavilion. ~ project was started. Mr. Johnston moved, tl:at 11' no record of S\1ch asslgnIDen~ could be found, that the City Attol'BeY be given authority to ,con- sumate the necessa1'1 asslg1'lJl8nt wlth the pre,ent trustees, and the Attol'ney dll!o bEl empowered to ge t in tou~1;I with Mr. Gleason with a view to haVing him deed theproperty~' the C~ty. dlrect, rather than to two or three t1'l1stees. Mr. Gilieey seo<;>nded the motion which oarried unanimOlllsJy. It was aiso moved, seeondild and~lJjoW3ly oarrled,thEtt" the origlnaldeed from the trustees tCil the City be recorded. Mr. R. C. McNeil ceme before the Council, stating that as purchasers and: developers ot the property On the beach known as' the Orego tract, he would 11ke to mow the City's att~tude with, regard to building restrlotlons, the paving of streets and lay1rig ot water mains. He stated aleo 1hat he believed it was ne,esslU!Y , to establish the property llne along the Ooean Boulevard,. '!'he .,/ C,QUncil advlsed Mr. MoNeil to oon'\;ract :tor his own street pav1rig";;,.;" .~~+ainlng that he could have it done cheaper than the (aty;.;, .' .;;.;; My assured him that water would be ~p;J:>l1ed wheneve.r he_s;;~~~ and ,lllIlde the neoessa'TY applioaticn 1b:r sse; and that they would" .',. . be gld. to 00 epera te with him in every -Y'. regarding building q, /;y;,~~, restricticns and other- details. I' ."'1;~, . . Mr. J'as. G. Kerr- of Lake Worth appeared before the qOl.l.nCi~',]~ I'equest11'.l.g liceMe to. open a Bicyole Repair and Sporthlg GoOdS ,." ~l1.op. Mr. Gracey moved that he,' be granted *he des1reirl1o,ense. "i,~. Hill seconded the m0t1cn. 8ttduJl~ :roll call thewte was'aa f I. > <~ " j I "., Oouncil Chamber April 9, :l9 54. 513 fOllows; Mr. 1II'00te yes, Mr. Gracey je s, Mr. Hlll yes, Mr. Johnston jeS. Carried. Mr. Hlll reported that the Commerclal Agent of the F. E.C. Railway Oompany had conferrred 1111 th him and made recomJI8ndat.1on to 'the Railway Company far the requested sldewalk pav).ng on their Atlantlc Avenue property. Mr. Foote reported tlat he and Mr. Gracey hall made a sur- vey of the Federal Hlghway and the Ooean Boulevard with a vlp' to . beautlf1catlon 11'1 th palms. They had made an estlmate ot the palms but so far, had no propos1 tlcn 1"rom Mr. ZOOk, there.:tfte, the matter lad been allowed to rest until some definite ef1"er had been made by Mr. Zook. Mr. Foote stated tbat the following resolution wl th regard to the water main project had been adopted at an informal mee'ting of the Counc 11, and far DB. tter of recprd the Engt neeI', de~red that same be adopted at a regular meeting of the Counoil; whereupon Mr. Gracey moved that tbe tollowing resolutlon be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF mE CITY OF DELRAY BEAOH, FLORIDA: The. t all extra and add! t10nal materials and equipment , necessary for the completlon of laYing the City water ma1n u.J148r. the oanal be paid for by 1lle City 01" DelrayBeaCh, AND, IT IS FURTHER Rl!:SOLVED, that this resoltttlon 1s atjiC):pted and passed for the purpose of securing necessary labor 1"or' cojnPle";" tlon 0 l' 1i!l. ter main projeot. J ...-7'\ I ',\. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be.. ma1.:wd to Mr. Burgess, of the F. E. R. A. offioe in.West Palm Beach, F1or1da. Mr. Gracey seconded by motion and upon roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote je s, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. Hlll yes, <<>>4 Mr. Johns ton no. The Oi ty Attorney reported on the two man4amus suits ~J14,- Ing against the 01ty. He stated that 1lle Kearley suUha4 b"j:l.J~) . 4ismissed and tha t he would answer 1;J1e He.H. suit on Api1.l l6tlJ:'i",'t Mr. Gracey moved 1ha t the foll01ll1 ng b111sjt haVing bt:Ji O. K. 'd by 1lle Finance OCmmitte~, be Pll14: t- " Brennan & Plastri4ge Mae W. Cramp Delray Beach Fire Dept. Delray Beaoh Motors, Incl Delray Beach News Flrestone T!re,$tores Hector SuPPlY ~Ql1pap.y JU~ey' s Rep~1r Sp.~ ,: tlO.OQ 5.25 9.00 11.50 35.95 19.00 l5.52 l.25 . ili 314 Cooncil Chamber .- April 9, :1934 Con t. Lake Worth Ti tle &; Guaren ty Co. Llewellyn Maohinary Corp. Palm Beaoh Mercantile Company Standard 011 Com:re.ny Delray Beaoh News $25.00 2.00 2.00 154.30 15.00 Mr. Hill seconded the I1Dtlon and CD roll oall the vote was unan- Imous. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn to Jl8et neltt Monday night, 4pri1 16th in special sesslon. ~ ~~. -- - -- - City aiork. , !' APPROVED: [ ~~ ,~