04-16-34 Adjourned 315 ! COUNCIL CHAMBER '-'prH 16th, 1934. Tl:ie Ccmnell Jl8t In adjournedsesslen at 7:30P. M. Mayor and all members of the Ccmm 11 were present. Mr. Davls, represen ting 1he Me tropoli tan Shows, CaJ18 b~li>i'Ei the Goono 11 and requested a II cense to operate a show for 'tlie,'" week of April 23rd, 1934. It was moved by Mr. Graaey that tba' above show be granted peI'llllsslon during the 'Week of April 25r4. The motlon was seconded by Mr. Hill and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Dlggans no, Mr. Foote no, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. Hlll yes and Mr. Johnston yes. The , , , . The folloWing mdlUon was offered by Mr. Hill: That the Metropol1tanShows pay a license tax of $50.00 and whatever polioe was employed at t le dlscre tlon of the Mayor. Tl:ie motion was seoonded by Mr. Johnston and on roll 08.11 ll.nanlmous-. ly oarried. The II8. tter of Insurance on 01 ty oDed att'tomobiles was dlscussed and con tlnll.ed With the Finanoe Committee. Tl:ie Finance COlllD1ittee was inst1'\1oted to Investlgate the' matter of plaoing insurance en the new pav'lHon at the beach. v~ Tl:ie questlon .temploy1ng an addltional man to assist in the fire and street departIlBnts was then disoussed, after whioh the followlng motion was made lly Mr. Foote: Tha'll John Gregery be employed to ass 1st Mr. Cook and Mr. Baker of the Fire and Street DepartJl8nts respectively at a salary of .75.00 per month. The mllltlon was seoonded by Mr. Graoeyand on roll call the vote was as follows: Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes,Mr. Hl11 yes. and Mr. Johnsen passed. The Clty ZOnlng Ordinance was taken up and discussed, at considerable length but no official action tallen. The ajla1lt- ~ I1Bnt house. matter on the beaoh was the priDclpal SUbj~'hTbe);.".,!,.", followlng was agreed upon: '!'bat apartment h011.ses be pe:iriill'ti~ed4' ~ on any street prov1cllng always tba t the same be of fue p:r,oof oonst1'\1oti en and observe the slde lines and all lots not to t\.. be J.e ss than Dne hundred feet frentage and that 81Ilpleperking\"'r-l'': space be provided wlthin pl'eperty lines, en tl:ie basil!!"..:f~~ car per apartme!It. . f , ,,- ~, ;:;;r;;,~"i'N' It was decided after some disousslon that notHl.~~ stat1onsor garages be perm~ tted on the OCeallb011.le.,arCl:~1 Council Chamber, April 16th, 1934, Cont. That no garage apartllBnts or accessory bulldl~s be pemitted until two thirds of the construction of the main buildings be completed. That no hazardlaus construe t1 ens, such as filling statlons or garages, be constructed except on street corners. ( The first buslliess dlstr:lc t shall be four hundred and one feet South of Atlan tlc Avenue and only whan staying ten teet from the s Ide 111'19 S. No business shall be permitted 0:11 any part ot the beach except in a hotel or apartment. Business houses shall be permitted en any part ef .ltlantic Avenue. The Il8 tter of a s 19n at tl:ie Firestone Sandwich Shop IUtd the condltlon of the street drainage at that point be referred to the Mayor. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that tm Council adjourn. . _ ~1: 1 ty Clerk.. APPROVED: " " -f.~'-J); President of t oouDClr ~. ~ . 316