04-23-34 Regular
April 23rd, 1934.
The Council met In regular sesalon at '1:30 P. M. w:Lththe.
Mayor and all members of the coum il present.
The minutes of Jl8etings held April 9th and 16th were read
and approved w.tth the ~ollowlng oorrectlon in the m.lnutes of Aprll
16th With regard to zoning ordlnance. Mr. Dlggans asked tha t note
be made ot the recommeDiation that twanty feet be allowed on side-
llnes In the oonstructlO11 01: all a;par1ment houses.
The appl1catlon of Mary E. Cook 1'01' widow's exemption was
. turned over 'IX> the Finance Committee far Investlgation and report.
A letter from L. J. Nichols, Agent, requeStlng a share 01:
the insurance placed on the mw pavillon and buildlngs at the
Beach was ordered filed.
A letter fran the AJJ8rlcan LaFrance Fire Engine Canpanywas
turned over 'IX> the F1Dame Commlttee ~or perusal and r'ecolllllenda-'
Mr. Llnk and Mr. Johnston gave a brie' outline of the:aelicb.
sewer project coverlng an approximate area of one hundredend";l'orty
I one acres. They stated also that 1be projeet would iDcludEl)~he
~ necessary sewer repairs on thls slde of Canal. Mr. Foote moved
that the Commlttee continue with sald sewer plans along the lines
best adapted to the presen t need. Mr. Hill seconded the motion
whlch carrled unanlmously.
Upon recomJl8ndatim of the Finance cOlllD1ittee, appl1clltions
~ar w:l.dow's ellempt10ns were regularly dlsposed of as follClWS:
Rosanna Johnson -
carrle Gree n
Frances Bright
(not a wldow)
(no mlnor dependents)
(no minor dependents)
Madel Nathan - .llowed
Irene Burrows - "
Mr. Foote presen ted a qUit-claim deed to the city.~)ll,c.""".r\h' "''',.
Doetor Plotner for a thlrty-slx ~oot strlp of ground in SectionS,
1'l1nnlng West fran Swlnton to N.W. First Avenue to be used tor: .'
stree1; purposes, and moved that said deed be accepted and placed
on :record. Mr. Hill seconded the mat lon and m roll call the vote
was as follClWS: Mr. Diggansyes, :Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes,
Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes.
Building permit appl1catim No.l94 by Mr. ~1ng 'tor :PSI'...
Councll Chamber - Aprll 23rd, 1934.
mission to repair twenty-five ;Percent of the roof of hls resi-
dence wlth wood shlng1es, was upon motlon duly IIBde, seconded and
carried, granted.
Mr. Foote reported on the pipe lire projeot, stating It
would 1:e ready to pun through Wedne sday morning but they would
need about flve extra men tor the jOb. Mr. Graeey moved that Mr.
Foote be authorized to hlre help to do this work 11" necessary.
Mr. Hill seconded t)l:e motlon and en roll call the vote was aB
follows: Mr. Dlggans yes, Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr".". HilL.
yes, Mr. Johnston no. Carried.
A letter from twenty-seven Delray Beach cltlzens protesting
against the admisslon of carnlvals to town and asking for the Im-
medla te enforcene nt of th e ordlnaro e prohibl tlng such oarnl vals
was read, and It was lIlOved by Mr. Foote that the petlt10n be
recelved and flled. Mr. Gracey seoonded t)l:e motlon and on roll
oall the ilDte was as tollows: Mr. Dlggans yes, Mr. Foote j'es, Mr.
Graoey yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes. Carried.
Mr. Byrd advlsed that qul t-claim deeds for easeme~ison
Andrews Street had beeD mailed to property owners, some M"which
had been returned and whlch he would hold untll all deeds were in
hi s hands. Be also stated, wlth re fer en ce 1;0 corner lot mere
pavillon is belng erected, that the hustees of sald lot had glven
pel'll1isslc:n to construct buildlngs on the property, but ha.d not
relinquished their rlgbt of trusteeshlp to the City, tbere1'o;r:e,'
he had prepared a Release Deed, substituting the City as t1"l1stEies
for the beneflt of the Public, In place of the original trustees,
which deed had been sent to Mr. Gleason for his slgna ture.
There was sane dlscusslon wlth regard to l:msurance on
dlfferent Oity propert1es and equ1pJl8nt, Mr. Johnston.stat1ng
that he oonsldered the Oi ty was carry1ng too muoh, espeolallyon
some of the Clty owned houses. Mr. Foote also stated that he
oonsldered we were carrylng more than necessary on the Golf Club
Mr. Hill presented a bld from Bob Bostll'lck, represant:l.ng
the Western Casualty Insurance Company, for the inmring ot the
01ty's truoks and cars agal:mst liabilltyand property damage, and
on motlon of Mr. Hill, It was voted to glve thls buslness tf>Mr.
Bostwlck at the rate of $219.50 par year as agalnst $221.4011'ith
the Metropolitan Casualty Compmy. '!'be mtion was seconded by
Mr. Johnston and on roll call the 'VOte was as follows: Mr.
Dlggans j'es, Mr. Foote no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes, Mr.
Gracey no. Carried. '
'!'be matter of Insuranc e on the Pavilion and new bu.1t~ng'"""}"''''''
at the Beach was turm d over to the Finance COlIIIIll ttee forinvesti-
gatlon and recommendation at the next Jl8et1ng. Mr. G:raee1alSo
moved tl:Bt the Finanoe Commlttee place thls insuranoe with the
established a.gent holding the least Oi ty insurance at thistillB.
The motlon was seconded by Mr. Hill and unanlmously' ca:rrle,d.
The question of office rules and regulations was b1'O~ght
up and Mr. Johns.ton mOV'ed that the Mayor be authorized and::itt.. "
Council cnamber - April 23rd, 1934.
structed to draw up said rule s and subml t SaDIe for approval at
the next Councll meetlng. Mr. Foote seconded the motlon which
carrled unanlmously.
Mr. Foote reported thenecesslty of two new tlres a.nd a
battery for 1Ir. Baker's water truck, and Mr. Hill moved that Mr.
Baker be au1ilorized to purchase these at the best price obtainable.
The lil'ayor reported on the sign anqdra.1nage (lcmpl4J.nt;__Il~g'llt
agalnst the Flrestone Servlce Statlon. He stated tl:ie slgn was a
movable one lllld was usua1:ly placed withln the Firestone property
line. The dralnage condit im, he 18814, was someth111g he could see
no remedy for.
Mr. ZoOk appeared before 1ile Ccuncil wlth further reference
to beautlf1catlon and the Street and Flnance COlllD1ittee were
appointed to work with Mr. Zook In llOrk1ngout a plan 1'01' subll!.ls-.
slm at next councll Jl8etlng. whElt'eby Mr. Zook may be able to
supply palms to the Clty 111 settlemllllt of back taxes. Mr. $ook
also agreed to glve the Ohairman of the Publlc Works C0lllD11ttee
f'our plants for beautlflcatlon of the new pavl110n property.
Mr. Johnston stated he believed 1 t advlsable that the
City demand some guarantee from the Clty of West Palm Beach for
the :r:e placellB nt of the damaged sl dewalk adjacent to Zook Nurse.r-
ies and moved that the Oi ty Olerk writ e to the City Manager of
West Palm Beach requestlng that they post a thousand dOllar bOnd
as gua.r*ntee for damage to sidewalk caused by their heavy t1'l1cks
In the removal of palms frcm the nursery property; said bond to
be refunded when damage is satlsfactorily repalred. Mr. Hill
seconded the motlon which oarrled unanll1lOUsly.
There was considerable dl.scussion regardlng the zoning,.
ordinance and It was flna.1J.y suggested that Mr. Foote and Mr.
Byrd be appointed as a C 01111111 ttee to WCll'k cut tentative details
of saJ18 :f'Qr submisslon to 'the Oounc il at tl:ieir next meetlng.
~ City Clerk wequested a leave of absence, stating he
had be~JlWl th the Clty for seven years with no vacatlon and
fel t tlr. need of' Olle. Mr. Job nston moved that the C1.e rk be
granted a. month's vacation 'liith full pay and that Miss. Sundy
be employed du~g the pe:t1od of hls absence.
I;. _
Mr. Foot~ moved that the followlng bl11s, haTing been
O. K. 'd by t.118 'FinaMeCollIll1ttee, be pald:
De;J,tey Beae h Fire Dept.
DSlrey Beach News
Mae W. Oramp
Del~ Luber canpany
fiorlda Power &: Light Co.
Graybar Electric Co., Inc.
Halsey&: Grifflth, Inc.,
W. A.' Jones'
$ l7.00
Council Chamber - April 23rd, 1934.
Orange State 011 Canpilny
Southern Ben Telephone Co.
Standard 011 Company
P. D. W11der
C:1:!. ty (;) f DelrayBeach l r....l. Ii.",,')
Seml-lIIonthly Pay1."01l April 15
Cash Drawer Retund
lB. '70 ,. II
B4~26 p~ ;.. """" .~.,......
Mr. Hlll seconded the motion and en roll call the vote was unanl-
The meetlng adj wrm d.
: _.~
j; "..