05-04-34 Special
May 4th, 1934.
i'he Council met in speclal sesslonat l1:0e A. M. on~-
can of' the Mayor, wl th the Mayor and all embers of the Counc 11
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The Presldent announced the meetlng had been called for
the purpose of decldlng what course to pursue With reference to
continulng werk on the Beach Pav1110n project. He explained
that yesterday wolrk had been stopped on beth the Beuh end Canal
jobs by order of the F.E.R.A. for an indeflnite tlmeawait:lllg
. further adjustments of Palm Beaoh Coo.nty F.E.Ii.A. ~pro~r!.l1t_ions.
On the Beach projeot however, he said, that permisslon
had been granted to carry Inlet and outlet plpes across the
state Highway to a distance sufflc1ent to eliminate the. danger
of traffio obstruction, and alai) sufficient labor had been
granted to IllOp tar paper on pivllion :roof for proteotion, of
roof boards. Mr. Dlggans stated however that the men llsted<for
the ro:Ofing job were older men and he considered physloally un-'
able to do such work~ After sane d1 scusslon, Mr. Hill moved,
that owlng to physical unfltness, ~ these men be not employed
on the :roof work. Mr. Foote seconded the motlon whlch carrled
unanlmou sl y.
As It was oonsldered very ne.essary that work continue
at thls tlme on the p.aillon project, the deslrabllity of
brlnglng the mtter to the attentlcn of State F.E.R.A. a,~thor-
1tles was dlscussed, am Mr. Foote moved that Mr. Link be
authorlzed to go to Mlami tanorrow and Interview certain parties,
laylng before them facts and figures on the pav1110nprmjee.t
for the purpose of ge tUng fullest possl ble cooperatlon and help
from that source. Mr. Gracey seconded the motion whlch carried
unanlmou s ly .
Mr. Graoey then made the followlng motlon: That if after
Mr. Llllk"s trlp to 111am1, it was consldered eJlPedlent .that Mr.
Julius F. stone be Interviewed in the'mtter, Mr. Diggans, Mr.
Link and the Mayor be delegated in arrange an appointment and
awai t upon Mr. Stone for said purpose; the expense of the trlp
to lacksonvl11e to be borne by the City.
The meeting adj our1'1e d.
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