05-14-34 Regular
tJ ,,~
May 14th, 1934.
The Council Jl8t In regular sesslon at 7:30 P. M. wlth the
Mayor and all members of the Councll present.
The mlnutes of the meetings held April 23rd and May 4th
were read, and on motlon regularly made, seconded and carrled,
it __J
The Clerk advised that Mr. Shayne of the Dlxie Muslo
Company had' requested perm1ss 1011 to appear before the Counoil' on
May 28th wlth reference to llcenses and asked that no actlon be
taken In the removal of his maehlnes until that time. It was
regularly moved, seconded and carried tbl. t this request be granted
and that he appear at that date, In order that the llcense tee
mlght be settled on both marble boards and muslc boxes.
... -1
A letter and proposal from Mr. Zook to furnlshPacJ!'I~'1n;.+:1
lieu of delinquent taxes at the rate of $2.06 per palm was order,$.d,..,:;j
flled for future referenoe. ....1
'P_ ~,,:;:e ~~;-::::~ :':~i"~r~~:l':'-~e=,te.-'" "1
A letter from W. F. Rogers, Attomey, reliJ,t1estlngsElttle....'
ment or Amerlean LaFrance Fire Engine Note due December 31st .was'
read, and Mr. Johns toil moved tha t the Flnanoe COIllD1:\' ttee wrltElMr.
Rogers asklng it hl s ol;lel1twou ld ac oept same wl thou t Intere st; to
be paid $1,000 now and balance In thlrty days. Mr. Foote,s~c ..,dad
the motlon whleh carrled unanimously. By motion of Mr.Fq,~
seoonded by Mr. Gracey and unanlmously carrled thls note was,
ordered pald out o~ the Water Plant Fund.
i ,~
Mr. Crego appeared before the c.ouncil and presented an
amended water ordlnanee and petltlon for iDAtiaslve ~f ordinanoes,
wlth the slgnatures of two hundred twenty-tive alleged qualified
electors of the City, asklng for the passage of sald ordinance'
as provlded by Seetlon 93, 94 and 95 of the vharter or Delr~.
Beaoh. The pe~tlon was ordered recelved and fllad for certirlca-
tton of the Clerk wlthln the requlred ten days allowed tor in-
spectlon and veriticatlon of slgnatures.
194 Wm. Kling to root entire roof With Shingles
instead of 25% as prenw.sly requested.
Lot 12 Blook 2 Ocean Park.
No. 195 John Har41nson, B.lock 29
No. 19'7 Gracey Real1;y Company, S. 50 t
. r
".,~~j},- '::,
oce&.n.j'~ch Lot:S5 . " j
Council Chamber - May 14th, 1934.
No. 198 Gracey Realty Company, Lot 9 Block 2 Lakevlew Hts.
No. 199 Mllton Boone, Lot 2 Block 12 Sunset Park.
The followlng applications for bulldlng permlts were
then presented, and upon motlon duly Jl8de, seconded and carried
John Berg, Lot 6 Block 109
Bob Neil, 318 E. Atlantic Avenue
Arthur Brown, Et Lot 1, Block 44
R. C. MacNelll, Vlsta Del Mar Subdlvislon
R. S. Moseley, Lot 4 Block 70
Fontalne Fox, Nt Lot 40 Shore Acres
Addltlonto servants quarters
R. W. Rltter, Lot 22 Block '73
Addltlon of kitchen
Mr. Dlggans reported on the Beach Pavilion Project
statlng the F.E.R.A. had obtalned funds from the R.W.A. thereby
enabling them to continue their projects, and that oUr pavllion
would probably be one of the flrst to be resumed. The Committee's
vlslt to Jacksonvllle and Interview wlth Mr. Stone, he belleved,
largely responslble for the pressure belng brought to bear o.n
F.E.B.A. authorlties in West Palm Beach, and he thought our
project would be gl ven preference as a re sult of the con tili'ts
made at that tlme. He reported a $50.00 travelling expens. item
and advlsed that letters of thanks had been forwarded Mr. Stone
and M1's. Bedell for their courtesy and cooperation In the matte.r.
~ Byrd reported that deed requested by the 'Council' tor
the Pavilion property would have to come from the Gleason hell'S,
one of whom reslded in ~.AT\gItlil!t:tlria. He stated also that the
Gleasons desired an agreement In w:tJlt1ng from the present trus-
tees showing their wiIllngness to transfer sald trusteeshlp to
the City.
No. 2,00
No; 202
No. 203
No. 204
No. 205
,. No. 206
No. 2O?
\ .
( ~
The 01 ty Attorney also reported that he had been success-
ful In obtalnlng quit-olaim deeds for Andrews Street rlght~of-way
from the majority of abutting property awners. In thls !lB.tter,
Mr. Byrd .as aSked to reply to a :Ie tter from Mra. Winifred Fro":
hardt, explalnlng to her the reason for this deslred rlght-of-way
and the pUl'pose of same.
The Clerk reported that she had had no reply fran the
City of West Palm Beaoh regardlng the pestlng of bond for slde-
walk damage. It was thereupon moved by Mr . Johns ton ,1iI~~,9.nB~,<k"., ,..,
by Mr. Hill, and unanimously carrled, the. t the Clerk again write
these people, advlslng that unless some satisfactory guarantee
was recelved from them wl thin two weeks tlme, we would beobligeQ
to prohlblt their truck crossing sald sldewalk. The Clty Attorney
advised this communicatlon be addressed to the Mayor. .
The Chalrman of the Sanitary C0lllD11ttee report<<d t~~t'(lOn"",
demnat 10n of a house on N. E. Th.1rd Avenue for its unsalll t$i,
;, .~ ,;,,(<<;.,',<(
<:>Yit:; ,
'.;, :t
Counoil Chamber - May 14th, 1934.
< '
cOndltion. He also stated that Dootor Davis had asslsted him
upon this and other ocoasions in the oapacl ty of Health Offioer,
and as he drew no regular oompensa ti on, fel t the Doo tor was dUe
somethlng for his tlme and work, and moved tba t Doctor Davls be
pald $10.00 for his work this year. Mr. Gracey seoonded the
motlon, whloh upon roll call, oarried unanimously.
The matter of paylng off one of the bonds of the old
Town of Delray Beach was brought up, and the City Attorne1"'.was-...._..
authorlzed to confer with Mr. Alley of the Palm Beach Company
regarding this matter.
Mr. Johnston stated that Mr. Llnk had that day commen-
oed work of establlshing sldewalk lines at the Beach and expected
to flnlsh same the followlng day.
Mr. Johnston deslred to know if there was an ordlnanoe
on file prohlbi tlng the housing of mules wi thin the 01ty Limits.
The Chief of Polioe assured hlm there was, and agreed to loo~
It up for Mr. Johnston the text day.
Mr. Johnston said the Judge had requested that some
regulation. of fees be establlshed Whereby the Clerk may be
governed in the Issulng of police warrants. Mr. Byrd advlsed
that the 01'dinance Committee be Instructed to asoertain if an
ordlnance elfllsted governlng this; and to elther amend such
ordinance, 11' necessary, or draw up a J.'esolution to cover this.
The matter of allo'l!lng local Jl8rchants to s~o:re and
sell flreworks was disoussed, but owing to the exlstent.fl~e
ordlnance, barrlng such storage and sale no actlon was taken.
Mr. Graoey gave a detalled report of Insuranee pol1cles
held by the City on real and personal property. It was generally
consldered that too much Insurance was belng carr led on most ot!
these properties. On motion duly made, seoonded and carried,
the Finance Commlttee was Instructed as follows with regard t.o
Not to renew the $6,000 policy on the Clty Hall which
explres March 23rd, 1935.
The. t the insuranoe explrlng with Brennan & Plastridge
on May 31st, this year, i)n the garage. and contents at the Water
Plant property be transferred to L. J. Nichols, and that a three
year pollcy be taken aut on seme.
The. t the t3,000 policy on the Chamber of Commerce :saIl,
expirlng on Ootober 1, 1954, be allowed to lapse at tba t time.
OWlng to the Inadequate flre p1'otection, It was thought
Inadvlsable to reduoe the Ins.uranee on the Golf Club Hottse.
The $1,000 POJ.io~SI:I()nt~i.~pa;tk!;,~.~$.
:';x;;;::-:' - , -',. :> -''''' - ,.\
Councll Chamber - May 14th, 1934.
and S. E. FOurth Avenue Clty houses, all explrlng In September,
were ordered to lapse at the time of explratlon.
The Insurance on the house In Block 99, also 'explrlng
September next was not ordered renewed, owing to the fact that
this property is In ... prooess of sale.
Followlng announcement by Mr. Hlll that offers had been
recelved by hlm from va1'ious people to purohaseClty houses. and~__
lots, a dlsousslon arose as to what should be done wlth the money
resultlng from such sales and Mr. Johnston thereupon made the
followlng motlon: That all revenue derived vy the City tram the
sale of real estate or houses be placed in the Beaoh and Park
Improvement Fund, wlth the exception of the lot prevlously
dedic~ ted to library pUI'Poses; the revenue from sale of that
lot to be placed In a speolal tund deslgnated "Library Fund".
Mr. Gracey seconded the motlon, which upon ro'll call, carrled
An of tel' of $125.00 for house on Lot 15 Block 8 OsceOla
Park was rejected as too low, and after a short dlscusslon In
which it was Inferred that a sale of the house and lot was
desirable rather than of the house only, a prlce of $200.00 was
set on thls house and lot.
Mr. Johnston moved tl:ie adopt1l11n of the follOWing resolu-
BE IT BESOLVED by the City Council of the Clty~of I)elray
Beach, Florlda, that the reoommematlon of the Flnance vommlttee
for sale of Lot Slx (6) In Block Flve (5), Osceola Park, Cltyof
Delray Beach, Florida, to Max Gobel for the purchase prlce of
Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), be accepted and approved; sald
Three Hundred Dollars ($$00.00) to.be paldln the followlng
manner, wo-wlt: One Hundred Flfty Dollars 1150.00) cash, and'
the balance of One Hundred Fifty lOl]ars ($150.00) to be ,pald in
twelve (12) months trom the 14th day of May, A. D. 1934, the deed
conveylng said property to be escrowed in the Florlda State Bank,.
Delray Beaoh, Florlda, and to be dellvered to Mr. Max GObel upon
the payment of the balance of sald money, as above provlded;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said sale of the above des-
'ribed real estate be made SUbject to all unpald munlclpal taxes
and assessments, and also SUbject to all state, oounty and govern-
mental taxes and assessments;
, ""~
I 11'(j1
BE IT FURTBER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City Clerl,c,
are hereby authorized and instructed to execute a speclal warranty
deed In the name of the Clty of Delray Beach, Florlda, oonveylng
sa!. d real estate to the said Max Gobel for the cash conslderatlon,..
of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) said cash oonslderat1on belng /
the hlghest and best bld made for sald property, after due consld-
The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and' OJl,j,ooll call
carrled unanimou'sly. 1;;'"
T~i. ~.i..\
"I~ ".tl'
. ,
BE3l'J!FlJR'l'EIERRESOliVE'D that sald sale of theab'&Te'--~'.J.L,W
described real estate.be made subject to all unpaid municipal;, .,1-0" p~.
taxes and assessments, and a:I.sO subject il:> all State, county vo .T,I..I
and goveI'.l1lllElntal taxes and assesSllents; am conveyed wlthout abstract~
Counc~l Cl1Ai!;1'Mr -;May 14th, 1934.
Mr. Gracey IDOved the adoption of the following
BE IT RESOLVED by tm City Council of the Cltyof
Delray Beaah, Florlda, that the recoIIlllElndatlon of the Finance
Oomlll1 ttee tor the sale of Lot 26 Block 49, Grove Park , City
of Delll!ay Beach, Florida, to Josh Myers be accepted and .'
BE IT FlJRmER RESOLVED that the Mayor and the City
Clerk are 'hereby authorlzed and Instmcted to execute a speclal
warranty deed In the name of the Clty of Delray Beaah, Florida;
conveylng aald real estate to the said JoSh MYers tor the oash
considsratlon ot $150.00 oash.
The motion was seconded by Mr, Hlll and on roll call
the vote was as follows: Mr. D1ggans yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr.
Gracey yes, Mr. Johnston no, Mr. Foote yes. Varr1ed.
On motion of Mr. Gracey the following resolu tlon was"
adopte d.
Thrt. '.
. ,~~.j
BE IT RESOLVED BY tl:ie Cl ty' Councl1 of the~ity, of
Delray Beaoh, Flerl<ila, that the recQ1lllllel1dat1on ot the'1F1Jl.ance>
ColllJll.ittee for. sale ot Lot TWe~ty (oo) Block One Hunired (ll,.):,~
City of Delray Beach, F;J.orida, 1D Josh )lyers tor the purchase /~\'
prlce of BUe Hundred Dollars ($500.00), be accepted and approved.;;t~
( ;
BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED, tbat said sale of the above
described real estate be made subject to all un:pald municipal
taxes and assessments; also subject to all st'ate, oounty'an~ i'
governmental taxes and assessments; and conveyed without abstract.
BE IT FlJR'l'HER RESOLVED that the lfayor and tl:ie City!
Olerk are hereby anthor:lzed and Instructed to exeoute a s;peOial*'j
warranty deed in the name of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, I
conveying said real estate to the said Josh ~rs for the ca,~ . ::
consideraUon ot Five Hundred Dollars ($ooa.OO) said cash c91iF,-;, "~
slderatlon belng the highest Ilnd best bid made for said proPH'f1'i"* : i
after due oonslderatimu . " ,
Mr. Foote secomed the motlon whioh carried unanimousl~.,1
An ordinance regarding animals running at large was 1
read In tu1l but no actll>n taken. .~
:,i," ,
Council Chamber - May 14th, 1934.
The mcessity of a dog ordinanoe was stressed
and its different angles dIscussed. Mr. Byrd advlsed the
Council to think this over and decide just what features they
wlshed to enforse and what provisions they we-re prepared to
make for impounding dogs etc. in order that the ord'inance nay
be drawn properly to sult tl:ie requirements.
In the matter of refunding bonds required:Cor---^
posslble damage to streets in the movlng of bulld1ngs, the
Clerk was advised by the 01ty Attorney to obtaln author11;y In
writlng from ~e Fire Chlef or Supt. of Publlc Utllitles as to
condl tlon of streets before refunding any such guarantee bond.
It was regularly moved, 8&conded and carried that
all bllls approved and O.K'd by the Finance cOmllllttee, viz.
bills numbered two to twenty-two incluslve, be paid.
The JI8 etlng adhOllrm d.
me",. w'~
Deputy 01 ty Cler~' tt