05-28-34 Regular ij2! ~; COUNCIL CHAMBER May 28th, 1934. '<-- The Council net in regular session at 7:30 P. M. wlth the Mayor and all members of the Councll present. The mlnutes of the meeting held May 14th were read and approved. ,.,., A comnunication from Ernest & Er~st, speclal1sts IJ!.l,the preparation of date.. for municlpalltles considering use of tlie Wllco:x: Bill in reducing and refunding their bonded Indebtedness, was read and ordered filed for fUture reference. l A le tter was read from the Flrest one Service Stores reO: questing p9 rmiss ion to lay pipe line under certain City streets and alleys, and it was moved by Mr. Johnston that a specialper~, mi t be granted the Flrestcne Service Stores, Inc., to use thE! ". streets and alleys of the Clty of Delray Beach for the purpose of constrootlng a plpe line from the F.E.C. Ry. slding at the Southwest corner of' Block Elghty-Si:x: to its servlce station,tb.n Lots 2 and 3 In Blook n7, in the City of Delray Beach, F10I'.lda. That this permlt is given under the expressed oond1tlon, that should the City need the use of t bat portion of the stre.ets and alleys used by the Firestone Servlce Stores for sald pipe line, that the Firestone Servioe Stores will remove said pitt., line upon given sl:x:ty days notice of the intentlon of the Clty to use sald streets or alleys for pu~lio purposes. That said Firestone Service Stores or its agents or employees shaU use all necessary precautions In orosslng paved streets or paved aUeys and shall not destroy the streets in crosslng same but shall drill under the streets or alleys. Tha t the Flrest me Servio e Stores shall first obtain a permit fran the State Road Departnent before drilling or cross- ing the Federal Highway I and That the Flrestone Service Stores shan deposit wi,th. the Blty Clerk a bond In the amount of $250.00 to guaranteeth,ec'\f'aith-."'" fUl performance of tlB condi tions of this speclal permit: The motion was 'seoonded by Mr. Gracey and unanlmously carried.. The amended water ordinance, submitted by petlti~h for Inl tlative of ordinances at last COUIlC il Jl8etingwas1',.~rned illQ the Council and the Clerk's cert1flcate thereto~;t'!<aC~~,lt;',k.,~eacl 11'.1. full. Mr. Johnston moved that tl:ie ordinlnce be~~~' 'Ell'/an filed. Mr. Gracey se c on, de d the motion whlch,carr:l:'El~i:t" I, ." , 32! ..:- Council Chambar - . May 28th, 1934. Upon motion duly made, secon dad and carrled the issuance by the bullding Inspector of the followlng permits was approved: No. 212 No. 214 No. 217 S. Major, colored toWn Ocean Clty Lumber Co., W. 38' of Lot 10, Block 84 Joe Reynolds, COlDred Town Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the bullding Inspector was authorized to grant addltional bullding perm:bts-'as~-' follows: No. 219 No. 22ll Raydell Corporation L. A. Wagner" Lot 7 Be Et of Lot 8 $5,000 . Vista Del Mar sit> st Ocean Beach Lot l4 Be N. 15.5' of Ocean Beach Lot 15 $350. 00 Lot In VlstaDel Mar $5;000 Lot 6 Bloc k 100 $600.00 No. 220 No . 222 Raydell Coxporatlon Standard Oil Co. l \" The grantl ng of Permlt No. 223 to Johnny B. Samuels for removal of house frc:m Lot 26, Block 40, to Block 35, colored town, was debated, atter which Mr. Foote made the fOll.owmg motion: That no permit be granted for the removal of a bUilding, from any lot wlthin the clty until a pro rated proportlon of ".C dellnqumt improvement lien installments be pald 'on sald' prop- erty; as well as all taxes assessed agalnst the bul+dlng.. Mr. Johnston seconded the motlDn whlch carr18d unanimously. It was then moved by Mr. Gracey, seconded by Mr. Foote and unanlmously carrled that the Samuels permlt be granted subject to above requirements. ' Mr. Byrd s~ated that Mr. Alley had agreed to communicate wlth the Palm Beach Cempany's Jl'ew York offlce with referenoe to- payment of an old Town of Delray Beach bond, and to advlse Mr. Byrd as soon as he had a reply from sald offlee. ,Mr. Diggans reported the F.E.R.A. oftloe had advlsed that communities 'where projects had been resumed must bear the cost for superviSion of same; that on the strength of thls adv,lcehe had ordered a check for $35.00 pe.ld to Mr. Link out of the City Treasury for last week's superTislon. Thereupon Mr. Gracey moved that thls payment to Mr. Llnk be approved and that the City, pay for superVision of the Beach Project until the next meeting of the Council, provided the F.E.R.A. at all tlmes provided sufficlent labor to warran t sllch supervlslon. Mr. Foote seconded the mot 1 en and on roll call thevl)tel"...,......,;,~ was as follows: Mr. Dlggans yes, Mr. Hl1l yes, Mr. Gracey yes,' Mr. Johnston passed, Mr. Foote ~ s. . .. ,. The Clerk havlng advised that she had had no replles from the varlous Palm Beach officials regarding 1he guaranty/ bond " demanded by the Ccunc il for the bl'O ken sl dewalk adjacelltto.!>ok, 1itt:r'erles, the President delegated the Mayor, Mr. JOhnstorijili~l",,'.' ~heaity At~omey to 1ntervlewthese aU1cials persoJlally.1" ~gard totl:H matter." -. , x' -;;k ':;-'~.:::g;::" 331 " Council Chamber - May 28th, 1934. The matter of fee charges for poliee warrants was again brough t up and the Chai nnan of the Ordinance Comm1 ttee, wl th the help of the City Attorney, the Mayor and Chlef of Pollce was authorlzed to have ordinance drawn coverlng this requirement :for presentation at next Council rreetlng. Mr. Johns ton reported that Mr. Link and helpers had f1nlshed the temporary sidewalk survey as outlined at previous Council meeting. A llRrker had reen placed directly East of each telephone pole and one at each property line. The followlng code of rules presented by Mr. Johnston for regulation of the Clty Clerk's offlce was upon motion duly llRde, seconded and unanlmously carried, ordered adopted: v , \ RULES AND BEGULA.TIONS GOVERNING THE OPERATION OF THE CITY BLERK'S OFFICE, effectlve June 1st, l~B:t1; ~ 1. No persons other than Clty employees in offlcial capac- Itles shall be permltted Inside the Clty Clerk's office. 2. Locks or catches shall re applled to all doors leadlng into Clerk's offlce and they shall be kept fastened 80 as to prevent the entrance of any persons other than those allowed by the Clerk or thelr asslstant. 3. The City Clerk or their asslstants shall not be perml tted to furnlsh any Inforrnation of any nature to any outlsders other than that portlon necessary to tre rendering or payrrent of bills, all other int' ormation pertaln:ing to bank balances, bonds etc. shall apply dlrect to the Ci ty Council or the Clty Attorney s.tat..., ing reasons for desirlng such informa t lon, and permlsslon must be . obtalned In this nanner before any City employees ,shall give In", fonnatlon of such nature to the general publlc. 4. Under no conslderaticn mall any employees of the Clty Clerk's offlce or any other employee of the Clty, loan or be allowed to be taken from the :files or offices of the Clty ant' papers belonging or records of the Clty wlthout flrst obtainlng written permisslon from elther the City Councilor the Clty Attorney. 5. No City equlpment of any nature, especlally transients, levels, maps eto. shall be loaned to individuals without wrltten permlssion of the Chairman of the partioular departJl8nts to. which. the equipment might belong, and the Oi ty Clerk shall require tl1e written request for the loan at' such equlpment in addl tion to a recelpt from the partles so seeking the loan. , >'::0r6.~"""\"'\"rif'~ < "", 6. Startlng June 1st, 1934 the hours of the City employees employees In the City Clerk's offioe shall be ,rom 8:30 A. M. to 4:00 P. M., said employees shall remaln untll five P. M.for the purpose of completing their,day's transactions wlthout:ilf;errup;tlan wi th the exceptlon of Saturdays on wb1c h day the ir time shall ter- minate at l2:00 noon. . . ~e~ectfully submltted, ~glltM~BradshaY{ . < .... W. J. JohnSon COmTTEE. 33] Counoll Chamber - May 28th, 1934. The Mayor stressed the necessity of the immediate adoptlon of an ordinanoe to regulate the licensing and Impound- ing of dogs and the Chairman of the Ordinance Committee agreed to confer with the Mayor and Chief of Polioe the following day for the purpose of drawing up an adequate dog ordinance. The Finanoe Committee was authorized to consult with Mr. Carrington regardlng mortgage whloh she holds on thelo"tr' recently purohased frOll her by the City, to ascertaln what settlement she would aooept on same, and report at the next meeting. e<;- The Clty Attorney was Instructed to dlctate a letter to Mr. John W. Hall, advising hlm that the Clty books showed he had exceeded hls bond oredit allowanoe by $89.90 and requesting that he take care of the l!B tter by deposl ting wi th the Clerk further bond credlt In that amount or the necessary cash, .iz. $13.49 to take care of this deficit. ( i There was some deb ate as to the advisabill ty of oancell- ing bonds turned into the Clty fur taxes or carrylng tl1em as assets of the Ci ty of Delray Beach. Mr. Byrd urged the neoesslty of a. striot accountlng of all bonds in the City's possession and it was ordered tha t the City Attorney, the 01 ty Audi tor and the Flnance Comml ttee get together and make a thorough check of the! bond situation, wlth a view to settlng up a proper system of book-keeplng on same. The necessl ty of taklng steps for the colle otlon of personal tax was dlscussed, and Mr. Johnston moved that the Mayor be ordered to proceed to collect personal P<<0perty tax; that a reasonable time in thejudgmant of the Mayor be allOWed for payment, after whlch legal steps be taken to enforce ' oollection. Mr. Foote seconded the motion and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Diggans yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Gracfey yes, Mr. Johnston yes, Mr.. Foote ;;e s. . . ,. The Finance Committee was'authorlzed to inspeot the personal tax roll wi th a vlew to correotlng or elimlnating any Incorreot assessments on the 1934 roll. The City Attorney stated that a personal assessment roll should Include all in- dlvlduals and not be an assessment agalnst business houees only. In connection with thls, Mr. Byrd agreed to look up the law on personal taxes to asoertaln just how much exemptlon is allowed on home propertles. . "~ I ~c .t'~ Mr. Byrd reported he had flIed an answer to the Hall !. :na:::~s sult and the case was now pending on petltlon and :,,;,'[ Mr. Johnston mQved tl'l. eadc>pt1on ot a resolu\i.iQii .,~",,,;, :~~~;~~ t~:i~~''::'~:lttgf'ef~:~~~ttFio;t:~-~~:;-~~i~j.;tJ'' Cpmpany grantlngthe use ofa'icertaiX1 :protiQBo:f' the 1'Ollo:w,~$, desoribed props rty 1'0 r e ]8)1'111'10 1:\.g:Q:t;"p9las>and line iii: liIam6;;,,">i '. "',-""".:.."".:,.., .,;};.~~~t?;IJ:~,:~: '" ','"".~~~~.i:\af'_c""" -<;:~' 332 , Council Chamber - llay 28th, 1.934. ~ being the South flve feet (5') Ocean Beach Lot Flfteen (15). which carrled unanimously. of the South Flfty Feet (50') of Mr. Foote seconded the motlon ~'~. ,. On motion of Mr. Foote, secohded by Mr. Hl11 al]:.b:1:1:ts-.........- O. K. 'd by the Flnance Commlttee, viz. Numbers twenty-flve to forty-slx, were ordered pald. The meetlng adjoUrned. . \ 1q ~ W' (VA~ ~- 01 ty Clerk. APPROVED: pres~~~ . .. , h O;'~