07-09-34 Regular f ( , ~ :\,; ." 349 Council Chamber - JUly 9th, 1934. Mr. Byrd pointed out that fue appointment of a C~rk was necessary to fill the vacancy resulting from Mr. Barton's' resignation, whereupon Mr. Foote moved that Miss. Mae Cramp be;l nominated to fill the office of Clerk, Treasurer, TaX .As~essoi' '/ and Tax Collector for the unexpll'edterm and mOVed the adoption ..,!i of Resol11tion No. 123'- and No. 124, Ordinance Book 4;d"t'gne;t1n:lr'-,'~ certain banb as depositories at City of Delray Beach, and a1ithor-;~~ 1lling the $i gna tures at D. M. Bradshaw, Mayo;l.' and.. Mae W. OralllP, ';";, Treasurer to all' c)La cks, drafts and withdrawals of funds from ';;'lfu Said banks. Mr.' Johnston. seconded the motion and upon roll call ,'. by the President, the vote was as fbllows: Mr. Foote yes, ..Mr.,,;~ Gracey yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes. The .t1on was ';-44, carried. The selection of a Clerk's deputy was le1"t to the."", Ole:t'k,Bllbject to the approval at the councl1.K~1 --"",,;. '5:~'~J c',', $'h:: ff;:~~~it Bu.ilding Permit No. 23' by Mr. F. W. WodischecktoeX'ect a tWQ car garage on his property. Lots 2 & 3 Block l,$ephie Frey Subdivision, was granted by lIDti en regUlarly made, seconded and oarried. /i;~~,i~ ;"}~;~\~ :t,~ Jilt' * It was regularly moved by Mr. Johnston, secondelanl.. carried that the Clerk write a :Ie tter to the Mayor eonveY:!J:l!g:th~~ Cou.ncil's sympathy and wishes for a speedy recovery from .hi.s....' recent il1ne'ss. ;',:,,::~~~-~ ;"c';jj,,~ mmULAT~;:I~:C:A~~. J~9 i>I~~B:iON. 4, o.~n i. i~~d k~.s:. if......~.f_....r...~.....i.........;...... ....".....,.*~.ll,...."1.. SERVICE RENDERED TO, OWNERS A,P. CONBu.lIU!itlS BY THE eITYQJ!'.~~~f.~~~,.1 BEA@, FLORIDA; mmULA.'1'ING m RA.'1'l!S mEaEFOR, P.BN.AJ,'1'lE~~'ll;:)ir:t) VIOUTrON THEREOF; OBEATJ:QN OF LIENS FOB PAS,:f J1ND IDlP.AI;D ...... '?:)i.l~ ACCO.UN!'. S;.. AND REPEALING. ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS. OF ORDlNANc::ES'.i.>..........I;. t.' IN CONFLIQT HEREWITH was "U before the COUDO 11 for its ....'i-;. . second reading. . . .......~fi '1'ha ordinance having blten read the second time in ttilJi;<W'~i'; it was moved lIy JIr . Gracey th8.t the ordinance be a.dopted., .lI;L-..P'......'.;......:...I..........:,:....... ~oote secQnded the motion and on roll call the vote was une:ni-, ,,?iL' mous. The ordinance was there1"ore cleclared adopted. .:r.' : \../... '( Mr. Diggans reported a bUl at $54.35 paid P. D. W1lder.}.~'!'~I!l.i.; 1"or eleotrical materials 1"or installation at Beach Project, and ,.fF same was regUlarly orderel apPL"eved and paid."~'i :71',';i#~; Mr. Foote moved that bills nu:mb~ed 88 to 18&,regl1~rl approved by the Finance Committe, be :pa:1d. Mr. Gracey seconde~. the 1I10tion which carried unanimously.":' Meeting adj~rned. rq ~. tV.a~ Oity Cle .k. .", ." ':'-',/~,';-(- ~:'..:'~j~~ U. ",'j