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07-12-34 Special
. ...' ( , ~ " ( J L ~ 550 comran 'GHAMBER Jllly l2th, lG34. The Council met in spe6ial l!Iession at 10:00 A.lI. tor , consia.ration ~f aUditor-'s:rePElrll. QllAnaJleialCQnlit1on~ot,.--_._..___ .:: the C$,ty Clerk, Treasurer's and Tax Colleotor's ortice. M1"~ Diggans, Mr. Hill, M1". Gracey an:d Mr. JO!n1ston were presen'!;. The rollowing statement of Cash Expense Fund was su'bmitte4by Mr.. Winn, Oi ty .Auditor: Wouing Funa. oharged with CASli coun 7/).,2Ls4 $200.00 $ 182,00 .80 1.20 Currency 511 va r Check,' B&:rr:y Ke tler Check, bad (SaII.. Specialty) . da~ed 7!Sl/S3-no good, Tioket, J.C. JO!n1sen dated G/8/33 1.00 l5..00 . 200,00 JW) CHECK AeGOmn' Bad aback against m. Gr11"fth (laSh tindend paid 0-' aame Balance, 13..41 lk2& . m:X5 1'h18 oheok "aken 1n for tues uJany'.. l'S$'.. Bank clloaedand ntlwXJ8:d cheok, and has now pail a cti'YUend of' $1.2&.. M1". Graoey 1l1and tha't we apP1'li'Jge .orking hnd rtIIPor'l;j; o:tm;rgingthe 11,,00 ball Check oft on surt>lu,s aoealInt, Ud tba'l; r tU..iQet the 115..00 JohIiBoD. eau "ket by Charged 1;0; polic. a..-_at salaries; the 'balano. ot'ta,ie to be;,paid l.a'IiQ. the, Ci-ty<'lIreasu,ry by~. Joh1'1son;alsothat the 112.-15 1I1lpaillll~.,.Cl'e:: .. -ae<tike Gr11"ri1lh oheck be chlD'gctd ofr as 1I1l0011.01l..18. .~.~ .11 88cencled the motion which O817iel 1l"l!l~imnU81y" ".' . . ..ilfJ ., '. .' ..,' ""'.. ,',"~f:;~" ,'_', ':"'-'..',,',;~r"").;"<i,;r:~~-~":';ifl,yt:';~~ fW BONDS ..~..I~'1' ON ;eplDS M~D'f'r~' ~0J' 'l'4DR~<;~~, CURRENTnsCAL nAB...., .\..;. C!1' . lSW. 1933 te ;J liJJ~;~1 ~h-, 1.934. .. ". ' " . ~ :~~:-i':'" . ""';?:,;. , . '.. ...~.dB~~Tedt~em Ben. ~~ $P..l.a.Imj~.. Isond ig~l79 "!eI. ,', ~'OO ,.;"d, ~te~1li J~:i ""$1"'" . fiI'~~ ,~'" :,l,:::';:}':ii:"_-" ~- -:'.,,' ::'i ',,\.',.," ."...... ."-'~'_\-:" ;,-;WZ'~; r };'~_. .. ';{,: ,:j~f'-;; {"if;:'\,\1,:'~_, ;,-,;;}2~;C< .. --,-":ji~'it,-:; 351. COUNCIL CHAMBER - july 12, 1934. Be> m: s Gen. Imp. Bond 1914 Cou:eons 37-38 Spec. Imp. Bonds 1927, 1185-87'"96 Coupons 1/12 & 13 ofr each, Gen. Imp. Bonds 1926, 1/54-55-l?8 Coupons IIl3 01"1" eaoh Gen . Imprt.. Be>nds 1926, 1/52-43-54-55 and 178, COupons ff14 ott eaoh, Gen. Imp. Bond 1914, #14 1,000.00 Interest I 60.00 165.00 ea~50 13'..50 \0,',' ,-, ...~..._~,---~ :~1 Gen. " . " " Impt. Bon4 ,19, 26'J52, · · 1926, 53 " "1926, 55 " "1926, 1'7 " · 1926, 180 1,000.00 l,OOO.OO 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 33.5' ( , Speoial Imp:l'Ovement Bonds 1927 " Bonds l/ea-9o-91-102..11..-l05- 113, ',000.00 Speoial Im,' ~r,ar,'ement Bond 192' 13ond,<101 $eutheas'ten Ice & Cold Stor. Bond 1101 tor. I l,OOO.OO Less coupobs detaohed, 155,00. 8l~..O Less tax C:I8di'N;fj "76 549.'6 CredUBa1. Ice'O'1'~ ' Clh 2.$5.24 Sp.eoial Imp. Bond 192' /}106, john W~...Hall & ~i7, . " 1"310*00-. ' 15,'."; ~5? 15,'. ' ,.28' ~Cs.52 Gen. LeciSer Charges to Bonds, Balanoe due Ben Sundy $'415.53, ~ :lii3~JI- . 111,53- ."1: .30" Less jOhn W. Hall Balanoe QI,!I O~d1t Bal. :Ua 'had .Aoct. l'"!"~<Hi . . ,',' . " "..,::k,'~*t~~ Mr. Gracey -ehen moved that Q8 'bal,.uoe o:f tJ,aa.41.1 shown, t;~ :in Mid repart 'hrese:rved aDll held by the C11;YWlt11 il. 8Dd ot,'thjs~,f~~ Year, :l.n ease ar any :Olrther,,-d oredit elaiJU. IIIll 1Ililsftmd. :Mr., H1~3,.\ seoGnaed ~e motion, md on roll call the ..-ote _s ast"lloWiHltI..,;!{"" '\~fi '>>} ....y,""...; .,';l),:~: ',',<ii,/,,- ""~~i " ~'i ( " I L: 552. , CO'lJ1roIL CHAMBER - July 12, 1934. D1ggans yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Graoey yes and Mr. Jobnston no. Carr1ed. :Mr. Graoel moved 1ba. ,1; ,:Mr., n:QB'IiI@\l411;.1:lQ..~~C~P~l!l~..~~!!__,_._......;L salary clieck for 1328'.80 be paid Mr.' Bal''ton, as authorized a~ Counoil meeUng 01" July 9th. Mr. Hill seoonded the 1BO't1on which carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. C1'tnl~k:A) (lh ~~. . July 12'th, 1934. Clerk, by me. .' ;,> )(at W. Cramp qs thi$ 4ar g!;TEln 'the eath ot otr1c.le alilQ~~t Treasurer, TaX CoUe.tor and C1erk ar'the Mun1C1.1 C~n" tfttA -?.-..- d.. t ~/ , , 'Yf)'r.' :;',:'~~}~t*~ ,'.,~~: :',<",j" J:. . .' 'h~~" ;;;;) . ",,:,\. " ,~.:' ";, """\ ':\, .,..'.;)> "i'i.~' '~ "i?~i~ ,.,,':j,~~~l )~~F :jl!i, ;~J1' ',,'\," :.'.". ".';1,'-