07-23-34 Regular ,..~ " J i \.. .;: \1':..>1 L,' ~ , 353 COUNCIL t'll'J:MB'ER July 23, 1934 The GOUllcil met iIi :regt1alr seSSion 4-t'7:30P.It.with t1Ur1"O:,:!:F'" lowing members present: )(r. Diggans, Mr. Foote, Mr. Gracey; JI;r:. Johnstt:>n ani Mr. Hill were absent. The minutes of the regullA;r m.eting held Jnly 9th and the Special meeting 01" July 12th were read and appl'IWech ' Widow's exemption applications 01" JohnnieB. Samuels, ...tllie1-";'1 Sarah McIntosh and Susanne Nichols were pesented. These were laid ,,' .' owr 1"or the apprcmU of all members 01" the F1:r:umce Gomm1ttee befere passage by the C01Incl1. It was atated 'tbat 'the flty 01" ifelilt Palm Beach had oont'eI'red with cenaill ]!lembers of the GQ'liUlCil :regarding the re-lay1ng 01" dema:ged sidewalk: a....1;Ung 'the Zook N'Qrsery pl'Opeltty" .11 t no let'i1'11 te :re:NI''!!. was maae with reogard to t;he matter. ' )(r. D1GGflnS :re~ll t;hat he bad arranged with,Mr. Spior to hIl.l'CW" a striet Ught; plaeed as close as pOssible to the Crichton House in ' Dell Park as requested at last meeting. Mr. Diggps :t'eportad also on th, Pa,"Uon pl'Oject stating act e~'7', pected to get six Plasterers and two briok masons 1"rom W.stl'a~:ElfIaCl'l:L,,;. flnd,1n _at event the GUy would bave to t'liEmish t:ransportat1onl'1"or;thelle men, whereupon Mr. Gracey moved fta t Panl Ni,,"ollB .e 18l!JJitted 'to' 1.'1se the City truck to carry these plasterers .ack anif 1"orta to the job. Mr. Foote seconded the motion which carried unanimouSly. ."....,- The City .Attomey stated Mr., Gaulden had talked to him, anet D4eh1;' have some fUrther pmposition to orrer at the COIlnoll's next meeting nth regard to the one 1mndred :Coo'll exclJ1'B:1oJl de,s1red in the SOI1th- east part of town by B.if. Mitchell; Mr. Byrd advised also that he had sUlfm1 tted to the Circuit Judge , the final decre,e in tl}e matter of clearing up title to the City's property in Block h9, and expected to have the JUdge's decisioJl."by ifedDesday Jnly 25ta,e:t'ter which he 1I'OuU be prepared to give his/opr" inion as to whether he considered the 'title marketable. . Upon Mr. Byrd's suggestion, Mr.. Foote movel that nTown otDellfay Beachn;Bond number '7 (Coupons 2l& 22 attached) llJ1dC?ou:!?ons NO. 21)';" detachel 1"roB,l nTown ofDliillfa1 Beachn Bonds numbers 29,21,23 a:nd24 du., July 1, 1934, be aeeep'led" paid and eancelled. Mr. Gracey seeonlted ", ~'" the motion which carried....imously. ~>' 354 OOUNCIL CHAMBER -- July 23, 1934 , The 1"ollowing bu iM ing parmi ts, we re upon motion duly made, seconded and carried granted: No. 238 n 239 n 240 A. Horman Block fJ100. E. V. A11endoX'Ph, Lot fJ(}; Block #5, Del1da. John W. Hall, Lot Is)! Blook; 110l.,--- -", ~ ne Clerk sabmitted the 1"01l0lJi:ng report or Bank Balanoes, transfers 01" Funds lJto. CLEIlK,'S REPORT. I , n n n , As of June 30, 1934. Savings S1nk}ng Fund, t3;230~2'1 General Fund 82.10 Water Plant hnd, l;OOO.OQ.' General Bond Fund, (money reserved for ~., '. Allen & Co.), 589't;61J:';' Special Bond ~Il, 2.21;_ Special AcoOW1t, (Money on taxes leYiedi.~ tor, speo;tft:c bondS&: " " , COllpO:rll~) - 1933 D!trr' "24' 86~ Old Town Deb. Beaoh BClil:rd.' t l:~~~'~~~~ General Fund: . I 3~j2fk Old TolIn ,01" Debay Beaeh Bond hlIld, iil~93" Water AocOQlI, ; 5.0~,t;\'5'i Canal P:rojeot Fund,_ ,.6~ ..,J;~: ,J ';.4,,~ 'l'OTAL DEPQ~,.tl?;~28~9~- FUl'lDS IN BANKS: Cent. n It It Farmers " n " n It n It It It ll'lerida State Bank It It It " It " Since July 1st, trans1'ers 01" tl1nds lave been made as follctwJS: Si .~ .!Mew $ .,60 ~ l.tS NA'l'tlRE OF ~~. &}UJ:ASON:. , .~, Balance in "CQiA Projeot FlmClIt--ll'lor14a ~te.tellai1k.' tranSt'9rred to Ge:q,eral Fund.....n.r1ia Sta~e~nk. (T'o olose out small aooOl1nt ani conso111ate:f'l1Jl~s). Balance, in~.;]).B. Bend 1l't1)tCl"......:ra."~...~~le.>>ailkr""l";" transt'erred. to nO.T.n.B.13<md Fun.."....eelllt~~ l'!l~\ak;.: (To close out _11 aooOllnt and cQilSol1dilte rlincta). i I l.. ~ 355 COUNCIL CHAMBER --july 23, 1934 . AMQUNT 535.89 NATURE OF 'l'RANSFER & BEASON: 'hranf/1"er 01" money from "Gen. FluId" .. Flo:r;Lda State hm.-" to' ""T D'^BBOnd l!'tu1d"=ce-nt' 'hl'llF '''Balllt----- ,. .... . .. ... -. 0.".'...."., (Be:pJ:881tDts mon;1es paid in on Bond portion 01"' Beacll taxes ani depo$i ted in Gen. FluId ins'teal 01' "O.T~ D.B.Bond FIuId-.) 1;264~46 2.21 i'ransrer of' money !"rom General FIuIcl..-Flori~ StaJ.e Bank to "Sln'i,q/3' Sinking Fl1ncl- in.CenJral!'Jil~rs' Blmk.(ReP~siJnts monies pa14 to purohaseC:l~~ owned 'bonis, bY- taxpayers and deposited in General FluId but IJeJ.onging to Sinking Flml.} ,; --', .:.-. J Ba~e in -General FtmV-eentral FlI2Dters ~, transi"erred ;0 "GoDera1 FIuIcl"-F1or1lla State ,Ba'~. (To Olose out small account ani consoli(tate aco~1 Balance in "~peoial Bond !.eecnmt.-oen'll:t~l1a",,1il&.l'li' Bank, traasferred t-o "Ge_rel Fll#cl".....~llaf;l1;'e.t~' Bank. (To close out 8aaU acoe"QDt and eenBQ;t411at. aecounts.) ,> ',' (!r:tans:ter 01" money represBntingpurchatle P~.~-l:>t"; Carrington Lot at Beaoh. Ordered to- IJep.ill'~t. of' Special Imp. FWId but paid out 01" .a~~,r:~F,~1 o.oalllile of mandamus suit pending at tha:l'..ttlite')",' =:;:r::/:mw:::c~~rn~~:;;am.~'r~ Bank. ,. " ,,' 82.10 1;000.00 ::9' 2;000.00 i'rans1"er 01' 1IlOmJY from "Wate; Plant bj",~i~e __ Bank; to...atel' P1a.nt Flmd"-..ce.~ifl'~)'1l Bluik. (Not su.r1"lct:lent collateral in looal1ank:'to oover deposits). ~s1"er of f'lmcls t:rom"Water PJ.,mt ll'l1nc'l".....ll:;t.P:r1118 _te Bank, to Generi1J. Flmil"-...n~icla S'tjfle:a.,nk. (RelU'"esenting 11rems ~or labor, mater1a~~,~' cbargeab1e tQ Water Dept. since begiJlni1'1€t'o1' " 1'iscal year but erroneously paid out 01" Gen,f'Flm.. "'::".~";~')r"'hfJ~.," 1,517~39 c_ , 35 OOUNCIL ClfAMBER-- J'uy 23. 1934 The foregoing *ranS1"er 01' fllnds-, changes the status 01' Bank ' accounts to therollowing: Oent. Farmers " " " " .. 11 11 " 11 11 It " " 11 Florida State Bk. " " .. " " " savings Si:nking l!'llnd, ill Qe1'fel"al Fandi . Special Imp. Fund, Water Plant Fund, Gene:ral BOl'ld li'luj.~, SpeeiaJ. AecOllnt, SpeciU BOnd Funl, Olcl ~own 01" ~lray Beach Bond Fund. Gemer$l. Fund, Old Town ~l;r:ay Beach Bond l!'Und, Water l!'w1il. Oanal Project li'llDl1, . 4~494.'15', ','''-';' "l:ese~'ot" l.,658 , 21 '.' &,900.ietl 529.69 24.86 , .ltilseli 0111 1.653~1l" 3,542,.22, ,,', '...'. 01:ose4 .',0.1 1;i54GZ~ '. .."W; c1osed'!'>1i~ ,~",',,!)"~', $ J l'.'22/h9G ----- 'R1i!MA'R'K's:I ; i In addition to ."ove llransters, which it has been })Usitl-le make, llhere are fUl"ther deJllllnds on the "Gneral Fund" as follows: Item one. "" , ,~ 1:I'p to J'une 301lh1' llues amoun'~g to 13,'SO'1.'12 belo;J8S iJl!~~' .Acepunll" tor the Bonclho:r.llde..DOlIIBtwe. which 11" t;r:ans1"enedwoe!d;l a de1'icit in onr General Fund ot $465.60. ,",' , ,. .. Item two. " , , ' ,,\<\~i Also. in the minutes ot Much 26th~ the Oler~ was order6d,t~;"i\;'f;'ii trans1'er money erroneeuly p1aced in (lQr General Fund, inS'Ceacl.Gf'.., AA)t;Ji\tz\~ oredi t ot lIr. Clint ,Dore 1"0;r .Atlantic -'vanue Widening ani Sou1dl~:f~g,e::"~v' paving. i'h~s amounts to .'1'3.94.' Item three. In, o1'ller to keep st1'1ct check ani balance on all acollunu the."'.. CoutU should authoriae the Olerk 1;0 loan the "GeMra1 hnd" one or "," 1;wo thousand dollars. or _hatever 1s neoessary t:rem the "Water pti1!1t~, '~:. Fand. i'his 1II)uldthen appear.. a l&an on our, books, , ad the 01tJ' '.' i)~ A1i1!>rney adv11SBs tbat any _ell loms should tileD '" eCl1'!.s1dElre\i ,~.,~!I.I;;~~; :tall!s tax levy. 'fhis nud eliminate the neeese1ty otc1:abb11~...1",\,i\.1"i~~ the wrong tunds whenever a .....tage OCCUl"S in our General Jl'tu1di"'N!::' ,;t.' , Item tour. i'he Chai:rman 01" the Finance C01lllll1 ttee has also J:eeaJlUlllnl~4;t that $1;500.00 be transferred 1"rom the "Special Imp. hnd" in Cenbal,;i,i;" " ":.> . COUNCIL C1WIBER--.ruly 23~ 1934 Farmers Bank: to be used rar CO-llIP~etlon or Pavilion Project, I qder- stand.. He has asked tha t a resolution be passeldMonday night to that etteet. '!'his will d.pt:e~ our "Special Improvement l!'11nd", leaving a balance of only $158..21. 1~m five. A1so, the Council will :r-e:member the fOllowing motion some time ,ago: All Beuh taxes paid for Yelars up to, and inolull1ng, 1932,1 be used as 1"o1l0B: That part leviedror bonds to be used f<1r ',,'I'JJID8, nt or bonds and interest of the Old '1'_n, or Delray B.dhfd~,. '_".tJeri ror oPflrating to' be set aside ani ufJed ror 1lllprevemenls .':rta the Old ~own of Delray Beaoh distrio~. '!'he Bond portioD or such tax~s has been allocated as Urechd, but the operat~g PaPt lul8~ not, s1lllply because we are shOrt in eur GeD:eral l!'llnd, I suppo.~,' Possibly the Council will 'il'ant to reschui,thJ.w action, conl!ilie1"~g the shortage in our General l!'11nd.. :r:r not,' it w:111 mean a further transfer of mney 1"r_ our General :nmd to thiB u:e'il' f't1Dd. I lulve not figured just wmt these qxes amount to however.' Item six. .At regulq- meeting of l(ay 14th last; monies recei'fed tor'd.e otCity prepca:r-t1es were orie:nd depos1te4 1D Fund des1pa'"'eci a,I!"c " ..]?Uk & Beach Improvement Fund".. '!'his is still un...llocateci an, remains in General l!'11nd. 357 , ~~ W~ Cr~~. , 'City G~erk. I; being apparen.t from said repoJ:t that some fI1nds sho'il'ed a 'deficit,' rurther transrers S.'re authorized as roll_s: '. Item 1. ) Mr. Foote moved that 13,'801.'12 De transterre4 rrom the "General' J'und"in Flerida State :Bank to "Speeial Account" in the Central ,iC. Fa:rDl8rB Bank. Mr. GraceY"don4e4 tile motion whioh oarried unanimously,,;;, :.~~' . ;.,< Ittm 6. , ", , ,...,., F~te mO'99d lhat the #550.00.' received 1"X'om sale of tet, 26; Block 40,and Lot 6iB1ook5, OSceola Park be deposited in n~,o- ial ImP1'oYement FllDd" 'to be used tor pu'k, beach, or uy speeHi,l,ur-- pose ,the Council may flecide on. Mr. Graoey seoondei thEt motion and on roll call the vote was llDA111mOllS. '- Itltm 3. Bee.llSe of the, shortage shown in the -1eJ18ral l!'lmd-~' Mr. FOli>,tlt movei that the -.te:r _<<" loan the "General l!'llnd- Three (.3;(leOlf)~) tho.lI8nd d"l1arllJ~ th is to appear as a loan on the books and a 11,.,"" DUity of the "Gen~al Fund.- Mr. G~a.e7 seoonded the motion wh1eh carried uanu.ollsly.. ' . ~ 358 " OOUNOIL CBIMBER-- ;ruly 23. 1934 There liaS some diseuss10n as to _~essary collateral. ani ' kind or insurance demanded -rar mun101M1 f'I1Dds and the OttY.Atto~ey"'":'; agreed 1;0 write the Attorney General ror advioe as to such require- ments. ..,> lIJ,-; Byrd;' upon request;a1soa~edto- give a new-n~.to-ll~ Oity's tlptd in the Cetnral FallDers Bank. nOlf 4eB$gnated a" ~8plte;t.al Aocount", this desigJlll'tion bei ng deemed inderini te and cOh1"~1ng. Item 2. It ~as suggested, in reprd to aem 2 in report~ t1:l11:,t11e Olint MQore paving crerUf'ioates be presen'ted at the next CR;1toll meeting in order that authori'ty may be given -rar payment.' .....:f;i:,,': ( '-)' ,} Item 4. , ,',,' ",; J, The Funese C01luII11ltee' s, 1'E}80Illlll8BjlaUon 111 th rega:rl t. '~...t .O;;.~:' .1,.'500.00 trans1"er lfas ll1woused.' arte,.. 1Jh i8h it was gpe.ra11.7Nf,greecJ,~~! to allow this mODeI to re-main in the "Special Improvement Fund",' 1ihi o;li , fund it was stated, was set aside -rar praotically the aamepttposes a~' the r~d r8cCllll1llenled. ; Item 5.,;~f <. It ..as :regularly moved;. lKtoonded and carrlel that this 1.~~{; be approved as it stood BDd that no ne. 1'l1itd be oreatelt'Or~~~, or operating portion 01" beaoh taxes as previously Oriered~Jt,'~';;~'~~I1li.: Mr. Graoey then mond tltat the Ole$'e report be .Pp1'$v!i~~~~tlj Oopied into the minutes. Mr. Foet;e &teooDited the motion ,,1oh upon,.,l;,.i roll call carried unanimously.}" ".';. L The City Attorney repor-ved an int$1"'t1ew with L'ED8le &EJl).alll\13i~~'i stati:ng they were incHned, to want an ou'foslde aud1t. .IJl ....:r.th(l.W. C4i)UJlCU requested 1l:r. Byrd to 84lk Mr. LtEngle to de1"er an1$i1oh;ao.~~~;i a t the present time; and it they do req,ulre such an aud! t or tbe,JJ1~>J. lfoull they be w11ling that expeRte or same be 1*1d out or bond mo~e;y 1\1 allooated to the ir oreai t. .ThiS,~ flbe City Attorney a&:reed to do, ., Also;' the Olerk was ordered to: wr1te Mr. L'Engle inviting h1m}\;; to meet 1I1th the Ceu.nel1 on A.UgIt8t 20th :for t1:l1 purpose ot d1aou.a81~ic the 1934-'1935 budget Ill. them. ~:<:~. The Clerk reported that $29.00 inhrest was due ;rul.Y:3rcion" ;1~ the Carrington notes _11 that lIJ,-. CarriD8ten lrlls 1I1111ng 1ICI.~.ep'tit'''o/!'l;~ halr that interest 11"' the CouncH -.re :pe~""~ payot1" t!l8' note"~ift~ij nOlf. This was diseussed and Mr. GraGey fhallYll10ved tJ;lat:tlJe C$e~Yf"f'i! pay the 1nt$rel't only; Mr. Foote Beooded the motion whiCh'O.1"1"i"d'.;11'41 unaa:lmously. This inhrest was ori.red paid out or the General;Fu.D.clj'lf : . _.i -, -;';~f~#t, ,~ "-'/''7- "';','," '< 'i],f--' .\j':, '{)-,., 359 "COUNCIL CHAMBER -"'- JUly 23, 1934. , \ Mr. Foote moved that tb8 $l;OOO.OO balanoe OWing on the Fire Engine note dlle DeCember last be paid now out or the Water Plant; Fund. Mr. Gracey secomed 1fte motion which carried unanimously. :Pl.r. Gracey mowed that, a poatllarl 1'ormot'not1ce' be-sen't-ollt---'-; to all delinquent 'taxpayers, advising that further extension o1't1_ had been all~ed ror paymen-t w:t th bonds. and urging propeJ'ty O1fJl8rB, to pay up. Mr. Foote seeoncled the motion whiCh carried unanimously<=, A tentative i1scussion of the pessibl11'ty 01' al.low:tng outsiders to buy up tax sale certificates with bonds arter Septemberlstwa/ilente;L'ti ed into~ It was decided to give this matter :f'l1rther cOIl.sic1e:t'&.tion,j,;; later on. :Pl.r. Gracey :reque2llted that authority be Kive:n to oanoel..lil1:ldSi41l coupons taken in by the Olerkror taBs and 1Ir. Foote t_reup6j';i~\; _vecl that the C:J.erk be instl'ttcted to cancel all bonds anel Coupon/il"~< turned in to her,' which are not actually in the Sinking Fund. Mr. Gracey seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Owing to the absellDec ot the Chairman or the Finance Com~ m1ttee~ Bills Nos. 10' to l29 prasent-ed by the Clerk were ordered laod over until next meting ror approval. There being no further business, meeting aijourned~ .... "~CM LA) , rfJ~A/:)' City Clerk. I , APPR:l;;~ J;) .~:... ~ . Pre~id:~m't.Qt~il. y ';'1 I L ~