08-13-34 Adjourned Regular
August l3, 1934.
The Council me't in adjoorned regular session at 7:30 P.M.
wi th the Mayor and the following Councilmen present; Mr. Diggans,
Mi'-~ Foof;e and Mr. Gracey. Mr. ]1111 and Mr. Johnston WereabSent-;;
The minutes or the meeting held J"uiJIy 23rd were regularly
read and approved.
The application of Mary Eli~beth Smith for widow's exemp~
tion was turned over to the Finance Bommittee for approval andre-
port at next meeting.
,':. ;,ilO j
A letter was read from Mrs. Marybe Shigley, asking for wid-
ow's exemption. The Clerk was instruc ted to advi se Mi's. Shigley
that inasmuch as she was already getting widow's exemption in Miami,
fUrther exemption in this municipality could not be granted.
The matter of purchasing coke to replace that in the coke ,:~
ohamber at the filtration plant was discussed and prices quoted~ after
which it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Chairman
or the Water & Light Committee be authorized to order the nelllessary
Mr. HUbbard, representing Mr. Clint Moore appeared before
,the Council i'equesting p:lyment of interest eoupons due Mr. Moore
em oert11"icates of indebtedness issued for paVd'og Dixie Blvd.. in
Southridge and the Wfdening ora certain portion of Atlantic Avenue,
in '!!l1.e amounts or $44.63 and: $908.59 respectively. Mr. Foote ;,
moveel that this money be raid, upon the Clerk's and Auditor's -
Qert11"ica:tion as to the correiftness 6r the amounts owed by the
City to Mr. Moore. The motion was see.onded by Mr. Gracey and on
roll call the vote was as r"ollows: Mr. Diggans, yes, Mr. Foote
yes, Mi'. Gracey yes. Motion carried. " '
Mr. Hubbard also explained the insuranee staws oi" munici-
pal 1"unds deposited in Florida Danks, stating the U.S. Federal
Deposit Insuranoe COX'poration guaranteed all accounts up to five
th\,~and dollars, 'lihether otli.erwise secured or not; but that the
a8dell!9nt between the City and the bank should spec11"ical1y state
that five thou.nd dollars rederal insurance secured any amount in
eXcEjss ,o't that Secured by liberty bonds or other tangible collateral
pnt""ttp t:Jy the 4epositories.Upon Mr. Byril'sadvice that it""lJ.as' ",
wi thin the City's pm.,r to accept, fue Government ins-urance; which
he ~tated was being iIone throughout the state, Mr. Foote move,d
that the Clerk be authorized to sign letter agreementaas- su.bmitted
by ll',lorida State Bank, and forward copy to Surety companyllho had
requEls1;ed sane and Mi'.' Gracey seconded the motion whiohcarried
COUNCIL CHAMBER - Augus t l~, 19~ 4
Upon motions regularly made, se oonded and carried, the fo!llow-
ming )uilding pe~its were granted:
Permi t ~482
Permi t 484
Permi t 485
Frank Dean, Permit to shingle porch roof.
o "N. Johnson Permi t to shingle roof.
Cophenia Jaokson, Permit 'j;o move house from
Rosemont )lark, to Lot fj34, lUk.
Mr. A.W. Nickols requesiied permi t fj48~ to repair roof or house
looated on Lot 5, Blook l8, Dell Park and move said house to Lot 9,
Bloo-k 59. Permit was granted far repair of roof, hut permiSS'ion to
move the hOUSe was wi thheld.
For Mr. John Thieme's informati on, it 'Was stated that tb:lre
was nothing in the bu1l1ding oode prohi bi ting the building of cottages
in block 133.
Mr. Hubbard, replresenting Naeco Realty Company adViised the
Council that a ten foot Jtrip had b-~en deeded by them to the City
ofr the south end or Lots 74 end 75, Block l~~, making S.E. First
Street a forty-root street at; that point. Mr. Foote objected to
bottle neok effect; this would give the st:reet and asked that the
strip so d..efled be surncie ntly wide iD make ita fifty foot st,reet.
wV', J.;J:rlo',~,,^- ~
J .." .~I'
Mr. Foote quoted, prices submitted on b1eok patch, stating th\it.{' '
some of this material was r'equired at the present tilE for s,treet,,<y
patching. Mr. Gracey moved that the Street Committee be a uthoriz\lIY,t~
purchase blact'k patch fromntime to. tilll'l as it was requll'ed!;' Mr. FoQte.",?,:
seconded the motion which carried 'DJ'Uui1mously.
'" -",.,:,. ,-0
" J
.. -, " ....~
Requests for widow's exmpt10ns referred to the Finanoe COmmitteeJ$,t
at last meeting lIlre by motions made, seconded and carried, dispos\l4",~,~
of as follows:';:\
The President or the Counci 1 stated he 'WaS dissatisried with
of oooperation shown by West Palm Beach\in the natter of
sidewalk adj~oen t to ZOok Palm. Nursery a,nd suggested tha t , Ji'
write the new auy Manager enclosing & O'GPY orourprelE1Qll8..,,'I-;"
whio-h the 01 ty asked redre ss f'or damage. 1
, .. -'it;,<
Mr. Link. ~j~et Supervisor, repGrted it had been ne,cessaryJ'
ror him to haulse;Jeral loads Of' material to re-place oceen ridge remove~,
t_ "",..r)7 ,~~,..'" ....n bo",".,.,,", up'" Wl!1'" the .",,,,.. ,....~.il
'}""~:1 J
I,. .I
Not a widow.
" " "
Sara McIntosh:
Mat'tie Ivey:
J'ohIinie B.Samllels:
Suzanne Nichols:
Dependen tS'lfot apparent.
, }~
'.... '."~.."'H"'''1:.'.~'
" ".atiS
COUNCIL C'FIAM'Rl?R - August 13, 1934
the Chief of' Police to n:ake caref'ul survey and watch, to prohibi t
the further removal of soil f'rom property within the City limits. f'
Mr. Gracey reported the cancellation of' all bonds and coupons
paid by or turned into the Clerk for taxes. The Clerk ..as ordered
to record a list at bonds so cancelled in the Be minutes, which lis t
rollows hereiwlhth.
Old Tqwn of Delrey Beach Bonds, issue or 1924, Nos.
5,6,7. amounting to 3,000.00
General ImproVement Bonds, issue of' 1923, Nos.
2.3,4,5, amounting to 4,000.00
Special Improverrent- Bonds, issue of' 1923, NO-$ 78,
amounting to 500.00
General Improvement Bonds, issue or 1925, Nos.
l,2,3,4, amounting to 4~000.OO
Special ImproveHBnt Bonds,' issue of 1927 t
Nos. 69,'0,84,85,87,97,99,110,178, amoun~ing to lO~OOO.OO
Special Improverrent-Bonds, issue of' 192', Nos.
95,98.103,108,l09,111,112,114,115, amounting to 25,000.00
Making a total cancellation of bonds amounting to $46.500.OG
Mr. Gracey stat-ed, .lso, that the Clerk's office-required
still more coupon sheets to complete the job or pasting paid
ooupons and bonis, and the Clerk was author;tzea to purchase
the neoessary sheets.
The City Attorney, having riledeertitied copy or final
decree in the nat tar of clearing tit le to p;roperty in Block 99
being conveyed by the City to, Mra. MYrleG. Boone, it was moved
by Mr. Foote, seconded by Mr;o Gracey and unanimously carried that
thea-ale of' 'IiIl!itIk-one thousanil ($1.000.00) dollars 1),e ratHied
and conf1l':IOO'd; that said sale repr-esented the price agreed
upon by a preVious Council, as being the highest and best price
available for said property at that time, and the Mayor and the
City Clerk are hereby empoW3red to Imke, , l}xecute;aD;d d(lliyer......h
a warranty deed conveying said real est/4,te. described as f,gllows:
'i,h,:t,,7i...'i} '<_
That part of Block Ninety-nine (99) of' the City
of' Delray Beac:h Florida. known as. the' Saath
F11.t~ feet (s~5brt.) of the South qne Hundred
:teet (~. lo!>rt.) 1.' of the North Two Hundred
Twenty feet, (.. 22113 ft,.),<:>t tl).e~"etIIalt'{, (jgi;)
or Slock. 1V:biety-nine(-~,9';) f toget~el" w:l'th i~*..
~"'- '
0_',", ., ':'<.i~:!j~~::::~~;-, ..
j~::i)~\J,.(;' fc B;'"
-'j:~,,4l':~~~~:6:H::*,i:;,! ~;~}~~:; j~~t~t~M~';;~~;,:>:-
,.~.,;":;,_,'.:;,,-(t~,'r~1jii{Jj(;:~,:~~,:~i;-1 ..
,", ..
COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 13, 1934
improveIrents f'or the above consideration.
It liaS reported. that tcwenty-aeven b,ags 01" cement belonging
. to the pavil-ion ~e-t had been used on the- curbing,work-a-'fl-the--""
beach whioh would. prObably neoessitate tte purohase of ad.di tional
cement to complete the :pavilion job, and authority was grant.ed Mr.
Link to purchase whateveraddi tional cement is required.
There was a lengthy iiscussion as to supervision 01" the pool,
it being considered unwise t.o allow bathers to use it until it is
1"inished and in operation according to State Board of' Health :mgu,..
lations. It was moved by Mr. Gracey, seoonded by Mr. Foote that
Mr. Link have signs pat up prohibi ting the use of' the pool a1; the
present 'time. The Clerk was instructed, also, to write the State,
Board of Health, asking f'or a cod.e of regulations governing the
use of' swinnning pools.
Mr. Diggans again reminded the Coone 11 of the necessi ty 01"
considering ways and Ireans of' opirating the pool, which would soon
be completed, be said. It was suggested that the Counoil be pre,..
pared to of'fe.r sane suggestions along this line at next meesing.
Mr. Foote moved that the American Legion'S request fOr a <'1:0-
nation 01"$25.00, to be used 1"or materials ill the .preparat10n 01"
cocoanuts for advertising souvenirs, dllr1ng the Legion's convention,
be ~nted, and :paid out of' the General FuIld. Mr. Gracey seconded
the motion which upon roll call, carried unanimously. .
A new F .E.R.A. project applicat ion f'or recon<'l:i tioning the Gol1"
Course, was upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, approved..
Mr. Foote stateathe City water tank needed a ccet 01" alulunum
at this time to prea8r'l$ it and prevent unnecessary rust and ~,ecay and
moved tllll.., paint ,be p_chased f'or this pUJ!1lose and. the :painting be
done by C1!y employees. The motion was s:econded by Mr. Grace~ and
unanimously oarr1ed.
Mr. Gracey moved that Miss Lee Belle Prisst be employed to 1"ill
the vacancy of Deputy <;:lerk and TaX Collee'dlor. Mr. Foote seconded
the mot;l.on, which on roll call ca1T1ied unanimously". the salary-being
set at $50.00 a month to start. .
Mr. Foote reported that the Fire Ohi'6t's apar1ilnant had,beenre-.!i
decorated, and recommended tcha t the 601e in,ter10r or the Ci ty~,+,l
be :painted and deoorated in the same way by the City's own employees,
and. it was regularly moved, seconded and unanimously carried that
the Real Estate & Finance Oommi ttee be authorized to buy paint f'or
this purpose.
.' .~<-,. .- .. -
BOUNCIL'CHAMBF.R - August l3, 1934.
J ),
Bilts numbered ~ to ~ ., l07. 108, 110 to 125, l32 to 134,
136, 138, 140 to 154, having been O.K. 'd by the F:Lnance Committee~
were referred back to the Council and Mr. Foote JOOved that same
be paid. Mr. Gracey seconded the motion which 'carried unaniIl1ously.
It/was regularly moved, seconded and carried that Council
adjourn to meet immediateJY as a Boord 01"' Equalization.
City 0 r.
W' (\.. (l ';I'0'/?
Augo;st'13; 1934.
9:10 P.M.
'!'he Counoil net. in adjourned regular session as a Board 01"'
Equal1z;ation, pursuant to a notioe duly published, and according
to the ordinanoes and charter of the Cit.y.
It was report.ed 1;0 the Council that the Mayor, Coune:U.man
Foote and Counoilman GracElY had lIB; on TueSday, Weinesday. and
Thursday, August 7th, 8th, and 9th, as a Board of Equalization and
adjourned said meetiI)gs trom time to 'time tor want of a quorum.
It was reported also; that no one had personally appeared before
the Beare. at said maetings to register anil objections or complaints
as to the valuations shown by the 'tax assessor's rolls prepared
on real estate and personal property, and submitted to the Counoil,
and the Co-uncil had adjourned the Thursday meeting to maet again
Monday, August 13th.
Whereupon the Board met at 9:10 P.M. with Councilmen FOote,
Gral,ley and Diggans and the Mayor pre Ben t.
Mr. J'acobs apI2ared at this meeting to register objection to
the assessment at groWing nursery stock as personal prol2rty. '1'he
1II1ty Attorney advised however, that this was assessable, the same
as any other personal property.
"d,_" ~_.- _~'_'-'--':~;':_,'
COUNCIL CHAMBER - August 13 ,1934.
The written complaint of Mrs. Edith G. Slane and A. Grace
Slane Weir had been inves:tiga ted, it was stated~ and assessments
of their properties were found to be just and equitable. '!'he
Clerk was instructed to write said property wwners to this eg~ect.
On motion of Mr. Foote, seconded by Mr. Gracey, the per-
sonal tax roll and thE! re!j.l property tax roll, total assessee val-
uation or which is $1,555,30~.50, as prepared by the City Tax
Assessor, and submitted 1n the City CounCil, sitting as a Board or
Equalizers, is hereby adopted and accepted as the 9fficial tax
roll of" the City of Delray BeaC1t for the year 1934, without change
or als$ration as to the assessed valuation Placed on real and
personal property, shown on said roll and the President of the
Council is hereby authorized to execute the proper certification
shown on Page 353" of said tax roll, certifying said roll back to
the tax assessor. Said motion was unanimously adopted.
It was called to the attention of the Board of Equali;ers
that there were no complaints f'iled wi th said Board, other than
a written letter from Mrs. Ed1tlI G. Slane which said letter Was
duly cOnsidered and ccmplaint contained therein found to be unwar..
Jlanted; that the valuations placed on the property or complainant
was round to be f'air, just and flqU,al and in proportion to' other
property in the City. .
The Board of '~Equalizers also round that all valuations
placed on real and personal pmper.-(;'Y by the tax assessor to 'be
fair, ,just and in f!qual ~portion to property of like nature
throughout the City and the City "Tax Assessor was complimented
on her work in preparing said just and rair tax roll for the year
, 1934.
Meeting adjourned.
~ ,,0 W' 0, ""- 'P'
c ty Clerk. '