09-04-34 , 375 COUNCIL CHAMBER September 4, 1934. { Mr. Hill then ot'fered the following resolutionand moved its adoption: RES: l26 A RlIlSOLUTION BY THE OITY OOUNCIL OF '.liE OITY OF "","e DELRAY BEAOH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING 4- BUOOET OF ESTIMATED EXPEN'i?~i"" FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1934-l935, .!NDyOR THE PURPOSE OF L~g,2;-. A TAX ON ALL, OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID OITY FOR MAmTENAlfOE..", <4;,; AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TU FOR THE PA;lMENT OF" A.:.'L('f'Xi.t'.jt<; PORTION OF THE OUR RENT BOND INTEREST ACll\INST THAT PROPER'!'Y ,.', ..?,;i!~i\I, LOCATED IN THE OLD CITY OF DELRAY, AND FOR THE PURPOSE QF ",ciA"'l'{! LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INmREST AGAmST TF..AT PROPER'l,N"t,"'t LOCATED IN THE OLD 'lOW OF PELRAY BEAOH, AND FOR ALLOCATING" ';,; AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLJroTIONS 'lBEREUNDER AND FOR 09E PURPOSES. ;":}-,'ii: .'f::}> ' ':l';Y "'.'; ;C Mr. Johnston sseconded the motion which carried Ull.a:ll" imously on roll ,call. " Mr. Gracey then moved the adoption of the follow.lug supplementary water depar11nent budget for the year 1934-l9~5. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion which carried unanimouslY~ on roll call. BlIlS: l27 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DEmAy BEACH, "FLORIDA, ADOPTING A Suppr.~TAL BUDGET FOlK THE WATER " .." x DEPARTMENT, AND FIXINg THE APPROPRIA<j)]ONS FOR THEBAMEFOR:'TEEt'~'~'~''''! FISCAL YEAR 1934-l935. '" , It was then moved by Mr. Hill that the Clerk ce+:ti1"y to the Tax Assessor the millage as set by thi s resolution; and that the TaX Assessor be authorized and instructed to prepare the tax roll l.._ -;. /~ M.. . r' ! , l,.i , \. .I 'J " < COUNCil CHAMBER- Sept embe r 4, 1934 3176 against all real and r:ersonal property in the City of Delray Beaoh in acoordance wi th said resolution and the Charter of the City of Delray Beach. j The mati on was se oonded by Mr. Johns ton and on, roll call. th~ vote was as follows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr. Hill yes/, Mr. Johnston yes. Carried. Mr. Byrd was insi;ruoted to noti1"y Mr. Kearley tlJfthe:passage'o--f~"-."-~- the above resoluti ons. There was a short discussion regarding order 01" business, the desirabili ty of the Mayor presiding over mee, tings &0.. and the City Attorney also suggested that the Council adopt Roberts Rules or Order in their meetings. The Counoil then adjourned. APPROVED: ~ &.13, ., President 01" the ou~o.il. ~. .,', mt;x~ LA) ~~_HJ" C'ity Clerk. - -..- /- ..