09-10-34 Regular ~ { . (, , i - ~~ \'(f, , . \",.. ""In COUNCIL CHAMBER September 10; 1934 The Council net in regular ses,sion at 7:30 P.M. wi th the Mayor and C6uooilmen Foo'te, Gracey, Hill and Johns'ton present. It was regul- arly moved & seconded that Mr. Hill act as Chairman pro tem. ,_,1 The minutes of the nee tings held August 2.7th and Sepitember 4th were upon motion regularly rrade, reconded and carried approved. The applicati on of Wilbur Hallenbeck fo l' pooi'tion as life-guard ,;was ordered filed for future reference. , A letter from the Acting Postmster General stating it was nec- essary 'that Mr. Diggans resign his office as Counailman was read and generally discussed, arter wh ich it was moved by Mr. Johnston, seronied by Mr. Foote and unanimously carried that Mr. Diggans' resignation be accepted, and the Clerk writ e Mr. Diggans conveying to him the thanks of the Bouncil for his work wring the past four years while serving as a rember of that body. A communicati on was re ad from Mr.' D.D. H01'1ard advis ingths't,the,"J sidewalk re pairs adjacent to Zook Palm Nurse'ry had lIl,een madie, . anlli t:,was;i moved by Mr. Foote ithat the Clerk acknowledge receipt of said let;'l>El1". ' and thank the City of West- Palm Beach fbr the efficient manner inlihl'ch these repairs had been mde. Tte motion was seconded by Mr. Gracey-end .:~ carried unanimously on roll call. "~'''i~\~ Mr. Parker, who was pTe'sen t in the audience 6nquiI;ed as ,to t~El,A~i i;i:Q,tended distribution 0 f the whiteway lights on the Beach, and a dis-'" .' cussion ensued as to the advisability of'spreacling these out rat~eE,than grouping them together within the :r;m-king area. Mr. Johnston explained". that his idea had been to brighten up that particular section 0 ffue"beac where :l)eople congregate, rather than to give the residents extraistreeti"~1 , lighting, but that there would be no reduction made in the ligh'tsalread: existing on the boulevard. '",,' .<-L ~;i' ;.';\,:i The Mayor orought up the mtter of establishing a beer license' for Delray Beach and it was deCided to have the Ci ty Attorney draw up 'the necessary o:rd:inence for submission at next regular neeting. Plans for minor changesi:intthelayOllt of the second floor of the Beach pavilion were presented, and it was moved by Mr. Johnston that ' , the recommendation a~d plans be approved. Mr. Foote se conded the motion and on roll call the.~te was as follows: Mr.. Foote"yes..iMr."":Gracey;',,ye Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johnston yes. , , " The vacancy on the Council due to Mr. Diggans' resignation was discussed briefly, a:rter which Mr. Gracey moved th!;l.t Mr. Foote o's. nomi- nated to serve as President or the Council ror theb~~l:lce 01" this term. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion which carried unan,,~oul;llY~ . ......:.,..' ........'.',.. ..... ,.V..-, ," ......',.~_..._,",~,c 3'18 0, ., , COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 10, 1934 Mr, Hill reported, Mr. Washbur:r;). desired to be granted privillige of oooup~ng the City's house on N.E. 4th Avenue in return 1br certain I neEided re pairs on same, and it WI s moved ,QY Mr. Foote that this privi- ".'1. lege be granted; and tm t Mr. Washburn be permif;ted to remove :rart of , the poroh whioh has rotted away provided he fixes the roof and P,uts itJ,." in repair, and also keeps the yard cleaned up surrounding the building; privilege to be granted with the understan~ing thatMr~- Wa:shlm:rn-" IJX)ve out immediately, u!);ouI.d the City reqliest;:himto. Mr. Graoey EBcond"" ed the motion which darried unanamously.'''"'~' . ..". Mr. Foote reported that the Fire Chief had visited the site of the, old canning factory and prmched holes in the tanks complaine d of as at' IJX)squito-breeding nlll.1isance; also that re had visited the managers of the' business houses asking them to take precautions with regard to loose papers and garbage being scattered around t,heir stores. ,':.'~ The matter of the cemetery was brought up again for di seussion, a:ii~i; it was agreed by Mr. Troup and the Council to meet at the cEllBlilf\eryth~'gi following Wednesday to discuss and make suggestions relative to the bet-' terms nt of same. . Ci ty ~inanees vere discus sed, the Olerk st ~ting there VlIf!S iIisUf.g~1 lent money ln the General Fund t,o moo t CUTrent b ills and payrolls-o.,c ;OIl,e,~&:, recol!lIllend'ation of the Finance Committee, it was moved by Mr. GraceY~1lIIlI!~~ $500.00 be loaned from the Special Improvement Fund to the General ~<1.t:'~ meet the present necessity. Mr. Johnston seconded the motion and on:r,Qil:", ,call the vote was as follows: Mr:i. Foote yes, Mr. Gracey yes, Mr~ H1:1:J.Ci~, M:I.'. Johnston yes." ' '\qti", It was moved by Mr. Foote that the Clerk grant Mrs'. reD/liliil license upon application. Mr. Gracey seoonded the oarried unanimously. Ne~Cr1ooto moti on ,which ;,2~::1 i, There be ing no further busine ss, rreeting aEljourred un:l;il; next mep'"7; lar meeting, September 24th. lc.._ ' COUNCIL CHAMBER - September 10, 1934 APPROVED: &, r3.~ __ P:res1clen1> of the C~cll. ~cU w Cn/MN4D' , C1y Clerk , ,-,-".,-,-~,~-,~ 379 i J