09-27-34 Regular ( } ".'~'.._'r<""""'~""'~ 380 COUNCIL CHAMBER September 24, 1934 'the OooncUmet in mgular ftess:fQ)1 at '~3() P.M. with ... Maj'9r and Oouno-:Umen li'oot:e, Gracey, Hil.l andJ'ohnstonpr&sen't. ' "'~.""".'_ '!'he m1nutesor the last regu.larmeeting were Jreall~;llnd..t/:!!'~~ minor corrections Ere by motion regularly made, secoDlled and carried, approved. A l&tter from Mr. E.C. Hall mque.sUn,g perm1slil1on t.o pJ:aiee".t.wo ' whaeway };lost.. .~aJ;.so serve as an awning support inf'];Ont.or the Ilelr'ay' '!'heat.r~,......s read. Permission, was upon motion ma(le ~y~. Gracey, se-coJldec}"~dlr. H1Il, and une:n-1Imusly carried, granted., A gentleman X'8PJl$stnting the Se:rvice C(XQ)orationa$~d,pe:nas... sion to present:rree movies in wW'n to be sponsored by the local mer- chants as an advertising medium. 1'be l18t'ter was,d:l.sdussed,and,EUJ ,it was le.llded that-the. gr~t1ng of"sueh a Per'lll1t: Y(o~~;ip.. ~~.\'Vf.i~'I~l~.te'K,' ~y ,or t:he City ord:l.,nances, ~., Hill moved tl:latp~~i"s;:\.Rllber~JlJ!l';'~;~'\ PJ'OVilei the ss;1dServ1ce Oorporation operde, \Ulde~"the.:"~~'~~~~~ll>o~~.~ tlie," MaTC>,r. an,... d POl, iOe,DElp, ,t., and eqa,p, lY,w1th their. ~,qu'".,'".',':ir, 'lJl'Il!t""n,.,t.,<:"}!+J,It..,',+:;~'.(),.:u,;',',:,.:,'~,,:',.,'.., stonseooncted the DlOUo,nand on JW1l eall the vote Yasaa :r!:il;:l.~k"<>'" Mr. Foote ~s, Mr. Gracey no, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. JOhns~on y1t's.'''~~~frs'flJ,~d~1i JI!. BrtJ,Cl'e GJ:ab~~e, ap~ared ltel'Qre, 1l-he9~ncll.L;l.1l,:llhe,,1 .. ')~i'?i ,ortl:ie De1r!:l1 Betu)h NeWlil, in regard '\iO thesPeo;iel~d1..to.~( -,he" ,); ,',i~:; pl.anni:j!lg ,tO~bi+1sh on November 2nd ani reqll8'stecJ theC:j.ty>to-'<>>ntr;i:'t>...(.t;/ \lte a page .ote~~:etj;iJ1ng- 1"or this HoIS'Pfta~1ty,E,d:U-l1<>n... ~~i]'o~~t~.~lI) he- '.as Oppo$eCl: -t;o 'aperm.:t ng money, intended 1:CJr','~ lid 1 ~Q.J1El by #~~.~~ar~'< COUDo1l., , Itwa.a expla1nt4 that Mr. Hanti Was wilJins:t()te.lte-;th~l;~ri"r'C out in ta:;es,' ehd. llb". Johnston the:nmoYed t~tthe~11't cfilcil.;Ii-:l;:lj.et;,:t~i;" one, p~e in t:b1s sp&c~l issue at t;be-price 01' .73~09 Wh10h~~lf.!l~4r~':" copt,,~; of t~e}lCl:ee1."; anti tJia t pa~t f1e taken" 011t71)y JQ".~nd,:\riilU,;" taxEl:fi,(;:at least f50.00CWhi?h he owed on d, elinqueD,t,"'i8w"e's,.,.~~,;:>.,II1"'~G:racey. seco~(ij:)d tbe motion, am on,roll call the vote was as, tolloW~,;'JIr. Foote yes, Mr. Graoey yes" Mr. Hill yes, and Mr. Johnston ~s;' " - An appl1,,~'Uo~W'as read from R.A. Smook reqt$stitl$l'~,ij!~' to'" open a samWicll.slto:p' $ellins;sandiwohes, o old drinks and 'beerr;~cl;;,b:IJ. motion or Mr. J'ol'mStoIi, seconded by Mr. Graney, and unan1moudi' ca:rrr1ed; this was..~ar;,ted'd ..." ....... .,. 'l'l .t "'l'''t:~g'~;''!;''';'d' i~j JlIl.L.....race.l move,. ....e passage OJ; ....s ..o......ow..ngre.~u~-lif)Pij~. ,,' or<ieredcopies sent to 'the 11ghtl:1ou.se divisions re1'erredto' iIi8"IHd! resolution; elf!' COUNCIL CITY DELRAYNBEACH. ~y BEACH, ll'LORIIl& OOUNCIL CHAMBER - September 24, 1934 RESO:W~ON "a&r-:- "~. \ T-.' ~ I I 1 , .~ , j ~. waEBEA.B TEE East Coast canal conreetlng }4iam1 and Jacbonv1l1e is practically completed. and WH"i~~lil ~ca.nal is OIie or the lIDst important :f'roD1 the standpoint ot"insidenavigation. and t. i ! ,1 " ~ D.M.B:!:'adsb.aw. Mayo:r, Mr. Johnston seconded the motion whiell caI'Jl'1e'dunanimous:ty. A letter :from the Citr Manager. ot Fort La~.derdale ..~ol1t:lj,ning , that-CUy's methodo:f cpcnoatiJJgtllei:r Beach Casino was read llY the" Clerk and orlered f11edfcr :future mt'erane-e. A discussiOn took place wi th regard to fresh meat delivery' in1;b.eCity and the8an1ta:ry CommiUee was given au1;hor1tyto antorclli necessary :regulations in the .tter.. " . "_. . ',' ',. . . ,- ,: _~~~,.,~-,j~.i ! ,." ,. BulldingJ1e~tNo. 49,6 ror rell1Q~l or m:r~alga~tt~,~1i.~;"~',!!!l' l'f~~~;'~'~OlJl<(:_/to. '~~.. :U)i"'~tlk, ili=t..'..'1f8',-\iPeJ,t?:mclj,on,~~"b,-~~~,:,.,H',k JoUeton, $8cotll'led by Mi1H1l1lincl t1Jiarj~~1Y' oEU'ri~d. S1'llDted." Hi ~. " '. 1-) I ,',1 , \ ! . , ~ c",."... ""-~~-":'''"'T' ~, "~"',C"""""''-'''_- .. "~""""~"~"~'->":"'''''--'~'-~~,' ;~. .. , COUNCIL aHAMBER - Sep~ember 24, 1934 '" '_'" '~J, " ~, )1;j;)<-:'" 'i ~'Z';r-::;l~~'~< - ,. .. "'''-'''''',: ; Mr.J"ohnston :repor-ted on the Casino Projeot. stat:tngt~'li;;Cl:!,iJl(t.,Z~ tq,the inabUi ty to get; p:u,;s1';erers. they had made, ~ agree~lI11:<\Ji~~'..w"i;B~ MoLaren to finish therodk worK on the waU ror $'1~.OO. th1S.AA1}",,(.,~~ to be applied' on delinq:uentta1:es owed by Mr. Mclaren. Ml."..' G;J:'e,OeY'" , .,1 moved tha1;Mr.J'ohnstonJ$ action be approved, by 'lhe-Counei-l,Mr-~Hi"J..];'~--,- <:;,~ seconded the motion which carried unanimously. .,~ I ',_ _ ,~"\',.-' , It was movecl by Mr. Gracey, that the Cit;ypurcmae siXteen W1ndCJ1t"f;~:,. shades at the 1'01noiana Sale roll' twenty-rive 4,-.25) cents eao!:l,_ .~, ,,'.'1;' mot;lo:n ,was seoonded b~.HiU and carried ~~ly<; It;).tts'a~f;leli'(~ that IlleJllbers o:f the ,0, ,:\.l.take a, trip up there !Nesday mCl~lngto,>'.~ . .see i1"suitable equ:j,pinent or hrni tmre :for the new Beach Cal3i:noc'O'IQ;4cIliJllit~ , pur-cballed reasonably. "'/!llJ~ , The Finance O0Jttnl;i11'tee was app(linted to, drqtt a tenta.he 1"o:rm 0 lease suitable for the managellB"nt o:f the Oasino_ Mr. Johnston reported $n 1l.be a llooati on of' the ,addit:lo~arstreet1l:;'; 'J4~t~. as decided upon by llr. Graeey' and hitll!ff:l~. ,TWentY"I!/ec~~.l:i.Shts;~r' J1a!.r.~en lidded he s'!;ated. and 1ihere VJere still sixmorettohbe put: ,in '>'~~ seJ."Vie'e 1e:ller <; , '" j$!, OW1ng to, the _cent "si~t1on 01" Mr. '. Di~g~ns,the ,Mai~r-,~~lf~'a .,;1' it had been neeessary to rearrante tbe various eOIifrn1ttees.aef1"c:il1?~".: ,<~ ,~ l~~ li'~,' .', FIN!N:!E ' CO~'l"l'.Q: ,QfYl.,HiU,ObR1:rman :Ma1lt Grace y. E'.B. Foote, . LIGHT OOMMIT'l'EE: ' (Li~l1.~s. 'Park &: Gol.r) W.J. Jo~ton, Obailmtan '~:~~U=y S'1'RE1i:T..,.R & FIRE COMm"'-llD: . " E.a;. O~W. W.J. FQ9ti!. 01lM:rman !illl. ' Jo1mst,on; ~ ,'1~' . \~" G:l"aceJ; ,p~sented It 11st, o1"l1~~ert1es.l1.i~h he: reoommA~q;~I:t~ /{ !\.S,.....:ti_n~, to>> (}1typu~pD8&s. ~c~.1Ilbel'-.as given6fClopy.to'.u~~"""",.... ayer,~ No aot;ion' was taken at this ttiIe hOWl&ver.',' "~_., ',- , .' , ,\', .,.:;: " '*~~ .~pr stated that no plumbing work was to be allQWEl'd 1rithouf,,_jt a pe~1;; . tli8.t ~llJl m~:t'eomp1y* with ~i1'ements ot'plumbin~f'ol'dinal}.'~' aid,t~.1;'lJ$ople _Ii'" ablde 'by t}B- cddi~es 01" theQ1ty in t:1').is' eoiUle.Ciffc . " ~, <"", " " "".-:,,:,0':', "':!It _;' ,',x;--: 'II' ;,3~ '~ '.~,:- iV' , :"'~."'~"A"""'""",,,:,,,,~~,. 7\''"!'c'''7''rp!;; ,"[.(,: \- . 38'3 ) '> v COUNCIL ClliU~ER - September 24, 1934 Bills were laid over ror approval until Wecbiesday, Sept. 26th. There being no further busin:lss, meeting adjourned to _*t Wedne.day night at 7:30 P.M. 190. w,~~. City Clerk. ' <,- APProVED: 6eside~ Q(~~ . I .