09-27-34 Adjourned Regular .,,' j ,I 1 , n ..""'-~!'in "";"3';g" L ,<,....,..>d. ., .' ';,....,..' <i ':"':">"'i~ "'{tr~ ;:;-:z :~'il ..t ":"'l~ "~ :.:~~ SeptemIler 27; 1934.,~~1l too ..."," =":' c~~~~,:~:. ~dJ~~;~ :f{'-:';:~~~~~ t ,;;:"tf'\5;fi TheG:j. ty Attorney reported that he had oalled--on'Mr-.-ShantiS 1>>,,1\,. J"acksonville regar-ding the recent Ilandamus issued t-o :Lorce a i>ax J.l:lV~',<", for oertain bfinds. The I1Rtter was in Mr. Ke21rley's hands, he siiEl({;e,d.'t"'(~~' alternative writ had beeD sigmd by the ;rudge, requiring t:he' milla~!~'fori bond interest due them to be placed at l5 mills. If this was don&'Ml-.' Foote stated he considered tre Palm Beaoh Company were due a raise- P~'8."''':' quarter mill also. Mr. Byrd agreed to draw up a l."e solution 'to.c:01irElJ:"~1lJt:Jr aotion for adoption at the next regular mee ting of the Couno.il~ COUNHL G1I.AMEER < " The C~ty Attorney alsl) presented the :ro-llowing beer whioh he read in;1"u1l~ t>,..J 4tJJ'Jf$ '.''''k'- >~,{<, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DEmAY BEACH IN PALM BEAf:H COUNTY; FLORI DA, RmULATING AND CON- TROLLING THE MA.NUFAC'l'URE', DISTRl.J/lu'l'l.ON AND SALE OF MALT AND VINOUS tll!;vE.HAGES COMMONLY KNOWN 4S BEER, PORTER, ALE, WTIlE OR FRUIT JUICES;' ANI>"SuCH SIMILAR BEVERAGES' AS ARE NOT PROHIBITEDIIY THE" ORDINANCES OF ~ID CITY; IMPOSING A LICErlSE,'!'AX UPON ANY PERSON~ ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS OR CO~ORA;;' TION ~GING IN THE ,BUSINESS OF MA.NUFACTURI~j! SELLING, BARTERING, EXCHANGING OR IN mxw.lU"'IJEALo- ING IN OR CAUSING OR BEING CONCllarnE1J IN mE !WANP"- FACTURE, SALE, BARTER OR EXCHANGE TElEREOF;: PRO";' :InDING RESTRICTIONS, CONDITIONS AND nIMITATIONS RELATIVE TO TEE ISSUANCE AND FOR TEE REVOCATION OF SUCH LICENSES; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE,'V1OJ.A.~ TION OF '!'HIS ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINA:l'l;CES. AND PARTS OF ORDINA.NCES IN CONFLICT .I:1I!iRl!;wJ.'l'H;DE... CIARING AN EMERGENCY AND PROVIDING THAT THIS' OR)):, INANCE SHALL BECOME ERFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY Ul'ON ITS PASSAGE; AND FO R OTHER PURPOSES. It was moved by Mr. ;rohnston; seoonded by Mr. unanimously oarrie d that the ordinanoe be passed on its f'irst It was regularly mGved~ seconded and carried be 1IIaived and the ordinanoe be read the second time in The ordinanoe reottitf ng it waa an emergenoy ord placed on its second readingap~ fiml :passage. In its the vote was ~1mous and the"ordinance was declared I [ I >-. ."......"".. i't'- ( . l .: COUNCIL CHAMBER- .~'~"~ ;\:'?!'~,:::,~~>:;";:,,~ . ''i;, 3 Sf! ,,; ".~i ;,;!,l ,'~ ;,;:...~;~ September 27, 1934 .~ -"'I .\~,.".l;-;l$ .:.;;..""~:,, There was considerable disoussion reganding various traots and"Y;;i~i propertie s whioh the City propOB3 s to f"oreolose 0 n for munioi pal pt;Irpose~. This matter was le1't to Mr. Byrd in order to work out t IE lIDs!; sui t8:1IiI,..,.~,."".:.,.."..."':,.",'.,~_...,,,.:,il, plan 01' fore olo&lre. ~,"x0/;," \':(;s:;,:~:i:i:', _,~ .' '.' , The mat~er of" f"umishing- tax calculations to VaJ.'iou~, app,Hcant~'<;li~' " was discussed, 1 t be ing s'tated t-hat a great deal 0 f ti1DS' wa::s tabla LLP .;, ",,"J;ll by the Clerk's o1'1'ioe in this way, whereupon Mr. Johnston moved the" "))'-,~i. adi>ption of" the 1'ollowing resolution regarding same... ,..,\~ ...',,' ""',.t'l'l . ;:.',;~~,:~ J .. '>_'_ "'~f'~' HE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COU.N!i;::u" of the Gi ty of" Delray :eea~h,,'p;i Florida, that the City Clerk charge a fee of ten cents per year rorpr~2:\~ paring delinquent tax or impr ovenent assessrrent calculations, to any'a'" cant requesting' said oalaulat ions. APPROVED: {' 6.!3,~~ President of C~n(lil. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said ten e'en't f"ee shall be 'C;u1lne, the General Fund 01' 'the City. Mr. Graoey B300nded the motion and on roll call, the vote was 1'ollows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. Graoey yes, 1Tr.' Hill yes, Mr. Johnstony.ef Mr. Johnston moved that Mr. Byrd be authorized to take the rie steps to 1'oreolose on hotels f"or delinquent: taxes. Mr. Hill secolllle; mot:j.on and on roll oall the vote was as follows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr~t yes, Mr. Hill ya s, Mr. Jolmston yes. Mr. Foote stated there was considerable ileliIll!uent tqxes.- OJ;l;( property, 1'or whioh there was no excuse al:td he ~onsidered it we:t:t~q'; and force crolleotion in these eases. Mr. Jobnston, and M:f,. Byrd ~#: communioate with suoh delinquents in an ef'1'or:b to colleot,' and tbe'~ ~eed to furnish Mr. Johnston with. a list of sa id delinquent. tax':r4~ Mr. Hand requested the GounciJ. to appOint a Gommittee to'aii' oopy 01' the Bity's contribution to the Hosp1ta].ity Edition 01'; the "\;;,,, , News and the Counoil agreed to meet inrormally the follOWing dayfpl!'" PUI!'OB3. '.' I "'i;.. ..............:., On motion of Mr. Hill, B3conded by Mrl Graoey and unanimous.~ye the Gi ty Clerk was a uthorized to olip past due coupons on t,heMasonia, Bond held by the Ci ty for an unpaid Light and Water bill of L.L.Barwi\;, On motion regularly made, seoonded and earried tba salary ol'Ff L:i.nk 'das pro jeot supervisor was approved from Septernbrill5th to Ootober: n~t. 4~ There being no further business, meet,ing adjourned.