10-08-34 Regular 386 COIDlOIL CHAMBER October 8, 1934 The Counc:li.1I:Jmefo 1II. regUlar Ire as,:!t()n at 7: 30 P.M. w:irth the Mayor and Counci11llEln Foote, Johns-t:on an d Hill present.. Councilman Gracey was absent,. """-'''-- TheIlinutes of"the meetings lJeI.dSeptelll1er24th and, 26th were read, and on motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Hill. and unanimous"'" ly carried. approved. A le1i;'ter f"rcmMr. Ma1i;1:; Gracey resighing his. of'ficeas Oounoil- man was read by the Clerk end 'on 'rrPt:Loinl~Mr~ "J'ohns1i;on. ;seoonded by Mr. Hill and unmIilliOusly carried, .as aocepted. Applleationsf"rom618ra E. ColJeT &J'oeSiIlx>nf'or lioense'to 'open' restaurant. in '&h$' Casa Del Rey Building. and 1'rom R'..~Aul.tto open a photography stud10TIwere read. It Wf!s :regularly moved, seooIidedand car"'" ried that tlE itinerant me:ttcnarr!;'s license bond be 1faiv:ed in these cases, and licenses b,. granted. , , " , ,<'~>i:l,.,:}r A let.t.er f'rom. Mr. E~C. HaJt!. at.at.i":t'&tltatthe.mcent;perm1~,:iO~'!j;'&, grant>ed the Servi ee Co:t'POrati on to show :Q'ee:lllov;ies. in mn was ava.O+'~7;; tion of' the N.R.A. Code was read and orderedri1ed.,~t~i;;~ Fe ti$;i oIiS . s;igl!Ie d lJy one hun,usa ,~~ i1tu:tyi:ri ~De l:ray .BElflC..)i ", i:li~~ citizens suessirg the des:lrabilit-y o:r m~il;a~jpg theS!tle of' beel.:~'and~r' pas~:ng ordinance s 1i;o eotil'ine: the saJa o':f'S!tilB';:'to cer~i:li hours; p~..., hibicting 1 lsssIe On SundayS, andrecotittnfiId:i~!,~ ~~jt1'a-tionClf;Cit~ orr:t~ia;EB 1:n an, erran to' de1i;er 4runkennes~ a:Q;<li~~trl:iAlm'.nre, p~~el',rt~!i' to tJiEt60UnCil by Mr.J'.;r. Schabinger /Ifho 8l.SOacil:l:mssed theCou1:t'~,U:/: On tJie\sUbject. It ,was lIlOVed by Mr.JOhnstPIl"tb:~tlte petit1OIls,l)~ra""'< ceivea....and the ChIlir ap1JOint a conmit>11;ee to:i~eStigE!te. and ,comply to, tl!e beat of' tlBir ability With the requesc.'o;;~6" ~ig!e:is ...sai(j[O<-;trlwitte,e~;r tQ repor.t back to the C6uneil at its next ~f11;iJJg. Mr';,Hill seconded the motion and on roJ.Lcall.tlie vote was aa. f'6~S: Mr~ Foote, yes,Mr~ Hill yes, Mr. . J'ohnsto-n ye-s. Carried. The .c:nair appoiIlted Couneilmen Jobnston, HiU and Attorney Byrd "to meet> w:ltl'J/tJie petitioners' OOIllIllit'tee composed of'Mr. T.M. O'Neal, Mr. H.C. Fountain and Mr., J.W., M,ePJ1;itt....; Mr. Johnston mported the Kiwanis and~rican Legionvere . having two l2x5 :toot signs ~inted~ to be pJaced on the Feder.al Highway' a t the North and Sou.th Oi ty limits; alid these organ1aations-laa.-;. r6.. quested the City to contribute $20.00, being a f>hira"ar.''&he' costof"'fUr-" n_tng;! Jainting and banging these s~s. On motion oi'" Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Hill and unanilllOusly earried on roll call, the Council agreed m donate '&he desired $20.00. ):,-> ~. r ,...-- " l!!' J ( ! I ~ 00'('11 COUNCIL CHAMBER - Ootober 8. 1934. Mr. .Tohnston Fequested per:miss,ion f'or salm 2" pipe and 'lli.e ser':'" vi cew aff the FiFe Chief f'or a eOllple Of' hours this week to ins1;all rope& at the Beach. This permissi on was grantced. Mr.. .Tohns tOIl 1'e ported:liliso.tlba'l; tbe-.last lVhi'te-.ay pOS;t; at the ~ be-a&h,.ha-d-.l.e-en,.., ple:oed..' andH~ the "G.i ty. woo-lG,,:pupGllase-t.a:gee-me:t;aJ.,~s.m.s. and some lmftalprimer, he would have !!tinters available the f'01lJ.QWin~. " week: 'to paint the poles. Permission wal3 granted to purchase thi.snia'terfi Mr. Johnston mO'Ted t.hatthif pine trees betweeD the' sidewa1ltand cmrbin fro:nt of' the qreElnw()~'~,pe~:tia.1t 1ili.e belich. be rl!!m.oved, ,and . replaoed1llithtbree (:tt". :tOuP- ~t,tJe'elr;..t1liB:'tlOrkto be doileby.,i;'-E"J,l.Ai. la'nor. 'Mi'. Hill seoomed the motiOn, and on l'l:}ll Cl:all tJ1e voteAwf,lsun-'. animous. )f-i) $'he MaY-Or' 1IIas ~~d Uif;llaa "l}QIjllli-111la-U;OeJ.im:bia1>e.the,p~k:l.~ at,n1~t of'e:x:trem$ly lc,nglruek:s '01iQ'~:i:!l"'st.reet. ~MayO+"a"Sll;I,'~d Mr. JOhnst;on tliat 'the P611&e Dept. he,db"$en 1ns1trttct,eli'1;()-. see 1;,hat such-' trucks park on side streets, and that 'tliey leave a, taillight bu:rn;l:ng,i~." , "'iIt " , Theaomjllaints of' Mr.W.A. J'aoobsa,nll o~rs:JtecgllJl"d~,~,;'th~';i'\ti~~ iiAm~8iJ1ge:ef'ect of' ',the," recen:t.lil8..$t:tng:tn;\l,bEl;".CIl:atxa;l.~l?,EU~ ~Y~El,!t:...il~'~ Ma, ,.., ',' ,.". t, d, heh d. 11,' ..;' 1" d 'ill, it,',h .~at,'.it;i",Ci,.IfE>,'"li';,:l,'Pl",$',..,,:.,A,'" . ',..,,' it._ ' "':,~", n",'.-rs,, , yo;r,~PQ7 ,e ' a een supp J.e ,', ,,', "~"'" ,.,~".'.,.".'""t,";"!~,'f, ""'l'i'1l'~ s_in~ that. :tl:l.e' shots used bythe'm W$re."n.o''\;;ae,~''<1)JI:m"fj;Q-..;b.U.1;L4,,~@i;1~:~ but aMt, tliey wel1e wnling to plaoe anyone the' CHyIilight appbint",>"aS' "',"'; insp!otor on the dymmite barge. ;it" 'the C:itysodel):tred..."~,:,,!,,,:.i.; It was nnved by:1h-. Johnston, seconded bY:Mr..,,;R11J.t;patt:ge.;;,,"h;i Clerk wr1 te the Clai"ke Dredgi~ Com;p.any statj,Dg;,trre~()Jl' -.ou.id,ap:Pointf1 such auill-spElejjor Pl'Gnded the' City, 'in lIl1odo:l:ng, a~~lmd npne ,o:r,thEl .,.. re spons:tb11ity :ror liamage.. Mr. Hill Be oonded t,}lfil' mot;;1 on wh ieh on. roll" call oorr18o. unanimously. ' .7~i "')' 1+ written opinion of theCity:'AttPr~y re'~ar~~tb~ r1glJ,t'6t:i'! the Git,y: to lioense and tax certaincOOlJ;ll:\)):1ieslo9a~ct:,,())l1fI!~d~th~Ci1;Y" bl.lt se:!.l.:tng anli deHve11'ing,with in thaJ,.l;im1t;3 or'\ine,City of Pel-ray Beachlfas given to the Clelrk to. r"i1e for ,referencel TheCit.yAttorney tenller:ed the,f'ollOW:f,ng Right:,.ot,-;:Way. grant.:ed f'or the purpose at widening Andrews street: I #225~E.H~Scott Et ux 1~227-MrS. .F.A. Nioolu et al oJ 226-J'.Ji.',S\Jhabinger $,t llX Ii 228- Ameeao Holding, Co. C."i, c'p, v~' 229- Fontaine ,Fox ,230-H..G.HigJ.eYa etal , 231_ Hoi"nlan & Hofman I.no. deeds, ~,. \';'''Y''-',,*'i,,' 1 -'If:. '" . ..it._ " . 388 CmmBn CHAMBER- Ootoo-e1" 8, 1934 'i232 Hannie G. Hunt ,/. 233 Anna Wa ter s ' ), 234 Lot L.Smith, et ux " #235 R.E~ StonlilY, et; ti:X II #235 Mrs. Sophia 'l'une1l1us. " ' He informed the, Couno-i I, tha~ the Scoi;t cleed had Men $7'etnt.ed.sub.. ject to- the stipula't-lon that no sideWalk, street; or paving asse~nt' be levied against Ocean Beaeh Lot l6. Mr. HilllllOved 't-l're deeds o.e aoceptedand;thlil Cl&rk lia....es~p1aced on record at "'lie Court House. Mr. Johns1ton seCllDnded them6t1'onamd'on.' roll oall the vote 'liaS unanimous. Mr. Byrd also pi'eSen'l;ed re:-drawn reoo1.ui;ion,No. 1,26 sert1ting .the 1934-l935 millage, at, tweIl.'ty-e iglIt aft-: Ci, qUa1l'''~r'lIiins;::l.l'! aiCle'c1.lr!'ltmoe ' wah the demands o:t the peremptory 1iIl1'1t~ mana.aIlII1s iBS'uedby' thljl Ci:r-- euit Court October ,3rd. Mr. Hill moved the aaQ"ption o:E'sa~,dresolution. The motion was seconded by Mr. Johnston and unanill1Ouslyoarried on roll '08:] A resolution :regarding theabandonneni; 'b:1\hf)\(:1ty.>o,r al"J:.fst;r~1t~~'d alleys, easements and puoiUe w~Boj;Fthe ~o',FreY,PraperilYJto<ia1;ecl,.~t""~': Se6,tion 9..01' the City was prel'8llted.Be1'o-re'tElik~ngany aClti611,i.il1i,tJ,:i1l!Ji;~ ,matter it W!!I;S agreed that the' "Illa;ncil n$it'tbe property ancf dete~ne'i the advisability or abandoning said st-reets. The City Attorney recommended tbat. the Cbie:t of-Pollee be,.~orh in as a depu,t;y tax collee'tor to Sf1l:'ve pllpf,l.rli'a*d,actJ:n/'thenat.t;tjr\o:f lecting l18:Jr8onal propertyt,uo ,'Mr. .Tohn$ton~vea,the9ity Attorney's, ,,',.' recommendation be approved ,am aeted upon. ;Mr;O-IAH~+l seC\onded1;Il;emoti6n": and on roll e-all the vo't-e was as follows: M1".' Foote yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. Johns,ton yes. Carried. The :following :re sol-uti on number 1Z9;)lfasupon motiion 91": :Mr. JOlm-/iI,i soon, seooMed by Mr. Foote and on roll 0811 unanill10usly ca.J:lt:l:ed. adopteii.' t ~OLUTION OF 'lEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE' CITY OF _BEACH, DIRlmTING AND AUTHORIZING TEE" CITY TAX CO:r..:r;gCl'OR TO DELIVER TO' THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR COLIJroTION AND FORE'CLf)SUBE, CERTAIN TAX BALE OERTI,- ]'ICATES OWNED BY THE CITY OF I>ELRAY BEACH: PROVIDING FOR THEP.lYMEN~'i" OF COMPENSATION TO THE CITY ATIDRNEY FOR SERV:rOESB:l!;,NJJlSw!;DIN S.AID CAUSE~ ' " ->I;" Mr. Foote :repo~ted Mr.,.T8:0~S had ~misbBd~berti:tC:\:r,~~allllj.'T' '.,. : n(fa~lo:n 'in$1:11e tlie waI 1: trt''tlte "$w' Bc;JaeJ]'caS-i'Ofi:"'~di'i1t'1Rt~["~1:~lI;~I"'f'"1 izl)ved, seconded and carried 'that Mr. JaC'obs be t;ende:red.avoteo1',tmnks ' 1":0J! this eontl'ibution. Thel'eVll1s considerable discussion Ngar<ling the em.ployment. IJ.r a man '. :nnr-' . COUNCIL CHAMBER -- October 8, 19~ 1:orone day a Wieek to work at the aeme"tery undeI"' Mr. Troup's dili"ec- tion, wi th the' result that the mat1;,;er was pOlrtponed until the next meeting of'the Council. ~ Mr.,'Foo'te-repoo1"ted.1;hat-'ille re had' been-li&mr'0<E:m1tla-i-nt-,:pe.ga1>di,ng,-",,- theaIlDunt of' bond :rrequired tor- the moving or simllbui1ding~,~dit was moved 'bjr' Mr. Johnston, 'tI:laf> the Ci1!y Attor1leY'dl."aw up an' aniElncimflnt to the Resolution on.' rege 307 'of' the' minutes or., ~Ch 26th,'1934, .per- ta1ning to the posting of' ma-ver's bond, said' amE1nciIilent to' place the amount or ooIid,a t h"omtwenty-1"ive to onehUildrelldoUars..~eeo1:!liIig to the degree of,risk inc-urred. Mr. Hill seconded, '!he motion which carried UllanimOusly. j I I i 1': , The ll.ppl1e-at:lono1: Mrs. Madge N. Grant '.r07' Y.\1llow's exemption was re1:erred to the Finance COIllIlI1:flcte raY recommendation. '1'he City Auditor requesMd instruction 'of the cou.nc:Hregarding several itetnEf 1n theei ty's accounts wmC!li l')es1;ated heltequiredHin :making his annual audit. These were rererred 't-01;he'Finance .committee Who agreed 10 meet with,Mr. \'linn the rol1ow1ngm,O:ln1i~ to take up tmee matters. The :t"611owi1ig b1,1i lding :pElll'm;1 ts were gmn ted:, by mot.ion.s regular':" ly made, seconded and aarried. Number 500 L';A,.'1,I'ae;ne-r .:..6 :lr6,*,cottage &: SinglegftJ:8ge on Oce~ Beach Lot 15. . . . ~. _, ~. _ -A.-.--. .......ri,. ._'" __ . ""- Numbe r 50l F;q;licColly-. ~-:t'oo~d,...p:ageW1'tll' porch~ The portion 0.1' app;licat:f;,OIi;reQuea11'ing. 'pe.rl11i~to bui,ld" canopyon1ftQ':Eofr line, .as~';ru,sedby the Gw~:nand i;,he :J.sErtIan(fe;or.',thi.~lt,to compllY Wi-r.h the, uS!1a:I.,~i;W~~ments1fas J.e:tt;to the d.tilcretionor 'the BU:ndingI~peetor. '" 'l'be:re being. nofurthell' business, meeting adjoumed. ~' ~'}o Gi'ty C' ~ ~ l' (lJ\'1~.A~ ~()Vl!:D: ~ .~ ., _',' - e._ " , (....",..,.'.".,.,.,..',.,G! ,.,.,.. , ~ ., ,of' COl!Inc1:I..