10-22-34 Regular /' \ 1 " ~ . ", , ", '" " '-:.'.......:-'cc,.,::.".::x"....-., 390 COUNCIL OHAMBER , J October Z8': 1934 ~e Couoll mt in regular lJess10n at 7::S0 P.l(. w:\.th t1ie Jlayo:r and Councilmen Foote, Hill and ;rohllston prese!1t. , , ,,'l';l:wJ, m1!1u:t,f)so:!', ,1;Jtf) last ~gu.lar 1,DElet,1ng,.e:r:e", ~_ajLucLon.l"U.oXL._____ duly made, secion4ed and eer1"ied approved. A.. letter t'rClll the Woman's Club- req\18:s~1.jlg f'ree water service, :for their C1ub building, axtd S"tat1ng the fl.Y25 thllS" iODated woUld be llsed :tQ buy boob hr the library Was read by :the Qle:dC. n.as Iloved by Mr. J'ohnaton. aeoo!1ded by Mr. Hill ana Wlan1lllOusly ea;t'1'1ecl thdtbe rElllUest beg:rcmted. ' , ne Jrayo1" reponed he had g1ven ~ ,C1arJr:e:,~dgi~ CoDlpe.D1 wnf;te!1 authority _ cII8:poar:(,t jJpOU o~ 'tli.e (l~;'t.1:!.;t'~g1),''i'''O:t'~y:s,tn()'lpl as '~1e-ason anll Sl1Ulson St:reetB. The act1onotcthe,Jl:t1orwas ap~Ted by mUon regnlarly made,seQonded and' ~1.IIleus~ied. ~e 1'o11ow1ng applioations t'or occu:pational l.1e~nses _re gr:ante~, " indiv1duall;y by regular 1III):t101'1s made, secollded lUl~-gna~1.IIle11sl1~~riC!lcl~,' TO" QP&Jtlite"""lU,sr, ~th~'(i':B~~tYt:'" Salon" 1~,l:1~3.".ep ~il\~ng.;'j: 'lO sell "',,1" ..'to 1'e ~Lat Fire...:' stone &sjdJfiOh ShOp. " ' 'fo still be,;to at _tal1 at Jret.. i ' le:r-' s Oat'e.' '1'ha a,f.lpl1eaUon or ;r.w., , Ou1tla. to operate a b~l3~e:~s; l5e111~""" dressed :t'CMf1., eggS' end p:r6tlu.oe, Was pr"sellt"d -Co "t~i'~()uncll~,,:r~\1IIl:l5 moved by Jlr. jOhlls_. nc-o:nctedTlly JlriHill anlllUi8.a:llllOulillYCia~lb thllt tie O1.e:01: noUty- _ill Q:Jtlieant that ll.e"1I'o'l1.1llbeelassed","-'tm itinerant and was 1l1leretore sUbjeot to the 1$6'.00 lleense reqUbid $;n Roh .,.ses.' .ggie LIte smUh -- Sara E. Bettle". -- Harry Ketler -- A melltbe:r- or te ~yne D1X1. Jfus10 Company ap,.ei-ed bet". ,tb.~ :" COunoil :requesting 8; 1"eduat!on 1n' 'tIle license cliS~$~El r.,.meel1,,1Q..l> / pianol5. .t:t''tlt:r- a b:r:'1et d1S"8USS1Ql1, Jlr. johnston mOTed>'that''tl18"l!~(ClIJ;!I.!'''~ 011 meohan1cal DlWJ-io baxeSlle, :redueeel to tIO.OO.Jrr'rH1U 8eo~;t14.,~~,~ motion _4 On ron ct~ll the ....0'1. was, as folio"': ,~~B:oot$~8j~'if".!hi B~'~~~~J;~e::r:':=~:t t:a~1e:ttc~~ ~:rJ~~~~~!~~t~j't.~;,+:! 88Qtlol1.,,, i~:, 't ~ ;.t,~"-,... - , " " I . I. j.. ~ I' , COUNCIL CHAIDmR - October 88" 1934 39'1 i I , Ii i t ii' ! ; .~ " i ;; , ,I '\"'.1< II Mr. Byrd, p1"$sented the t'oU01Iing reso"1u t10n crO'f'e~illg the aoUon II taken by the Counol1' s and PeU't;10ners' Committees at Ue1:r lD1'o:nEl. ,il meeting on October 19th held to <li.cuss stricter rl3'gltJatlo11s 1n regarel : TI to t;he 881.e of' "SrI, ; I, , WBEBQS;l~re 'lfa8 a jom'll _eUnEH.'e1;1I8en-a-Spe0-1al.-e~< ~..t-te. H tronl the C1'ly Counc1l., and a C01lltD1ttee ot' th$ C~tSzens or t~ C1,yOf, il De!ray Beach, sald-.tlng})eing beId in the O;l.ty ~+'8l!idalB~!~\:~e~ :s tr.P::;:~~':~~\:~:;:::;YafJl!a d:18 l:,~: :.,~it,~,'..';.'.~.,' :,t1f"'..r1l1',l,,..,,::s,;tW',~l,t' ',' llhe any of' Delray Beaeh; J!'1<<ll"14a, and alao :reco.,~d~Ho~s,~~~y'tha! r.~ 01t.1z8ns' CCIIIIIII1ttee, _recll.cuBed atsa1d j01ntmee,'t1ng; and;"; ',t .~;"Uter.,eOri;:I.d8rabJa cUseuSdoD, attfJDt~on ~s .'f1:1::II!i,il.,.lt~ to 1he provlsioni at' the .. ,'beer ordimgDU ,"'h;tCh1f,f1s~o'ntJ.t.f;l'~~!l ". \ ~l a-.:~i:;:~;o~ei:: ::::~ ::i;== ~ro;J:~:e::1!a:~r::::;;*:f~~~~l place of' business 'to become a nuisance or d1 sorderly, to the' ob ject1cm o,:t ' the Oi t1zens ot' 'the Oity; and ,",.,/ ' ! WHERE4S, at1;ent1oIi 'tillS called at ..1e1 me.e.iJ:l8:,totlle.~~~~!2 "",' various e>rdinuces nQ1f on t_, bo~k8 or 'the ,C:tu".~J.at,:i.ns..;,tQ~....',. ,.'" '~,' la.1f1e8~eSs, driving or .1l,aobll.lt,s1fJllle ~~c'Qe,~..n'e;~4'~~~~.. l1quors, and diso:rclerly- oonduct _..WIt, the G1J.y ,or De~:t"y..aehi;"'~;""'~"" I, . .. " .. .,'h"';,-i'';'~::''^'''''';_ .~'* ,NOW; :a1J5!USi!'ORE.. .I'1'Rl$SOLvn ,~.th~'j~1#.~Q~~1,~i~.'~I~~ ..., otll$lraY Beaoh, J!'lOrJcill.~~:t _" ljw .*1'C'!:ro.l1;t~c:~;t's-tQ~~tr-,ll,(. ordinances n_ 011 the o:rcl1nauee book. o:t ~he (,l~ty.(anll,espeolll;J..:l):!.~lle;\"< ordinances reJat1n~ 'to' a:t1mlaumes8, disozdex-lJ! eOaCttl.o,H,the cb:1.vsng':o1' , ' omoblles while un..... t_. uf'luence of' intoxicat#o:nSi;J..1q\1ll!;t"s, an~''!:.IleiJf!S' ins or places of' b'du.u which 8/311 beer S,D ~r~,C!Qnclit10nftlJ1:~/~ct.,;; 1!eport any plaoe o:t bUSiness, se-11ins beer WhlCh1IirE:)Uf1, d'ntQ, be, ". <Li.',', O.r,',',.,)\, :',,~," or a nu1sanee, or in ..Solation or the beer orcH11QCe ,cxr',anyo1;Jrtj,r,~i!iQ'l1, anee now on the o:rclina:nee bOoks ot' 1he C1.'tY....;',..;'''''',i'.'" '.. .. .... '<::::'-:', ,: ,.,': '-:', .--:'.,.:';:,:" -:.-.':'::':~.' ", .': ':', BJl:IT J!'URi'HERRBSot.VEll Tbat the Gi~ C0uJ1oti.andal;1,C::t~~'ii'0'; 0:tt101al8, ooope~tew1 th the C~&ens of: tlle Cny otll$lreyBtJ~Oh~i'1n'~ ent'o:ro, emen't of' all i'ts ord1nllD, 0, es. rani to a, ssist. ii)., $11..', 1,.',' e/!,a1,."'wra,"""'itt-,'".,,..'.,.,,3,,.' ..', pas.nle, the Ci t:lzens 'Or this CilY Wkeep the GUy ot;Del:raYB4f.O~l'i Florida, .:tree rrom all drllnksnness, lJI.w~..ess Or clJ.R~17P~~!!'+' or business. .... "';'", I /.~. \ - - - - - - - -' -' ,: '" - - -',' -- - ."" - "",':, :,'''::, "( PASSED AND A.Jl)~ 1n reguJ,ar session as8e~led"t~111(~~..1.: daJ!' 01' Oilt-'ober, A. D.,. 1934. .,,' ",,"..;Y'if,4~~""""'5 . - ~ - --' ~ _ . - - - " '- _ " _ - - _ ,', _ ,'_ -_,;i:~_::t_'_,::,;,:,-,~,.", f_'at IIr.HUl moved 'the adoption ot said :resolution. Mi'.J'Olms~o~;i ,,'.' ,.J~ seooncled th& motion and on roll call the n'te _s as :roUo-.= ,Jb:o.~'..F()ot.ef;f , 'It 11' I"j F <-; . "',,",< I'~: , :z~"." ,:" \, 'l~, ~ :,..,. <. " ;-j~ COU~vlL CHAMBER - October 28, 1934 yes; Mr. Hill Je'8. Mr. Johnston yes. Ca:rried. i The C1ty Atto1'Dty adv1sed tlla t quit-olaim deeis 1'r_ all threed ,4. 'the 1".rmer bushes or lohe 'bath-house property on tb$ .eaoh lied> :r1D~lY:ijt> been signed ort to 'the City as 'l~t:ees :rorthe PI1'b1.,1.0, 811cl adTt~'ih tbat these deed$" be ~-:reoo:rded at t18 Court Ho'lWe. Mr. B$ll IlIO'9'ed . ,! , tbat.. tbe. Clerk ,lIeve ,'this clone. Mr., J'ohnston 88oOl1ft4-.'lhe.,.IllOU.Gl:a.:...Dt.~ oarried 1Ul.an1mously. . :, - . :"'. ":,'~ +. Jfr. J'ohnston pres..ted a tenta~V8 e4hedllle 01" :ntesantftl.~s<"o.12L be app11ed 1n llhe operation of: lobe, Dew Casino.X. 'llie enSU:l.118 a;~~~i' i' s10n, Mr. Byrd pointed out tilatno ol$:r~sor:regulations skOUl,d,~;~,'~t:\ posed that .0u1d tend 'to debar t18 PI1bllc :troJll the trie 118. of: ,the>.., ",,; pO,rahe" s andpubl1oseo1;1ons of: t18.,bUi,J4,' l,Dg., as, P:ro'f'1, ded 1nft, e,J,',!,'~:.{, j,:'l',' , Action was de.t'e:rred 1ntne aClopUol!l of ~I 1'Ql~s ana mgu3J!.t'ioll.st~, . theJray:or and 0,,01J. agreeing 10 0 ....l~_ 1"Oll!W~~railey:,.1"o:r:)l;~!ht 11_1' cU.so118sion or t:he maUer. 4lllllo 1"or the p~o~e or deoiding~~Ol;' . the method of: adjustment mldcollection 01" outstanding personal Pro;:.; j -1' perty tax. am roreoJ.osure or tax .ale oerti1"ioates on oertain :real estate by tm City :tor public purposes. .' ,-:c;'i.'~t,'A~i':':',' , ,The Cle-rk reported 'the PllYJIBnt__the P!t~,,,,B,@.,,qh..,,.qQmPJ111Y:.l:l#,;, ^ " covering siXteenin1>erest CGUpOnli llUlilbe1'8d 17 d~e"N".~erl~~.I/:1?~,;t onbon4s Nos. 14 to 2' 01" the GeMl."ftl; DIl.prcn-ement:r",s]1e, ot,1.925..,;;Thfslt action was approved by the COllnCn and ooupGns Ordere~e811ceJ.J.~~.""";cil:~ 'i'he matter of' oe_'tery mainteJUlnoe was diSO'UBsed~~1'~~o!t;~~'~rl1] ,.".", ...k ..., chair and Mr.. H1J.lmov, eel '.li.ata",'. ma, 1'l,'\be "'eil1pIOpi~,!!:lI, '\,J,~ ' $2.50 ailey:, one day II week :tor &\ year's t1Jp.e, tQ>1fP:r_W1der.t.;;:npe,:r:"-'fltll Vi,SiO. n,O,1""MrtTi'o.t1, P to r be, JIll, t1r:f.,oat;to.n a.",nd,llpke",ep 0,1"," 'the F,"', ',te n"."...,l'>,",..,. Jfr;..,',.'.",.'.".."',' ~"', Foote ,.ooncled the motion am on i'<Jll ClUl the vote was as r'l\ll1owS":- ,': ,! Foote yes, Mr.H111 yes; .-.r.J'ohnsten No.C~rried. ' ,;'''' "':",i -- h. .,,"" '. '. '~~,', ..... . <';;;",;.,,):::',:,,:',< .:-t';"::J :Mr. Byrd ani Mr. L.a. Hand alld;ressed 1;18 COMlcll, aCQlllllle~X,lg,~,f' 8111t,ab1e gXOOlln,d Ite acqUired :tor, a ."ChaO, .1pJ.aygro,.,llDd,an,<<,'a",t,lt18t1O:'".:.!,le,',...,',J..,'"Gi,',~,'~,' stating tne F.E.R.A; were now Qentering oa. recreaUctnal-g:round'p~ ' and QU' would theref'ore. be 'tbe right t-;tJai;1I~ apply" tor labor r01"\~1icJl ~a . projeot. Th.ereupon. Ir. H1J.lJllQved that appl;tQat1&J! tor tax d_d~o )L., Block 52 and 'the Et Block 44 be made lDQned1ately:, and, 'that proJl8Jt;:~es!il' t10n be dra1l'J1. in :regard to tm aOql1iring of' titJ.e to sflme.J(r.,;rolllU('" " seconded the mot1on and oIi roll call the Tote _as as rol1ows: " JIi';Foo' 'if. yes; Mr. Hill yes, Mr. .Johnston yes. ' . ",..,..;.:,,'; .. ' . . .:11;1 ~'. :, .. ' .. ........;, ,~ Jfr. Foote reported brietly in reg$rd to the' dredgfngOr)'l''''~~;'b.81.", ' , in Block 134.' ' ; ',', ;~: - -.--r He Uso reported that Mr. Ray of' the U.S. Engineer's Of:t1oehad.' lfl con1"e:rred with h1mse11" and tbe Mayor in regard to the City's pipe,-l.1l1el>l~ ;'". 3. Q~ v' COUNCIL CHA'M'l'\'JP.R - Ootober 22, 19M across the Canal and had int"ormed them that it _s alJllost certain tba Government would ~qu1ftdt_ line 'to be lowered the :tu1l 1"U'teen,:teet"",, ~viously iemanded. IntJt1s event, it was thought Capt. ADelersoD 01' the dredge could do the jOb :tor approximately $300.00. ' J,_."..",., .,.."'l'he 01erk-was,ora"d topay,aJ:J... b1,Ustol',.spee-1aJ,-.eaq,....1mpllove--._ ment work out, 01" tbe' Special Improvement Fund. It ~s regularly monel, sj(l()nded ~II.i W1all~usl,Y' carr1ed','Ch",taJfl" bUls O.Il.'d by,the Fimmc.e C0IID1t;tee.l be pet1et. nUlllbereet..s t€d~p.s: Nos. 2'18 1;Q 511;Inclusfve. ~ - '\l \~ There being no hr-tber ~8:l:ness. meeting adjourned. ". '1{lt~ie~' ' ~~ '.' ~ Ali'PBOVED f ".,~If3~.~ P.IIes~ettt 01" t Cefr. , i \, :' ~ " ~f-