11-26-34 Regular '" ':' " > '--' , ( " 'k .. i , I " ,f..-- I -\,- ;:1117," COUNCIL CHAMBER Novt'llll!Jer 26, 1915.. 'fhe Counoil at in regular session at ':30 P.M. wi th the Mayor, Councilmen FOote, Hill and Johnston present. The minutes of the: last l"Efgular meeting' ftre read, and on motion regu:18:rl-y-lII:tder eeoonded'am carried appt"oved'" -..,~_:,-""-, Mr. Link came Defore the: Cottnoil pro testing ptrBOnal taX charged against, him f'or 1932. He stoated this tax was assessed to him for cement mixers and equipnent which he had dispose-d of ill. 1926, and for that rea.. son the tax 11'0 unjut. A.fter some discussion; the Clerk was instruoted to investigate Mr. Link's c.Ia1m and report at next meeting. An appHcation f'rom .Tack Jurney for posi 1;1011 as life..,guQdwa,s or-,., '- bred filed. By motions l"EfgulElt1y mi!lde; seoonled and unaIi1mou$ly carried beer licensar were granted W.F. Krau, Robert R. NeH,l!tnd Pi/?:gly Wiggly Store" in the white part 01" town and to Lee Edwards;IJ,ll1an llQuglas; o. s. ~nsf1eld, ;roe ~aylor and LeROY Stokes ill COl.ored i'Olf~u'~:rour ,latter 1i<tenees were granted with the reetriet1011 that; beer be'llot';soJ,d between the hours of 8:00 A.M, and 4:00 P.'M. during tle: claystl1epublio school is in session. '!'he applioation of HerlllB.n A. Huber f'or lioense to .11 o i,t 1'OU $ fruits was :read. $Ihe CJsl'k was ordered to adv1sellPpl1eant tlllltlJe ca1ll$ under the olass ot iU!le:nnt lIJ!t1'"ohants and lIOu1d therefQre,' 'be'sub.,. ject to the PElCJ.OO lioense required in suoh oases. ' NO~cte of Aq-riean LaFranoe Fire engine IJOtefalling due Decembel" 3lat, amonnting to $2,135.'12 was read by tle: Clerk and ordered fi,ll$d. A letter.as reli4 ;from the City Aud:l: torrtq,.sting al)'!iionbytbe. Counoil in reglUtd to a 'disbursement item of t55.00Paicl,to~'.::1!'.-BundY.' ~ dispose or the matter, Mr. Johnston moved that the-Q:J,eX'k'lf3:'1t8,M,r. SUndl ..111ng his attention wthe double payment or coupons ,10 and 1]. orr ',Bond 55 of the April 1, 1926 Bond Issue. Mr. Hill ..conied ;tbe motion and on roll call the vote was as rollo.s: Mr. Foote yes. Mr. Hill yes; Mr. Jobhston yes. Carried. :Mr. Wi:nn also requested. the Council's instmction it! regard to an over-credi t for tues allowed Mr. John HaJ,1, aIIlounting to tslh'O, 'i'lUl Conncil debatel as to the method or adjusting tJ;jese shoX'tf:l$elJ,~~th',th8' , l'esult tlaa tMr. .Tohnston moved thall his :n;Jrmer lOO~on wU~'reg.~)'Q'H"~ writing Mr. Sundy be reconsidered. This motion was lost tor want ot a se cond . 398 COUNCIL CHAMBER .. Novanber 26, 1934 It was finally d,eoUed to dder act10n 1n t_ese matters nntl1 D,ext meeting, to allow Mr. Byrd an opportunity to exemme and determme as to whether the OlC'k's surety Bond could be held liable t'c>r ttJ.ese 1rregu- !II lar1ties. """'""'4<',.' The fOlloWing reeOlut10nwas then iIlti'OduO:.d: I WHEREAS .&:rUole ta, Section '15 of' the 01ty c~rter of DeIray ~eaoll, Florida, rues ttJ.e :r1rst TUesday after the first Monday iD, Deoembex- as the date for holding the Ci V election eaoh and eve17 year, and " ( '. WHEREAS C.lf. Johnson, S.H. JC)nes, Geo. W. MaYberry and J.V. MaGr.w Qve f':I,led th.~r peti t1 OllS, sl81.o. by the required J:lQ1ber 0 f' qttalH'1ed , vote:r_. as cen4U.ates tor the 01':1'108 of' Counoilman 1"or Ward 2 tor ,one y.~r to o~te the W1tttpired term, aM ' WHEREAS E'.B. Foote, has f'iled his petition; signed by the required nUlllber or qualified voters; as a cendidate tor the office or Cou:no1l/l1aan a t Large, rnnning in Group NCh 1, aDd WHEREAS Frank crego, R.C. Gll1>t111., :r.E. GWynn and, W.E. W1l..X; ,~rHA,;;> have rUed t,lleir petlt1oD,S; signed by the requ:h'e4nUlllber of qlla'ltttottd>~.l'" voters, as C?end1dates tor the ofrioe of' Counoilman at Large, rwming,1n G1'OUP No. at NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEJ;l .1lIQ,ot~;,CtoUtl.ol1 01''\111., O:$.t!',O:t;,,:~~; Del ray Beach 1 Florida, tba t the a be ve nBm.ed petit10ners by deolar.4i,tp:~,~::" regula:r qualU'~.d oendidates f'or the respect:tve offices to wh10hthey :~ asp1re, and:' BE IT ll'URTHEll,RESOIlVED 'HUT ~uren C.HBJld be appointed ..: Oll,U."k;afic\' L.,F. R$tI.8on, Lot L.Slll1th and M.T. Dav1s,be appo1J:l~ 1nspeotorE!j~oho~G: said e1eot1on in the old ,Chamber of' C01iIIIlej50e Hall, 011 TUesday,'D"ember',~I',; 4th, 1934, between the hOl1rsuot' a A.M. ani sUndown. ' ," " ' ';;~;;, BE I'1' FURTHER RESOLVED thatell1..e City Clerk be autl1or1:Z:;1$1l to :par said'" eleot1on board the sum of $4"OOAaJil :1\1rn1*1I!;10lls lIleal. for the1r iJ8rT1oes",> BE ft"'li'URTHER RESOLVED that 1he Clerk be attl;hC)r1:z:;ed to have ball-ote prepared an d pr1n ted in the roll owing rolE: , COUNCIL CHAMBER .. November 25, 1934 OFF I C ! A L B A L LO T General Elec t10n CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. Deo8]J1>u4tb, -1934 ....., a Cross (X) Markberore the Itame o'f the Candidate of your ahoioe. .,.-. - For Councilman, Ward 2, Elected tor term of OIte ;rear to complete the Ull.. & e4term. (Vote fpr one h . - ' . '. C.N. J"OhnSOD S.H. JOnes , ~O. W.. Mqb8l'ry " J.V. MoGreW " For Oounoilman at 1.Iii'gei G1"<::m:pl. (VotEt tpr One h . :J .E:~..}_~te. " , . . .... ',' ~.. . , ." " . .,' For CotQlo1lman at La:!.'gefGroup 2, eVo'tf1l tor. one) . !'rank Crego " , R.C. Guptill ;r .,:J.'- GWJg W.E.. Wilcox, Sr. .. " '~ - -','. """"~""'-'--'-'""-~"""I:~""" """Y-:~'~'''''''''''''1 39~ Mr. Johnston I1Dwd the adoption of the msolutilbn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hill, end on roll aa 11, unanimousIy carried. The City Attorney reparrted brietly on his progJ.'l!f8S in :ro:teolosing tax sale certificates on eertein properties; aclvising the Council to ,"-, 'ofl:ter~'some's-mll ,cons$l!lera1i:1on . to,the. . own&r&#()'<l'.'q.it-o.laim-.Qeeds-t()-~e-.... It was decided to take no action in this matter, unt.1l Mr. Byrd had pro- cured statements or oatst=d1ng County taxes on same. I Mr. JohIist on stated hel:!ld mceived an otrer rrom~. Fonester t~ the City's prol*'rty Imom as the Awning Shop, and moved th~ Hoption or a reso'lution acoepting lfa1d otter. " Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on :roll call 11M vote was as tol... lows: Mr. Foote no; Mr. Hill yeS', Mr. Johnston ;ves; Garrie,d. Mr. Hill moved that :in the even t sa id _le 1I&nt- ;tl'l,],'Ough, that the moIJ.ey derived thererrom be, used ill. the aoquisition or- :tots 12, 13, and l4; BlOCk 109 fOX' a library site. This motion was lps1l f"or want of' a seoond: at'teI' which Mr. Hill cha~d his motion asf'o1.low:s:'1'hat lIh1s monu be used in aoquiring any property the Ci~y might d~cide!>p.>1n,th$ .tutnre fer a library sU:e. This' II1QUpn was slliilIif'lo$t roll' .ant .ot a seoond. The- Mayor reported a coIl.1"ereIiCe with Mr. Ray 01" the- U.S. ~nee-l"';:lI'-4 Ottio$ in whteh Mr. 1ltly ~d agx-ee-d to cU'e-dge . yao.h t'b~~n49 t""':longr and '5 f$et deep on the Sterling Property, East ot the (la~,. ,', "/ The- Mayor advised Plying or-f the GarrtIigton no1l>e tt tbere ....~;IIDney,. available in the tre~sury. Mr. FOOte also rav'ored !i[aing this, but; lX) '" action was- tsken by the Coonc11. A dis-cussion of the pool tool\: pl$O$, in whioh complaint was ~d;$ regarding standing 1I8ter- in the llftl:l:mtY2J or- the P1T.tUon. Mr. Li:!:lk; explained that tMs was dUe to bpys stUf'fing ttP the dX'a1ns, andtl1:~ ,< the ,nuisanoe oould be stoppslf. It was d,eoille,d to talk to the care::'ta~1' ab~t;, this, and also eompJ,aints of, miille noise and prot'anity at n1gh~s.<" .. Mr. Johnston stated he would fle prepared by next eeting to _kit ,5 l'Eto01llllBndat:[ons- with regard to th~ City carrying its om insurance. The;;', Clerk was instruoted to pay no poliC1os fa1ling dUe in the meanUm 0 t~ ~<'\ , ':.r ;/.: " I ~~j' /[ , ~ ., 400. COUNOIL CH,aM'Rll:R - Novembcr 25, 1934. The Clerk was instructed to make a speoialrate in the issuanoe ,< 011 p~umbing ~it f'Ol' the LesIieB1'Own job, cM-rg1ngone dOlJ.aJl\:;-!);",~t4,,~ rirst, and mty oents fb>r eaoh ad.dit:l:onal fixture instalJe-d. ' ., "v".""'_,.r'.",..,.,""",,-.,," 40j ~ COUNCIL CHAMBER - November 26, 1934 :,;--~ Bills ntllllbered 338 to 366 inclusive, having been O.K.'d by the Finance OOJlllldlttee were upon motion regularly made,' seconded and carried, rererred back to the Counoil and order6d paid.. It was moved by Mr. Johnston, se40nded by Mr. Hill and unanimously . W~. oal'l'ied.that the. OOunoil- adjourn' to meet "in,. adjou1'Det1-r-speei:Er1-session-.-~- at ':30 P.M. Monday, Deoember 3rd to prepare the ballot box fOr the annual election to be held December 4th.. " 2!7.a.LW, ~(J~ 01 ty Clerk. '. '.....,.' . . ,APPOOVED: Preside" E;t ige~ 1": ."'. 'l . ., .- -,~'