12-03-34 Special -~ 3'_,-,.,.., I' ! t t: ^"'<'/""~"~,..-,"",.".,,,.. .c, .'"'''^:~r:'~ 4 O~ December 3, 1934 . A speoial meeting of the C1 ty COUIioll was held a tfr30- ijtolook P.M.. Monday. Deoeillber 3rd, 1934. Oounld!men li'oote, J"Ohns1ion and Hill were present; Mayor Bradshaw and Oi ty Attorney C'.Y. Byrd were alsO presen1 Geor8e. W. Carr, rep.res.Iitat1:v~ o~ ,th~, nOl'lda-,-InlanG-Na.~@je.t.1on.-..-' Dis1:riot and Mr. Barrow, also of the Inl.a.hd Navtgati.onDiBt:r1ct. pre- sented to the Couno 11 a propos1 tion wherebY the Navigation Distri ot would oause to be dug on the north s1deof Atlantic Avenue, and on the east side or the Canal, a yacht basin '5 rt. rrom,the Channel north 500 ft., and would also use its in1"luenoe ili seouring spolltobeplaoed,on Ail." drews street north trom the Nioolls property to the no11iA.endot.AnC1~..wli street, and would also pay the ,Cl ty Six HUndred DoUars ($600'.00 }4J1;,t'" oash, p1'Ovided the city would execute el4sement deeds to five pa:rce~",()t real estate mioh the Inland Navigation Distriot WM now condema~' After considerable disQussion, Mr. Hill of'fered ttJ.e fl)l1ow1ng resolution: WHEREAS, Geo. W. Carr, representative of the Florida InlEl11d Navi- gation Distriot has this day made applha tion on beJlal;"Qrth~i~~1l,~d States of' Amerioa to th1sCoundl for pf:mnission 1:0 constru(lt~()pel"e.t~ and maintain a oanal for navigation pUX'poses over an(l across.oer~~i:r ' portions of publio streets and hi,p.W!lY13 looa tad in theC1tyof Delray Beaoh and oovering the following parcels of land, ~w1t: I Parcel 11 ......,.. Sheet 15. i Paroel 2 - Sheet lti...A. Paroel ll5 - Sheet 16-A. Parcel 15 ~... Sheet 16...B. Parcel 1"'6 - Sheet 16...B'. ,or tll-e rigjlt...of..way of the ~aoC)astaJ.,W~~t f~J"a~()n~l1e., Florida 110 Jliemi. F:Lorida. throughPalml1O..~~ty.. F:li,011.4ar aooo,1''''" in8 to the plat! thereof' ot record in the ourrent whl:te r8Ool"ds ot'the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit court in and for Palm BeaohCoup:t;n Florida in Plat BOOk l' at pages 16. 16...A,end ll;io,oB respoot1velYi''\;obfi U$ed by tAO Unit8d,Sta'os in and for tJle oonstrt1l)t1on, operation a1!,<1 '( , maiJ1llenanoe by it of an intraooastal waterway from ;raetsonvl1le",1i'~Orfla, to Miami, Florida, as contemplated by Ri vel' and Harbor AC,t of Gongl'eSS' , approved J"anuary 21. 192' to be used by the Publio; and, WHEREAS, 1 t appears to this OouJ1cl1 that the benefit al\dadvan... 1Ia8e8,1>obe 1,'toe:tud by the People or tAi13()1ty",t'1'G!1J1,a:nq.(P:n~~,t;l..!1Sl!!;t;l.~!.01:';,t!!,~. oon*1l;t-uot1.,;operat1on and maintenance by theUn1tQd S"ta:'!;es,;*orsaid ' Intraooastal Waterway are such as to,oause this Counoil to gran't the i permission thus requested; i I I i I I I I ! ~ T ~,.",,..."._,.-,~..,,,,,~c.., "1-', r--: 'I 1 ".1 , .. i ~, "'~'l7r'W 401~ NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by 1Il:e City Coun<li>l ef the Ci ty or Delray Beaoh, Florida, as rol101l's:- 1. That ~e_l pemission and: lioenseis he:rebY8:1ven The "Un1ted States ~ .AI:DlIr1ea, Us ot't':foers, agents, servants and oontnc- 11'01'8 to enter ~pon, Etxcavate, aut away and remOVe any and all of'said above described t::racts ~ land as may De requ1J:e-d at anyt1I11!l tor tb& &nlars...n1l,.the,"~and,t:G -lIl&ln..ta4n..the-po1'tl-on-..,se-eilliOa'9'ated-.aB:tJ,.-the ohannel thereby created as a part of the navigable waters of the United States; and tl:e fUE'tl:er prrpetml r:lghtanci easement to enter UpoIifi' ~~oupy and use any partion or said traots or land not so out away and oonverted in'to public navigable _ters.. as aforesaid. f'orthe deposit at /lredged material and :tor Sl10h o1ll1er pUrposes as my be JlIIl*d:fu11ntl;le preservation am maintenance of sa1 d intracoastal 1latel'WBYlo ,:.. BE IT JroR'1'HI!:R RESOLVE>> t~t p'1m.iSa1on anti license "hereby g;l;ven 1:be United States hdepo8it, clred5el material upon StiohllSJrt:Lons o:rthe pubUc streets and, hfgbrJflY8and adjacl!lnt to the alI~ve,d~,80r:Lbei parcels as may by the UntW't"States Engi~ers be che-llird n8oessai"Y or useful to the United States in the oonstruction and maintenance of the aforesaid waterway and more particularly described as :t:ollowst to..w1t: '!'hose portions Of' N.D.. 41;h Sti'eet,:Laing Street, '!'homlilS Avenue ana I4WY Str,etotthe ,Oit1 of Delray Beach, f01"JlI!:l,:rly T01m of L:Lnto-n, in ,8$\:lt;lon 16, Township 46 South, lange 43 Eut; Palm B~eh Cou.n.1Iy, Flori da, according to pl8; t1'$OOrcled' in P3atBook I, at page 3 of the 1'$~()i"dso:t~~cl county; lying betwee~ .4ndrews..St1'G'13t ancl the f"lst". erly r1gh t...of.;.way li1;8' of the Int~coastalWder'" way rrom JaoksonVille to Miami, ll.o,ricla, as tbat ri~t"'ot,;,way line 1$ shoWn o,n the plat :recorded 1nPla t Book l' at: IllS8 11..A of' the' :records ~ore- mentioned; ,(.......,..., AND BE I'.l' FURTHER RESOLVE)) thIlt the~ol' or DelraYB~~cl:t';' ,',,' F:J.orida,ror and on behalf 01' this OCll1noU be anti he 1/3 he:rebtaUcth~";,. izedand cUl"ected to execute eucl1 deeds, easements, or other _rltten', insllrl,lIlW1nts as shall be necessary and proper 110 grant and conveysai(!;. parcels, easements and priVileges unto the UJ11ted States or~ri()at ' and the Oity Clerk of this City)e and she is h~by authorized&:nd' di:r8cted to attest the execution or suoh instRtlilfltts and to a:rt1;lC'the seal of the City of' Delray Beach, Florida, thereto. l~84. ''-w ~ted at Delray Beach; Florida, this 3rd day of December, A~',D,. >,,~~.iJ~;.i',j,:::1;';;"~" Mr. H1lllllOved the adoption or sid resolut10n arid Mr. Foote seconded the motion ror aiopt1on of the same, and on roll ,oall the vote "404 <, , . was as :tallows: Hill, -yes; Foote, ye's; Johnston no. ~t'JieJ, On :reeoIllll.l8ndation or the City Attorney, the easement dE/eda to be executed 1n eompliance with ssid resolution, to' be held iri:wscrow un1iil the $600.00 check is deli'l'eJ:'ed by the Inland Navigation District. , '"~;.; < ; 1 , " ".,~'n!eJl&."bei'Il8 ,no, "fw,tbe 1', bu-s1mss"to. eO~'~.oPe...the-sp$C).$.:b-mee-'b-1ne--~'..J.. of the Council, it was on motion, duly made, seconded, and carried, , regularly adjourned. \~ 1:'. City~; LJ ~< .APPROVED: &/3,,~, President ot' ~e Council. . . .' < <