12-03-34 Special Adjourned 21', 'K ( 7 l, , . ,~ i 1 1 L__ . -,.;. 406... COUNGrL Gl'l" AM"R'ER Deoeaber 3, 1934 A sP.cial adj011l"IBd se- asien or the Oity OmBoH or' the , Oity or De,J.ray Beach was helcI at '1':30 orcl.Ock P.Jl.JJecember 3:r1l, 1$34; CouncU- lien Foote, Hill andJ'ohDston \lIIn'e present; 61.11' .Attorney O.~. Byrd, Mayor D.M'. BX'adshaw and City CJerIt Jls,e W. Oramp...-re also P7~sed. ,.".- The OUy Clerk presented to the O.na:U theX'8qu1red,n~e;1!of official b'allQts, which ballots Welre &xami1le?d by the OClll!1C$; an!l':tonnd , to be in P1"o~r form and ordln'; the City Olelrk, also P1'YJllCnt.d'.~IJ.~t1- r:l.e,d list of the 1'eS1 ste1'ell vohrs, showing the, ooncl"t1'Ono:rtJi~1l01l taxes. said l1s'thaving D-$en p:re~d by J'.L. G~i... SUWn'1IJo~:Kc:i:t{Regis" : trat1on; tb!f Cit'1 OJerk also p:reeeIited to the Oity OOttl1ollthe regia.- trat'1on b'ook, t:ally' sheets and other reqll:!.~d pIl;ra:phernldia n.r the hold... ing or 'the general election in the Oity on J>$oemb,er ~h, 1934. '. . -. .... ...... ...':;,: ..',' ... .,! J!fr'.. Hill lOOnJ-d that tIte orr1oia;1 bellote"l1iJ:l "",~~g:l.~!u'e.d,q~:I.1!ti tied voters (mil other elect:!. On ~ap~alia be.P;L~l?d,~;r1;'t~!'~~;t?t,1 box, and that the- ballot box be 8e aled" lookedaIl.4d.i!:1Vere~ to{~th' CJ:nlt'i or the l!:1ect;l;.on w:l.th1hstI'Uot:tons as to holding Sa1d'g~e-ral''lIJW1101pal '. e;l&O t1 on , in, ~mpl1aI1.ce W1th the laws of the, S~lle<'?':FlO:rt1,dai'Cl~X'ter of the Oity or Delray BeaDh and ot'd1:ranC'es p8-rtai'n-ing tottJ.fj.'hQ!t'rbg of $Bid munioipal ttI.eotj,a1. , se.,'ld jn.otton ~ft'eQDlied be" Mr-Vq'illhnstoJl and on roll oall was unanimou.sl,y 1)81"1"1e4. v ' , . TlB're being nC)~ther business to oome b8tor,eth. 01tyqQtlncH 'onJllOt1on duly made, _conded and carried, t,be ~1i1:ng li'asalljOl1~D!t.d. qnY~~.W"&~' . ~P.ROVED: ','.... &,IJ~ l?rEJdllent or t 'COlInc'U. . . ' "" '..>.>..... \;: J:. . ~!1', .. ., .~