12-10-34 Special Page 405':'A -" r , J . COUNCIL CHAMBER Deoember 10, 1934 'l'he Counoil met :tmm.ediately prior to their regular maeting, in speoial se..lilion for the' purpOSEJ or eanva.ss-ing the returns o-r the general City eleo.. tion held December 4th. COUnoilmen Foote, Hill and Johnston _represent. Arter careful examination o-r the ballot box, 1;alJ.y sheets, and :returns as made by the eaeotion offioers, the rollow**8~ resolution was intro~oedj "-'''-by'Mrr"Htl:l'' who'meved' itsa dopt ion. ,'" ""--""--'~"-- WEEREAS, the City Clerk: ms presented to the: City Councll tl:e sealed ballot box as the same was delivered to her by the election officials' in oharge of the General City Election reId in the City of Delray Beaoh- on Peoember 4th, 1934; and WEEREAS,the City Councll sitting rar the PUX'Pose o:r'Oanvassing the ba::l.lots, did open and examine the ballot box, ta1l1esand elect~onre':' turns as shown by the returns of': the eleotion officIals and found tltat said elect;ton o:t'ficialsi returns shoWld the' raIl.wing voves were cast: ;f<, r COUNCIlMAN FROM WARD NO. I: C.N. Johnson 95 S.n. Joms H9 Geo. W; Mayberry 54 J. V. McGrew 14 COUNCII&NpDi}JWlIlJ~ GIOUP:llo. 2 t FraD.k Crego R.C. Guptill J.K. Gwyrm W.E. Wl1cox Lot Smi th Sadie Sundy COUNCI1IlMAN-AT...LARGE: GROUP, NO. 1 128 i' 165 28 1 1 . . E.B. FoC1f>e W.O. Jelks ;rohnBerg A.;r. Caraker, Roy Baker Bud Mose ley Ge o. W. Mayberry Frank Pean 2'10 1 1 6 1 1 :3 1 "r I r , \-- '.,....:...,:\,.-.j ~ -;-;-~:'::~~~:;'lr -:'--'~;{'!' , [ I , [ I )% /.-t ,.. t ~ ( , ~ 0;, [ J L 405:"B' COUNCIL CHAMBER - DeoelJ1ber 10, 1934 Mr. Johnston seoonded the motion, EiIld on 1'011 call the vote was asfoll,o'1Js Mr. Foote :)'6s, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. J'ohhston yes. ' '!'here being no fUrther busimss t:o come before the special meeting, th6""JD!jitlnlr W'"as~reg'IIJEfIy'8djourm a:; " "'""'", ..-.""-.-.....------,.- m~uJ.~' City Clb-:l!'k APPROVED. . (,) &,f3.~ Pre$ident of City COttnai:l.