12-10-34 Regular
r .
,-.- .
December 10; 1934.
The Council met: in regular session at ':30: P.M. with the Mayor,
and Conncilme-n, Foote, Hill and JOhnston present;.
'!'he minutes of the regular rmeUng held November 2:6th; and the
,.wwtwo"apEl"ciaJ:-'mEle"t-1JlIt"be-xd,.,B!toember-"3rd" were'"re-au",-'alld-upon--mo-t"tolT""re-gn-lar:Q-
made, seconded and carried appmv&d.
Under the orderot' old busine SB', Mr. Johnston, moved that: 8111 bills.
O.K.'d by the Finance Comm1 ttee, v:J,z. bills numberfid 36'7 to 395. .~, :referrei
baok to the Counc:U and ordered It1i d. Mr. Hill seconded the motion which
was unanimously Oarried..
'J!he neWly elected I118"mbers of the Council .re1ih~n 1ritro~1ioedf' and!
the oath 01"' of'fiee administered by the Mayor to ,S.H.Joms and<J~~(Gwynn,"I~
whot:ook their seats and sat with the Council dlU"'ing the remainde1'" of the .!
se ssion..
Mr. Hill IDJvsd tha t Mr. Foote be elected President o':!' the Council
ror the enSuing year. Mr.. Johnston secondedthemot1.oIi.. Mr..Gi'I;Y''*,lllovei
that nominations cease.Mr. Johnston seconlled th$' mot1on. On~3l:,O'~'l
the mo,tions oarriednnanimously and Mr. Foote was deolar*d, eleoted;.;toP:.
said, ofrie:e..
'rlle first item under new bu.sihe-ss ,ttasthea~J.i"c~tionCltM$li~;' , , , ;
Jean'E.~1r ror 1icen~ 'to oP!!ln a'1.'I!l~Ro<:llll in~~~~;t~c:t~EJ.~;Ni(,}~~~",~~~~~~:!,l
A:venue. ,'!'he itinerant merohant angle of' the aPI4;i.Pa~~i'l!t~;d:l'so~~~~;cit'e:lilTi
length.. Mr. .Tohn Adams, app,aring in the Inte1"~I.~~~'e>Wner,()-,t'::lllfI;~!'~~
perty; stated a three year lease had bsen cont:re.6tedf'oronthe'~houlilfgand:,l
thaI t tbiers was no Iluestioll but what Mrs . Phair w:ollJ.d~~'a~rmanarj.t~".~s:fde>>l
Mr.. Tm.tJ-... finally l!X)Ved the. t the it;1ne:ran t1l/S:ite~nt,'s ;~~~'1n~?e' 9~J,~,~d,1
a~d~1'fosnss granted. Mr. Gwynn secon~d the motiOn) ,'W.~'(;ln.'~C)'~'!i.~~~(:t~. i
vote lI'aB aer-allows: Mr. Foote yes, Mr. ,Gwynn yes; Mio~'J~:Llyes:'"l.J~..;rOI1QsI,
yes, Mr. .1ohnston no. Carried.' ,." ""., .'... ., ,,", '" ",,'..
',-" 1
Letters ,from Thos.. M. Oook, aM SP1t~eX'no:r1Qk ~~rdin.gb9nds "...'1
and replies to same by Atty. By.r'-d _:Il"e read, wb6:t'CuP~lnMr,;i' .1Ohnsllonm~e4;
that theC~rk and ~yor be a1itlloril!led to dl'att .heok iIi payment of ,,9otJ.!'!s ,<
Nos. 45. 44; and 45, when pr'es~DtedbY'!'hos. M. COOk; S$id Donds''I;611'"
,sold" to the "'axpayers at twen.ty..tme cents. M:t*. Hill seconded '1;lie'm.otion'l
and on roll oall the vo:lle was unanilttous.. . , . " " ,
, - !
MJ.-. .:B'Y'1'dstlited a check flO the G;i.t;y' tor t~()(),Q9l'fEl.~.iI11.1l"l"~o.< '. ,I
~_._. ,
COUNCIL CHAMBER - Decembe:ll lO, 1934
ingt~ placing of spoil on Andrews Street, whereupon Mr. Hill I1Dved the?
adoption of the rollowing resolut1 on: Res 131 y.. Boo" 'f " '.
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of DelraYBeach, Florida
1e de.:l.rous of having the Clark 1:)redging Company dftposit spoil which
, , it, ,is.""dredging from.tlie,. Florida.East.,.C.mst_Canal",dap.Qs1.tad...olLAnd-
rews Street, in the City or Delray Be'8Ah. for the purpose of bui1d:l.ng ,
up said street and improving 'the same; ,
i I,
, '
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the CityCounc:tl or theoityor.,i, "
Delray Beach, that the InlandNavig~tion Districtithe;,Clark:Die-dgingl ,F
Compelny, and the United State. Engineers .are he1"ebyre,q'\lfr!'!tecl.jx:t~~"gset ~,;!
to be deposited on Andrews Stree t S1X Hundred S:ixtar (660 )ree,~ sout>hor( Hi
Atlantic Avenue and oontinuing f'rom that point north1;p, ~.,en,ti~~i,~d:;l;+i
rews Street, as sh, own by a, p,lat of the, S.Ub<liViSil?n, or. ;,..,t, he:}!:ast",,'.h~1"V,,(E~);,:1
ot Section Sixteen (16), Township Fort,y..Six (46),.SoUt)lRll.llge..43 'ast;! 1'1
and tlEy are lEreby empowered and authoriz,ed to depositSJ;1ollon said : 'i
portion of Andrews Street, said spoil to be taken from the canal. now '
being widened by the Federal Government along and through the City of
Delray Beach, F1orida. .
';, .".",' "'>','.>,',,: --------~--, :~-,;
BE 1'1' FURTHER RESOLVED tm t a copy of' th is' re a:Hu'l;;U.On lie .~ipliEidJ;, i
:: i:~~6'::,;::t t:"..~:r.:t~h:":.:::t~~~'=~],=~M~~~'1,r,~t;~,11
rews Street. " "y,l,;t
AlXlPTl!D by the City Counnil ,. regular .'."nn, .~M#";~~~~'i~,f~;~ll
. E.B.,J!'05te" , , ' . , " . '" '." ! ':1
Pl"elJident'0 f the City Oounc:i;l.l ,. "..
l '
Mae W.c Cramp
City Clerk.
Mr. Jones seoonded the motion which carried unanimously.
Upon moti9nof Mr. JohIiston,the CityA'l;torneywas iIistl'l1ct~d to',
deliver the deed now in e sorow, w Tb$' F10t'1da Inland NavigationD:i.st'
triot upon payment of the lI1x hundred dollars. Mr. Gwynn seoond"d~~e
mqt~on. whioh upqn rollcal.loa&;"~~dunlU!imClUS:Ly""",.>141'"
Right..or..way easement Geed rrom the Ray-Del cC!!"1loration ,9Eiri,itef:l.~g
the City the South 5' of Vista DelMar SllbdiviS10n was tenderedby,Mr
Byrd; and Mr. Hill moved tha t deed be accepted and the Olerk have, Slime
recorded at Court Ifouse. Mr. Byrd seconded the motion which carr1edu
COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 10; 1934
'!'he applioation of W,;F. Hodge. for position of Ci ty AuiitOJ!' was read
and ordered placed on file, also letter :rf'om Mr. A.'f. Robb, with :re-:rerenee
to Sanitary prOject ror Delrsy- Beaoh, contemplated in the Ilflar future. '
.A letter f'rom The Bisoayne Cheu!l~al Company quoting prioes On Cop:pe:ri
Sulphate and Flurfy Soap Powder for use at Swimming Pool was :rererl'Eld to;
the Committee f'or recommendation.
Application f'rom Mrs. Florence L. Sohleckser ror widOW's exemption
was p:resentedby the Clerk, and referred to the F1nance.,Colllll11 ttee.. '1ll:l&
City Attorney adgised the Conncil that aotion on such applications re~
oeived at this time should be de:t'erred nntil the :t'irst of 'the year men
1935 roll is prepared. '
Mr..Tohnston stated Mr. A.R. Forrester, UpoA being advisecI of the II
condi t10ns of sa le. had wt thdrawn his oi":t'e r to purchase the awning ShOp'! ~
property; and therefore moved that the Council resciIid itS,PJ!$,vious motion'>!
to adopt a resolution approving and accepting Mr. Forrester'sof:rer",Mr.i ;
Gwynn seconded the motion, which on roll call carried unanimously, and theq
Clerk was ordered to wri,te Mr. Forrester advising him of th is action. ,
A letter from W.F. Rog~rs, A1!itorney for Americanta-Francl!rFire ~g~n~;
Company wi th reference to payment of City's note f'all1ng dueDeo~lIlber @ilst 'I
was read, and referred to the Finance Committee forreQQmmendationi'~ '~.th'
" . ....,... ,', ,:',-",,::>.,:' ....... ....;,:::.',.>':_"_>....;:,,-._,:'I.,:':.,',:.,i
to t~~.OO :t'03!...~lt~i~erinfJIJ.~t'v:fd~s;~~
the Finance Coll!lllittee forr~port,~tl
A bill of Mr. F.H. Link amounti~g
rendered the City vas also referred to
next meeting.
B.G. Owens
Leon Snow
M.T. Davis
Pavilion 'wer~,,j
. I.";'" " .... . ,', J:'ft,r
",,1 ;"
Bids for labor to build 48 lookers in the sw1Ili:rningPool
submitted 8S follows:
.' "
Mr. Jd1mston IIDved that dontract be aWar~~llthe low b1dcter;all ~ra
to be done aocording to plans and sp8011"icat1onsa.s,1aid down bY' tlie Ctt>l.'
Mr. Hill seconded tm motion, and on roll call the vote was unan1Irtous, 4 '..I!t
. . 'f'l
'!'hare was considerable d1scusl'3ion "ith regm-d to- buihkheading read;:, ::
way South of Canal Bridge,' yacht basfns'~c,; . " ,,' '
. ,',>1)
Mr. Foote allJo advisedtha t m bad . talked to Mr. Bterling"itb. r~'~.q.&
to Be'ouring right~of...wa1 along the' no:rthyaoh-(;!-"~~'sj;n~l!ld:gedon',.tl:i,,,'~..~l'lt
Sterling proPElrty, and reoallllllnded that theClty writeI>r. W1ll~~~:ttliJ'i~1
regard to eecuring permission to use the strip or right-of-way El.pprox1ma~e',
tirty-five (55) reet in width,be'tWeen tm east line of the preSentdredg~!lf
yacht basin and the \'Ie st line or Blook 140.' ,
::>" f.,'..:'?
COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 10, 1934
Mr. J'ohnston
to Mr. J'ohn Adams,
understanding that
street improvellBnt
IlPved that the City Clerk be directed t,o write a l~tter
attorney ror Dr. Williams, making this request,- with'thE!'""
abutting property would not be liable to assesBllient for'!
or raving'. Mr. Hill /3econd'ed' the- motion which aarr1ed ;1
Mae W. Cramp,
lee Be ll.El Prie at:,
C. T. Byrd,
W.~ Winn,
C.A. Baker,
Paul Nicolls,
L.W. Cook,
John Gregory,
Ci ty Clerk
Deputy City Clerk
Ci ty Attol"Il.ey
City Audito:t'
SUpt. Publ10 'Ut1:t.ities "
Asst. Supt., Pilb:).1o U:tHUiss '..
Chief at FiraDept.
General Ut1;L1ty Man
Mr. Johnston eeconded the motion and on roll oall the vO,t'e wa.Unan.im()us.'>~;
.. ". ,'..- , " - ';ft;"'" . "j'.
. ,~
The or1"ice of Mun1cipal Judge was then,considerM. ~Y'i,Ma~ide.,..:t
o1ined to flU this office, whereupon Mr. Jobnston moved J'udge;,JaQObs,~re.,..
appointment ror another term on the mme salary- basis as la!:!;!';.. Mr."';!?:;!:l:!:
seoonded the motion and on roll call the vo-te1tas unanimous. '
.:.,'......':. ".,..'
t...'.......'/..'.\-"<.,..'.- -- ",
T!.l& J,fayor then announced M.s appointent 01" Cbas.~l) t?:til1-;:,t#e:
RrOh1et or ],>olice f'or the next s:tx month,s illllll~d~tely PJt'ooeed;iIig'~';:M:t;(',
;J:ol'Ulst,on m~ed ::Bid appointllBnt be approved an,cloOIl.fi:rmedbythe Co~,ll:tl.
Mr. Hill seconded the motion and on roll oal1tt:ite vote'W'as, as:t}ol!lqJ[s:J1)lIr.'
Foote yes, Mr. G-,ynn yes, Mr. Hill yes, Mr. J'ol'Ulstori. yes, Mr. J'omt~~)
'!'he MaYor stated he .as, not pre J;6:red, jUll! t then, , to make h ~a:Pll()int'7'
ment ()r the Asst. Chief or Polioe or the various CoIlllDi ttees, as he,desued<'
to give same a little more oonsiderat'loli, but would make these within the
nexjtrew clays. '"
..<ii',:", "...,<.\....... :-"_"''''';
A long discussion then ensuri.din regard
or licenSing liqQr dealers in ,the City. Mr..
to the adv1sabHi ty anmID3ttlS'
"'.".-;. ,,,'\j'
Johnston rinally moV'edthatfiJ1;
COUNCIL CHAMBER ~ DecEmber 10, 1934;
an ordinance be drawn by the City Attorney along lines suggested by COUD...
cilman Hill,and submitted for the COUl'lcil's approval and passage,at+,.tbe
next meeting. Mr. Hill seconded 1fie motion, and on roll call the vote
was unanimous. Bills numbered 36!A to 394 were regularly approved and
ordered paid. j
~ ...,. It was regularly moved, SEtconded and carried. that COUDc11..adjaurn__..........:
Y1h&Q. W ' Cl~ ;
O'i"$y Clerk
&. {?;.~
of the: COUDcil.