12-24-34 Regular "~T COUNCIL CHAMBER December 24, 1934 1 \ ".i ; I ~ - 'I jl ..- ; ~ \ --,'"... .,.-.'..-, Tl1l'r'm:n:mtll'sOf' tl'fe spec il1T and:'reguI!l.i'fi1&etffig"sIrI3"Ia:-'De1nlDi1jsi<""IOtIrj: were read. The Clerk was ordered to make certain corrections in the ; ; I minutes of' the special meeting with regard to election returns, and the .'i i administering of' the oath of of'f1ce to Councilmen, after which ,\;he minutesl were regularly adop'\;ed as c,,+"rected. ill The Clerk presented applications o"f Hillman Carver and o;fW.E. ; ',~ I Wilcox, Sr., f'or lfcenses to open dry-cIa aning and: pre saing ag~ll!,i\lS' il Mr.J"ohnston moved that the ordins;ooe wi th regard to l'tinerant"merchan'\;s1 1 be reslUnded. Mr. Foote pointed out that this could not be done ,simply!, by motion but only by a reaainding ordinanae.. The council f"el;t iIlclinedi,j to waive the itinerant merchants ordinance in these cases, provided ap- ~ j p1.icants could show a year's lease on the ir plaaes of' business or furnish; some proof of' the ir intention to remain in business f'or tba:t length or! \ time. It was impossible to get a year's lease the appl1caIltS!il-t,~tEl(l,~', 'i1" Ml".. J"ohnston finally moved1fl,lJat ifl.inerant nerehants ordin(l;~~:'IYe'~:ii~dL;, 800 regular licenses gJ.'SDtetU: Mr. Hill SEfcondedthe mc)'llioncanE!.onrgllp .,. the vote wa, s as f'ollowsl Mr. Feote, no, Mr.,' Gwynn., ,.no, Mr.J~1l1 yesl~.'~,."'i Jones no, Mr. Johnston yes. The motion was lost.. " ", ,', ','I l . - y - -~, A request was read trom W.N. Rhoden8~lting f'orPEll:iTfMslorl.Jt.~;;4:ta~t' pose of a supply of' f'ireworks which he ba:d pUt'"chased r()rXm8.s.,:Mr.,Jolir!- ston movedtha t permission be granted, sub .J;ct;t,oltthe, same'~!!!tr!cpons't;' the motion and on roll call1the vote wastinanimotts. ""! The ,building inspector Pl'l3SEl nteEl bUilding permi t applications, 1(j which were disposed of' as follOW's: l 'j No. 253 Mary M. McManus - Permi t to move frame building,1rtJJ good condition, from West.,ofCity lim:tts to Lot.24';l Blockl2l. Same to be repllired and put in good con.J dition, and a single garage added to same. ~l Mr,. J"ohnston moved that pex-mi t be granted. Mr. Hill seoomea th~ I motion which oarried unanimously. . I, I ,i "" ;),': Matt Graoey - Permi t ror a lOx20foot additi9n, toll the rear of'hi,S pres:rnt garage' and'apartmentsca-t"'tf1'~~ cost of $150.00. . . i'! P$rmi t not gran tedj same di d not <tomply wi th building rellui~:\~ist '~'\-l,-",,11-. .^,~':. '4< it ii The Council me'\; in regular se.sion at' :30 P.M. wi th all members of the Counoil present. r'~ f ,,k;- NQ. 25' i L .~ ." ,::';"i"-, ":"--',,<--,: ~ I ^. r"^~ 4~ll CDUNCIL C:HAJlBER - :December 24, 1934 No. 252 A.E. Plastridge - Permit to' move house from Lot 37, Block D La Hacienda to' Let lO, Block 1l3. Mr. J"ohnsten I1Dved the above permit be granted provi ded it complied wi th all the building inspe~or's requll'emants. Mr. Gwynn seoonded the motion which oarriea unanimously. . ;__..~._.~,."_,",.'" ''>;.'_._,".., ",_.".".",_c, i , I I "'.. _~__'~'",_''''.....~..C"~_''.,,, ''''~''_'"'" .....__c.. .~._""' NO. 259 J"ohn TaokaberrY - No aotion takan on th is permi t. Not. granted because it failed to comply wi th requirements. The building inspeotor reported the issuance of additional permi t s a s follows: I j I ,,~ < No. 252 No. 254 No. 255 NO'. 256 No'. 250 No. 26l To Sam Moss, To A. Simon, G.e. ,Baker, " Th La s1 ie BroWn, ;r.w. NichOlson, Mary M. McManus Mr. Foote stated that in some instances the 1"equirellll.lnts or 'b\:1piI~ngpSrmit;s 'ifere not being ac1hered to,.speOially withreg6:t'd~b pjJ;!;g;lngbui1dj,ngs carre-ot di~tlIDc~S t.i,'omlotlit1~I!.' Thebu,.i~~:n,.g",tin:'C pectqr B$id this was .due in some oasest.o negligenoe ontheilllO"{El.l'.'1! ", part, and it WaS suggested that tbe ChairIll8.niof t.he Ordiha:oee CoDmi!tte'e dra:tt a reoo'lut:t en wbereby morer's bend shaH be' held by theCi ty not onl,yro:t' dam~e to streets b-ut f,or the rulfillment of' all the require.. ments of the build.ing inspootor. " ,.' Bids for :!.'Urnm.hing piling and s-tringersfor, btdkheading pur'"" poses wereeponed and read as follOW's: '^ I I I l .A..J.. Hilliard A.P. Holland ~ w.e. Turnbull R..f!. MoseI.ey - Peeled pill:tlg, Igths under 25, ft. 6" or a" tips' as required, Peeled piling, 25 1"t. & longer 8" tips ,:tUng material @ 50 pcs., 15'10ng 120 pcs.. 25'long 3,600 lin rt of svr1ngers 15' p;l:t.e" 6" 'Ii;lPf!:P$~tlelt, ' 25' pile, a" tips peeled stringers, . all per Un 1"1;. 9\# perlin ft. lOst per root. 101t per'reot $5.,00 each 6; per roo'\!. l?\t~i'j' :1.~,,'~,l,~~,',' 18jt ~r J.in t'1i1!'l<,r lOIt per Un ft~j, . r , ~ ~ , f' , ( / < ,i4 41 COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 24, 1934 Mr. .Johnston 1IIOV'ed tlat contract for piling, when requtred, be awarded the low bidder, A:..J.. Hilliard, same to be cl!81ive:red on canal bank aocording to speoirioat ions. Mr. Gwynn seconded the motion which c!Q,"ried unanimou$ly. Mr.. MarkR*ardotl, representing the' LockmanConstrmttoreompmy- also .cldressed th.e Cow;joil with refere-nce to contract for pl1e,driving, and agreed .to meet- with Mr. Foote at 11:00 0 'olock WedneWday morning to discuss this matter :further wi th him.. Mr. Johnston reported that Boca Raton Club w18h~HI topurcha:se,a tr/Jrfic signal and desired to know if th is City wllI!"ed;'t,?, dispose of': the one stored away in the City garage. This matter was ,te':t'erred !tack to Mr.. .Johnston to make further enqull'Y and recommendatiotlatnext meet<iIlg.. A dis oussion O':f :further mceSBary work On 1;h~~,V1lion projeo1l then ensued, Mr.. Focrte reporting that Mr. S.G.Owen$wstt1.d llorape the porch 1"1oors 1'01" a price of $20.00. He reported also that he, and Mr. H!U bad gone to West Palm Beaohand arranged with the F'.J!}..R..A'. of'fioe to have all ~terial, paint &0. belonging to the bea,chp;."o~,.ct; ~ed over to the 9ity by Mr. Link. ,'...' '".":., ,'" Mr.. Johnston moved that Mr. Foot-e beempo_~f,cr; tOllS"El':the,iporph 1"1oorssoraped at the Iirice of $20.00 ana to,as!f forbidsf'or1;he:paint... . ing 01' the :floors, said blllds to be in by- Thursd""i-' ,~r. Hill fleOon,ded ' the motion, whioh on roll Call, carried unanimousl,Yf "", ' . The Fire Chief agreed to have tllne tables andbir:noheS l'!tirl'GEt"ll:' ready ror removal to the pan lion as soon as the, work over' Wh9:t8 is' completed. ' Mr. Hill reported that the F.E.e. RYe re,PrElse~te.t;i'V'e.~"~hmson, I had advised ttJ.at their Company would fUrnishe"fOllr'OJ:-. :rive, OQS'o:r.J!O'ck ~~rs t~~r~e~~e O~o::i~;O~:e s::~;o~::e~l':~n~tt/:~~~~~~:~' :~Pt; I ~g;:r ~l:~d Mr. Byrd had agreed to have the Coun ty . Jt'$1ldie;S$1:S~~e i;:I!, j(. OJ Mr. Jones asked what salary lad been paid Mr. JohnSOIl. 'by the City when his wo:rlt cealJed on Deo~er'610th as Chier or Po;Lice. '1'haC~rk in- rormed him that salary lad 001: ;yet: been ~id" wbO;I\!,~'pon, Mr., J01\eJ,S nnved that Mr. .Johnson be paid fbrthe balance 01"' them.iDlm. of', DecemlJe1',in ' lieu or omitted vaoations during h:J,s ~e1'm of Cl1"fice. MX'.' Hill ~o(>nded the motion, whioh on rollo-all" earr1ed unanimously. .".,~",~' ",.'<_',c';' :H~i1I\'c':"}~}?~~',B::;Y;i,;1,,';;',,+,:, ',' ,t<~ Mr.. Johnsron lIDved 'that 'Che ~yor be approve:d by the Counci 1. carried unanimously. It 1'88 regularly mO\ted, seconded and oarried that the meeting adjourn to meet Thursday- morning for oonside1'ation at the: passage of a eo-mmitte.c;l appointments mac1e by the Mr.. Hill seoonded tIle motiOn, whioh ~ r l .........-.. ",' L r: " I I , '- '-, COUNCIL CHAMBER - December 24, 1934 liquor ordinanoe, payment of bills and other' items of' ourrent; business. ~ o;0C.' .,,"'uJ.:"..~-~". Ci y Clerk , APPROVED: , 0 ., &.~.ft.~ President or the Council. . , . .-....y.""<.,>"'.~...'.,,".~.~ 4V / i , .,......,..", ,.J , ! , I I I I \'?