01-03-33 Adjourned Regular , ~ COUNC IL CHAMBER .January 3rd, 1933. ,. The Council met in adjour~dregular seSsion at 7;30 P. M. All members of the Council .were present. Mr. .Jacobs offered the'following motion: That the Delray Beach News be and is hereby selected as the official organ of the City of Delray Beach foll the ensuing year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and unanimously carried. Mr. .John Grant requested that a. street light be. placed in the intersecti on of First Avenue and Second S1I1'.eet Northeast. On motion dUly nade, igecondedand carried this. matter was referred to the Light Oommittee. Mr. Diggans reported that he had investigated the condition of the sash and doars of the disposal plant in the City Park and the estimated costC)f repairing. same would be approximately $33.06. It was lllOved.byMr. Siniththatthis matter be referred to the Park tinct Sanitary qOminittees .with' power to act. The 'motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and carried. . A c " ;><ji[,-~(,~ The following moticn was offered by Mr. C;reg6; ,:!:,ha;ui';,{ the Clerk be author ized and inetr1.lCtEilli. t.o dl'Ei.w a'check for' .... ...... $250.00 on the Special ImprOV'enal1tFundto be turned over to the Recreation Club for the purpose of defraying a portion of the expense of building a new pI;l.vilion at the shUffle board courts in the Park. The motion was seconded by Mr. Foote and on roll call unanimously carried. Mr. Crego moved that theC;:lerk be authorized and in- structed to pay the note with inter0st of the American La- . France & Foami te Company amount ing to $1,938.57 out of the. Special Improvenant Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and on roll call unanimously carried. Mr. Smith reported that Andrews Street leading North from Atlantic Avenue a distance of approxillRtely five hundred feet was in bad condition and should be rocked. On motion duly made, secondedal1d carried the Stl'ElEl~Ool)lIl1i~tE:1e was instructed to investigate ttne cost of same and report. ' It was moved by Mr. Foote that a life guard be employed at the ocean beach beginning January 8th, 1932, at a salary of $50.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and unanimously carried. Applications for the posi ti on of life guard were read from the follOWing persons: Sherman Rhoden, C. W. Oliver, r.' l 27 ':j',,:, "';t-': ',;.:<; ,<,.,'.:;; , ":;i.::.>"; Council Chamber - .January 3rd, 1933. ~. .J. T. Ellingsworth and Laurence Zill. A ballot was then taken on the election of the guard with the following results: Sherman Rhoden three votes, Laurence Zill two votes. Mr. Rhoden having received the majority of the votes wast was declared elected life guard. Mr. Smith then read a resolution allocating the revenues received from the Water Department. The matter _ was discussed at length and laid over. Mr. Smith o.ffered the fOllowing motion: That the Clerk be authorized and ins truc ted to pay the Palm Beach Company for their bond and interest due .July 1st, 1933, the sum of approximately $1,562.~5. The motion was seconded by Mr. Crego and on roll call unanimously carried. The fOllowing motion was offered b1 Mr. im:tth: That Mrs. Frank A. Nicolls be paid the sum of '19.60 as an annual rental for her property on the bee,c,h to be used as a store room and garage for the Ci ty. The mot ion was seconded by Mr. Crego and unanimously carried. The matter of remOVing, send from the approach to the Lander property on Northeast Second Str,eet was ,on motion duly made, seconded and carried referred to the Street COmmi ttee wi th power to ac t. . Mr. Foote offered the follqwing motion: That the Clerk be authorized and instructed to pay the auditor, W. O. Winn, the sum of $50.0G for servi~es rendered the month of December, 1932. The motionVl'as secC;>Il.p-edby Mr. Smith and on roll call unanimously carried. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the Council adjourn. ... ~ c- APPROVED: ~r~ City lork. f~Al~>-V.~~A~ Presiden t ofOthec ,1. l 29: